Chapter 25 • Care

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Includes strong language.

I woke up see Dream cuddling me. He had his arm wrapped around me as my head was on his chest. I slowly looked up at him and lightly smiled. He was comfortable to lay on.

I rolled off of him slowly without waking him up. I shut his door quietly then made my way to the kitchen. The house was quiet. Sapnap must still be asleep. While in the kitchen, I felt the urge to make eggs.

I opened the fridge, took out the eggs then set them down on the counter. I searched for a proper pan and once I found it, I set it down on the burner. I grabbed the spray for the eggs then sprayed the pan enough. I switched on the burner then cracked the eggs.

While I was cooking the eggs, I had the urge to go on my phone but a phrase popped into my head that stopped me.

"Rule one: pay attention while you're cooking."

I listened to my own advice and payed attention. I flipped the eggs to the other side and they looked perfect; I smiled in pride. Once they were done, I laid them on the plate.

Then I had an idea.

I made my way back to Dream's room to see him still asleep. I set the plate next to him on the nightstand then kneeled down to him.

"Thank you for dealing with me..." I whispered with a light smile then went back to the kitchen to make myself some eggs.

I woke up to the smell of eggs. I shifted around in the bed to see myself alone. My eyes shot to the left to see a plate of eggs on my nightstand.

"Sapnap doesn't cook. Did George make these?" I thought while picking up the plate.

They were still warm. I took a bite of the eggs and smiled.

"He remembered to not burn them this time."

While eating my eggs, I scrolled through my phone on Instagram. I saw several edits of George and I. All the captions being happy that we're dating. I sighed then set my phone down. George suddenly came into my room and met my eyes while he held a plate of eggs of his own.

"Good, you're up. My cooking didn't go to waste."

I smiled while rolling my eyes. He sat down next to me and took a bite of the eggs.

"They taste great."

"Thanks." He smiled while keeping his eyes on the meal.

"You actually burnt the eggs the first time you tried making them here."

He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Had to ruin my confidence." He joked.

I laughed then looked back at my fork.

"So, what's the plan for today?" He looked at me.

"Well...I have some more business to attend to." I lied.

He sighed, gazing back at his food.


After we ate our eggs, he put on a hoodie over his shirt then left. I sighed then an idea formed in my head.

"I'm gonna go wake up Sapnap." I smiled then hopped out of Dream's bed.

I walked upstairs as quietly as I could. I saw Sapnap sleeping in his room. I giggled quietly then ran to his bed and jumped on him.

"Sapnap!!" I shrieked.

He gasped awake looking terrified. I bursted out laughing. Once he saw me, he sighed, holding his hand to his heart.

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