Chapter 76 • Worthy

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Includes strong language.

After George proposed to me, the two of us walked hand in hand through the forest. We talked about his sessions, Sapnap and whatever else we could think of, catching each other up on the past 6 months.

Once we both began to get tired, we climbed in my car and I drove us home.

When we arrived, the two of us exited the car and made our way inside. George immediately went into his room, swinging his hoodie over his head onto the bed. He pulled his white t-shirt down to cover his stomach.

I leaned against the wooden doorway while thinking.

We were engaged. Of course, this isn't the way I wanted it to happen, but I was still glad he did it. Because I knew this way, he'd stay here forever.

Then a thought occurred to me as I frowned.

"Did you propose because I said you had to prove yourself to me...?" I asked quietly.

George turned around as his eyebrows rose then he sighed.

"Yes and no..."

My eyebrows squished together. He walked closer to me.

"You told me that I'd never have to prove myself to you...but then you said I had to..." he started, "Dream, I'm willing to do anything to get us the way we were before..."

My eyes trailed down to his socks as I nodded.

"George, we're never gonna get back to the way we were before..."

He frowned while looking away from me.

"Do you really wanna marry me? Or do you wanna marry me just to prove something? Because, I don't wanna go through with this if—"

He grabbed my collar, pulling me in for a kiss. I froze then I shortly returned the kiss as my hands made the way to his waist to pull him closer to me. After a few moments, we split apart. He still held my collar while looking in my eyes.

"I'm yours, Clay...forever and always, whether you like it or not." He sadly smiled.

I huffed out a smile.

"I promise...I'll do whatever I can to make this work...I've..." he sighed, "I've always wanted to marry you, Dream. I wanted to marry you for the visa, I wanted to marry you because you were my best friend...and I still wanna marry you now because I know that we're meant for each other..."

I smiled lightly.

"The only future I see for myself is one with, tell me what you're thinking...yell at me, cry, just...tell me everything..."

My eyes trailed down to the curtains as I swallowed hard.

"Todays..." I sighed, "Todays been a long day..."

He nodded slowly with a frown, stepping back from me.

"Do you want me to give you space tonight?"

I lightly smiled, admiring how he was trying to respect my boundaries.

"No I...I sleep better knowing you're next to me."

George's lips curled up into a smile with a blush as he nodded. I opened my hand which he took immediately.

The two of us got ready for bed. Once we did, we laid down next to each other in my bed. I couldn't help but think of my mom again.

My eyes trailed to my closet as I clenched my jaw, swallowing hard. My eyebrows squished together in sadness then I felt George climb in bed next to me and squeeze my hand. I tilted my head to the left to see him frowning. I squeezed his hand back as I took a deep breath at my ceiling.

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