Chapter 64 • Powerful

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Includes strong language.

The three of us ended up falling asleep in the fort. When I woke up, Sapnap had his arm wrapped around my shoulder while Dream was asleep on his left side.

I huffed out a smile then removed Sapnap's arm from me slowly without waking him up. I managed to escape the fort without making much noise. I immediately had to go pee.

After I did my business in the bathroom, a thought occurred to me.


I needed to talk to her and sort things out. She was Sapnap's girlfriend and my friend after all. And a little part of me did feel guilty for killing her last family member, even though he deserved it.

I walked back into the living room to see Sapnap cuddling with Dream now. Sapnap's arm was draped around his waist. I lightly chuckled at how Sapnap always had to be cuddling something in his sleep.

My phone was on the couch where I left it from last night. I grabbed it and scrolled through my contacts until I found Olivia's name. Then my eyes trailed up to the time.


"She should be up by now." I thought.

I sat down on the couch and took a deep breath. I hovered my fingers over my screen and began typing.

"Hey I'm sorry for" I started then sighed, deleting it.

"Hi Olivia, I hope you're doing okay" I rolled my eyes then deleted my sentence again.

I decided to go with the simpler thing.

Hi :/
Can we meet up?
I wanna tell u what happened between Hunter and I yesterday...

I sent the text then sighed nervously. I was surprised when she texted me back only a few seconds later.

I don't think that's a good idea...

I frowned and replied.

You deserve to know what happened :(
It was self defense I promise
I never would've done that to u on purpose

I know...
I've just been a curse to u all :(
I don't wanna cause anyone anymore pain...

You weren't the problem though :/
Can we meet up please?
I wanna make things right

She left me on read for a minute then replied back.


The rink?
Maybe in 10 minutes?


I sighed nervously then went to my room to grab a hoodie. I found a blue one and slipped it on. Shortly, I snuck out of the house without waking Dream and Sapnap up.

While walking down the street, I texted Dream telling him that I'd be at the roller skating rink making things right with Olivia.

After some time, I made it to the rink. I took a deep breath then pushed open the door. My eyes shot to Olivia sitting down at a table. She had no makeup on for once, she had bags under her eyes and she was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I frowned, feeling more guilt creep up. It didn't look like she slept at all last night. I slowly walked to her.

Once I made it to the table, I sat down across from her. Her eyes shot up to meet mine.

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