Chapter 53 • Tension

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Includes strong language and smut.

Wind blew through my hair as I walked through the forest, smiling at the trees. As I made my way farther, I could see Dream's back facing me. I walked to him with a bigger smile then placed my hand on his back. He turned around and once he did, he transformed into Hunter. I gasped then Hunter grabbed me by the throat and threw me down on the ground.

Once I hit the floor, I saw I was on the cold concrete of the grey room. My eyes trailed to the puddle of blood next to me. My heart dropped as my breathing picked up. I felt Hunter grab my throat tightly again as he slammed my head with brute force against the cold concrete.


I gasped awake as I shot up. I looked to my left quickly to see Dream fast asleep. I frowned as tears formed in my eyes. I shook my head then slowly stood up then left the room. I went to the living room and sat down on the couch while holding myself.

I shut my eyes as I started breathing heavily, holding myself tighter.

"He's safe in his room...he's safe in his room..." I kept repeating in my head.


I opened my eyes to see Bad standing across from me in the living room. He frowned as he walked closer to me.

"Are you okay?"

I wanted to say yes just so I didn't have another person worrying about me, but it was Bad. I didn't wanna lie to him.

"No..." I said quietly while lowering my head to my lap.

He sat down on the couch next to me.

"What's going on?"

I took a deep breath while raising my head.

"Did they tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Everything that's happened these past few months."

"No...I knew something happened but I didn't want to pressure you guys to tell me. I figured you would if you wanted me knowing."

I frowned at him as more guilt was placed on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry we haven't told you..."

"It's okay." He smiled, "Whatever it is, you guys are strong enough to handle it."

I lightly smiled then shut my eyes, leaning my head down.

"It's not good..." I said quietly.

"But everything will be, eventually. It always is."

I sighed while keeping my gaze on my lap.

"I just don't want anyone worrying about me anymore..." I mumbled.

"Well, people worry cause they love you." He smiled with a shrug, "I think it's pretty great to be loved."

I frowned then after a few moments of silence, I spoke.

"Dream had a stalker..." I said quietly as my jaw clenched.

His eyes widened as he frowned.

"He wanted Dream for himself and he wanted me out of the picture..." I shook my head as I kept my gaze at the floor, "He beat me up so badly...that I lost my memory..."

Bad immediately hugged me. I sighed then hugged him back.

"It took me what felt like forever to get it back and once I did, he went after Sapnap then...he kidnapped him and...then he shot Dream..." I said quietly, almost as a whisper.

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