Chapter 28 • Twice

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Includes strong language.

I finally fell asleep at 3am after non-stop overthinking.


Lightning crashed outside my window, making me jolt awake in a gasp.

"God..." I mumbled while rubbing my eye.

I tried going back to sleep but more lightning kept crashing outside, making me jump every time.

My first instinct was to go to Dream's room but I knew he didn't wanna see me. He was probably asleep too. My second instinct was Sapnap but I'm pretty sure Olivia spent the night so I couldn't do that either.

I guess I had to handle it alone.

I covered myself up in the covers all the way up to my neck and turned my back away from the window. The rain began getting louder and I groaned as I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.

Sleeping was the only way to get rid of my thoughts about Dream. Now I was screwed.

I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand to see it was 6:30am. I got 3 1/2 hours of sleep.

The only thing I could think of doing is playing Minecraft. I dragged myself out of bed and sat down in my chair. I opened my laptop and loaded it up. The bright light immediately hit me as I groaned. I lowered the brightness then after a few moments of Minecraft loading, my title screen finally loaded.

My mouse hovered over "DNF Land" but I just decided to create a new world just for me since I've never done that before. I attached my headphones to my phone and blasted my music loudly to drown out the lightning.

The first song to come on was "Heatwaves" by Glass Animals.

After hearing the beginning notes, I already knew it was that song.

"Figures." I scoffed while shaking my head.

I skipped the song until I found one that didn't remind me of Dream. 12 songs later, I finally found one.

"I Kissed A Girl" by Katy Perry.

Once the chorus hit, my mind trailed off to Dream once again as I pondered on our kiss we shared last night.

"Ugh." I groaned then went to YouTube and found my favorite song in a playlist that luckily, didn't remind me of Dream.

I pressed on the loop button and blasted it louder in my ears. I sighed then began the new world.


I played Minecraft for 3 hours. I was so exhausted but the rain and lightning wouldn't stop. I grabbed my phone and saw it was 9am. I rolled my eyes as my stomach growled.

"I'm so hungry. Just make a quick run to the kitchen. What are the chances that you see him? He's probably still asleep." I thought.

I took off my headphones then slowly made my way to the door. I twisted the handle as quietly as I could then looked into the kitchen to see no one there. I sighed in relief then quickly walked to it. I grabbed some chips out of the pantry along with a bottle of water from the fridge. I hurried back to my room and shut the door. I then set my belongings down and continued playing Minecraft with my music on full blast.

I didn't go to bed at all last night. I've been up all night crying about George. I made it worse for myself by looking up quotes about loving someone who doesn't love you back. Maybe I did it on purpose, maybe I was doing it for some sort of closure but either way, it made me feel even more like shit.

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