Chapter 47 • Defense

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Includes strong language and attempted suicide.

After George let out his cries, we didn't pressure him on the subject anymore. We distracted him with memes, Minecraft and other things we could think of. Sapnap and I yawned several times and George said we could sleep but we both didn't wanna have George be up with his thoughts, alone.

We convinced the nurse to let Sapnap stay the night as well, we knew George needed us both here tonight. As the cool nurse she was, she agreed to let him stay.

Sapnap couldn't help but fall asleep by 6am. I ended up falling asleep by accident by 8am.

I couldn't sleep at all. I was tired but my thoughts kept me up. Dream ended up falling asleep on my shoulder at 8am.

My eyes darted back and forth between them constantly as I looked up from my phone every minute to make sure nothing could hurt them.

That's when a good idea sparked in my brain. I knew exactly what we were gonna do today.

I decided to let them sleep a little bit since they would need to be well rested for my plans today. I finally gave in and woke them up at 1pm. Giving Sapnap 7 hours of sleep and Dream 5 hours. It was good enough since I really didn't wanna be in the hospital any longer.

I shook Dream awake and his eyes widened at me.

"Shit—are you okay??" He asked in his raspy voice.

"Yeah, you two were just taking forever to wake up. It's already 1pm. I wanna leave. I wanna do something."

"Okay." He stood up, rubbing his eye with a yawn.

He shook Sapnap awake by the shoulders. He woke up a few seconds later.

"Get up. George is blowing this joint."

"I thought the only thing he blows is you." He opened his eyes with a grin.


I bursted out laughing.

"What is wrong with you??" He smiled, "Get up you idiot."

Sapnap giggled then stood up with a stretch.

"Why'd you sleep on the floor?"

"I wasn't gonna sleep in a hard ass chair."

"So instead you slept on the hard ass floor?" He smiled while tilting his head.

"Shut up Mr. Boyfriend Privileges." He rolled his eyes.

"If the bed was big enough, you could have joined."

"Pfft—okay—we're leaving."

I giggled then Dream helped me out of bed. I grabbed my phone off of the table and slipped it into my pocket. We made our way to the front desk and signed the paperwork, releasing me.

We walked to the parking lot and hopped in the car. Sapnap hopped in the drivers seat while Dream sat in the passengers, and me in the back.

"I wanna go somewhere specific." I said, pulling up the map on my phone, "Connect my phone and pull up the GPS."

Sapnap grabbed my phone and hooked it up in the cord. The address appeared on the small screen. We buckled up.

"What is that place?"

"You'll see." I smiled, "It's gonna be great."

Dream smiled back at me then held my hand from the back. I blushed then kissed his hand, he giggled in reaction.

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