Chapter 33 • After

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Includes strong language.

I opened my eyes slowly the morning after. I saw the sun shining through the sheer curtains. My eyes shot up to Dream. He was still asleep as he let out small snores.

I instantly smiled once I saw him.

Memories from last night flooded into my head. Last night was perfect. I loved everything about it. He was patient, sweet, and pleasured me in every way, more than anyone else has before. I couldn't take my eyes off of my Dream.

Since I wanted attention, I started placing little kisses on his jawline, hoping it'd wake him up. He woke up a few moments later and instantly smiled with his eyes shut.

"Morning." I giggled.

"Morning baby." He said in his raspy voice, "How'd you sleep?"

He opened his eyes slowly to meet mine.

"Best sleep I've had." I smiled, "What about you?"

"Same." He grinned and kissed me softly.

I kissed him back with a smile, feeling so at peace.

"So...last night," he started, "How was it?"

I couldn't help but blush hard with a genuine smile.

"It was the most perfect thing I've ever experienced, Dream."

He instantly grinned.

"Was I...okay?" I asked nervously.

"You were more than okay, Georgie." He smirked.

I laughed while looking away from him.

"You were...everything." He smiled at me with that lust in his eyes again, "Did you plan on us doing that last night or was it just in the heat of the moment?"

"Well..." I looked to my left awkwardly, "The double date may or may not have actually been my idea..."

He wheezed.

"Wait what??" A huge smile formed on his face as his eyes widened, "You planned to do it with me that night?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled awkwardly as I kept my smile, "I sort of...asked Sapnap to not be here on that night...a week ago..."

"A week ago??" He sat up as he wheezed harder.

"I—" I sighed while flustered as hell, "I don't know I just...I knew I was ready so I planned the double date for a week in advance and yeah..."

I grinned, looking away from him. He hovered over me with a huge smirk. I met his eyes then quickly looked away from him.

"Don't look at me like that..." I giggled.

"You planned for me to fuck you a week in advance, George. I'm weirdly turned on by that."

My cheeks heated up at my eyes widened. I instantly smiled widely.

"Well you can keep it in your pants today because I probably can't walk."

We both laughed then he climbed off the bed onto my side. He held out his hand with a smirk.

"Let's test that theory."

"Oh fuck off—" I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

"C'mon Georgie, you can't stay in bed all day." He grinned while squeezing his hand.

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