Chapter 77 • Why

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Includes strong language.

That night, Dream and I slept in his room together for the first time in a long time. I felt safe being embraced in his warmth and love.


I was watching a movie with Dream. I don't remember what movie it was exactly but I knew it had to be a comedy since he was wheezing several times, making me giggle.

Suddenly, the power got shut off. I gasped as I clinged to his arm.

"Don't worry, it's probably just a fuse or something. I'll go fix the box."

I didn't feel his arm anymore as I heard the front door open then shut. I held myself anxiously as I started to hear the floorboards creaking. I swallowed hard.

"Dream...?" I asked into the darkness but there was no reply, making my nerves skyrocket, "Dream don't mess with me..."

I heard floorboards creaking louder, the person coming closer to me. I quickly grabbed my phone off of the table, immediately turning on my flashlight so I could make sure everything was fine.

I shined my flashlight, scanning the room with it when I felt someone grab my throat. They slammed me down onto the couch cushion as I gasped. My flashlight flashed their face.

It was Hunter.

He smirked devilishly at me with widened eyes.


"George!" He yelled.

I gasped awake as I shot up.


I stumbled out of bed as fast as I could while tripping, trying desperately to find the light switch to turn on the lights. Once I stood up, I found the switch then turned on the lights quickly as my breathing picked up fast.

"Hey, it's okay. It was just a nightmare—" he stood up and came to me, holding my arms.

"I—I..." my voice trembled, "I—he—I thought—"

"Shhh, it's okay. I got you." He hugged me tightly.

My hands shook as I wrapped my arms around his waist, holding onto him desperately as my breathing got faster and heavier.

"I thought I was okay. I thought I was better. This is the second time I've dreamt of him since I've come back to Florida. Why the fuck am I dreaming of him still?? I thought I was fine—"

My thoughts got interrupted by Dream shaking my shoulders.

"George!" He yelled.

I realized I had tears falling down my cheeks.

"George...did you dream about...?" He stared with a worried look on his face.

"I...I..." my voice cracked, "I thought...I..."

I shut my eyes as more tears collapsed to the floor. My lip quivered as I shook my head, running my hands through my hair.

Dream immediately hugged me tightly while holding my head.

"Baby, I got you. It's okay, nothings gonna hurt you in here..." he spoke softly even though his voice was strained with worry.


"Don't talk, baby. Just breathe, take deep breaths with me, okay?" He held my cheeks while looking in my eyes.

Dream took deep breaths with me and I mirrored them as my hands shook. After a few minutes of that, my breathing slightly returned to normal.

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