The Flower Plot

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I slowly fade to consciousness, I feel warm, and comfortable, taking in my surroundings, the smell is slightly sterile, I'm still in the hall outside the Ebrum's.

"How long was I out?" I look down, and see Kirby setting in my lap. He's passed out.

"Ah, your finally awake." I turn and see Meta Knight to my right, and immediately burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?"

"So, they caught you-" I giggle and gave to pause, "they caught you trying to cross the border huh?" I laugh a little more, he just sighs, and takes Kirby from my lap. I rub at my eyes, before properly looking at him. He looks the same as before, it's just that his cape was a little wrinkled.

"I apologize for falling asleep, I meant to wake up up after and hour, but it seems we surpassed that time."

"What time is it?"

"You feel asleep at 9:34 and woke up at 13:51." Right, so that's like, 1:51, and I'm just going to round so I was sleeping for about...

"Four and a half hours?" About... right? He just nods his head. "Oh, shoot! We should get back to the others!"

"Ah, they said it was okay, you are, clearly tired." He starts walking towards his room, holding Kirby, I decide to follow. "You answered the best you could as well. If you can't remember then we shouldn't push you."

"...Wish I could be more helpful."

"Your doing your best, and you told us more than we already knew, it was very helpful."

"By the way, how did you guys like... see, my memories?" He stays silent and keeps walking. I let him think, I doubt it's an easy explanation.

"It's complicated, and long, and not very important."

"Alright then." I stretch. "Where's Tiff and Tuff?"

"They are preparing to go to Whispy."

"Oh! Nice! You think I can go with them?"

"I see no issues with it." Kirby wakes up, and starts making small noises.

"I'll ask them if I can go with then."


"Takin' a hike to visit Whispy Woods was a cool idea!" Tuff and Tiff walk side by side, I follow behind, and Kirby takes the lead, happily walking along the trail.

"It'll be so nice to see him again!"

"Yeah, I've got a lot to update him on too." Tiff laughs.


"You're the one that's supposed to lead us through the woods to Whispy! You can't get distracted, okay?"

"Hey, take it easy on him. Bugs are cool. Plus, Kirby's like, two." I walk back to Kirby, looking at the little grasshopper he stopped for. Something about it looks off, like something is unnatural, but I don't get anymore time to look at it, because Kirby grabs my hand and starts walking again.


"Kirby, are you sure you're leading us the right way?"

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to take a more scenic route, would it?"

"Oh!" The kids jump, I excitedly look to the tree that spoke and smile. "We meet again my friends."

"Hi grandpa!" I wave and sit down so I look up to him.

"Whispy Woods!" Tuff seems aghast that we made it, and Kirby excitedly runs to Whispy to get some apples.

"I see Kirby still likes apples!" He smiles as his voice echos around us.

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