Chapter 65 • Safe

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Includes strong language.

Once we stepped inside, I could feel the same tension in the car. Dream kicked off his shoes near the front door then walked to his room, still without saying a word to me.

I swallowed hard as I slowly followed him. He opened his closet door and swung his hoodie off, letting it fall in the hamper.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, okay...?" I spoke quietly.

Dream sighed while adverting his eyes to me.

"I'm not mad that you hurt me, George. I'm mad because—" he shook his head.

"Why're you mad?"

"Because you still don't feel safe—" he blurted out.

I frowned.

"Hunters dead because of you, George. Do you not realize that??" He raised his voice.

My eyebrows squished together.

"Are you upset that he's gone?"

"No. I'm upset because you're the reason why he is." He snapped.

I clenched my jaw while glaring at him.

"I protected you." I spoke firmly.

"I didn't want you to—I didn't want that on your fucking conscious—"

"Well it is." I raised my voice, "You can't change that—"

He sighed angrily while shaking his head.

"Why the fuck can't you just let it go??"

"Like you have?? George you stole his fucking gun. The same gun that you shot him with—and you almost fucking killed a fan today—"

I rolled my eyes while clenching my jaw tighter.

"Well maybe he shouldn't have been fucking following us..." I mumbled while looking away from him.

"That's not the point, George. The point is that whoever you've become—" he motioned his hands, "Its not you."

I scoffed.

"Not me..." I shook my head, "So what? You want the old George back...? The one who was too weak to fight back in the rink...?? The one who froze when you got shot??"

Tears filled my eyes fast.

"The one who got PTSD...?? I don't like that George...!" I snapped with a hard glare.

"Well I do..."

"Let me guess why...because you like being the protector, right? Well guess what Clay, you didn't protect me."

His expression dropped as he swallowed hard, looking away from me. We stayed in silent for a minute until I spoke up.

"It's my gun...I'm keeping it—it helps me feel safe."

His eyes finally met mine. I saw there were tears in his.

"Funny...I thought I was the one who made you feel safe..." he spoke quietly.

I clenched my jaw then Dream walked to my room. I followed him as my eyebrows squished together. He pulled open my desk drawer and grabbed the list of things I love about him.

"You don't carry this around anymore..." he shook the paper as his voice trembled, "You don't—you—"

He sighed while looking down at it. I frowned while clenching my jaw tighter.

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