Info before we start

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This is my first story, I'll do my best to stick with the right back at ya world. Since your a normal human, and meta knight is 8 inches (20 cm), if you're 5'3" he doesn't even reach your knee, that's why you get mistaken for a monster. Everything will be purely platonic. I'm asexual aromantic, and would not be able to write romance, so nothing like that will be happening, it will just be everyone slowly getting closer to you, (minus the villains), until eventually your just unofficially adopted by Meta Knight. You don't know what happened to the rest of humanity, because even Meta Knight has no clue what you're talking about. So expect some angst. (Retcon, apparently a lot of angst). My base height for you will be 5'3" so if you want to talk to anyone, assume you're crouching, laying, or sitting down. You can absolutely change the height, I just need a visual for mental reasons. You won't be crazy athletic for a human, but your size and average muscle mass does make you significantly stronger than the people in Cappy Town. Another reason why they'll be very wary of you. Don't expect much interaction with anyone but the main cast in the beginning. It's going to take a while before you two become close though. I update every week, but I may take longer sometimes. If I can think of anything else to mention, I will come back and edit this to include it.

New addition, I think I'll be going down a darker path. I want to open up more, and I may forget to add a TW before a chapter. So if your sensitive to any of the common TWs, I say be wary, or just don't read. Please tell me if I need to correct anything or add any TWs so I can improve in the future!

With that, I'll be seeing you in the first real chapter - 🐕

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