An Encounter

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You step in front of the group, ready to take whatever hit they throw at you, only for the pair to collapse.

"Foun' you, ya' monsta'!" DeDeDe gasps, panting and crawling. The group looks at him and his companion questioningly, before the two jump up, as if they hadn't just been on the brink of death.

"Are you kids responsible for hiding this thing? Meta Knight must be here to get it for us! Hah!" The snail, or Escargoon, point to the kids behind you and laughs. Not sure what to do you stand still. "While it's clear your a monster we'll be showing you mercy as the ever just ruler DeDeDe is!" Escargoon continues, before being interrupted by DeDeDe.

"Yeah! An' ya better be grateful to ya King! In return for this you'll be doing me a favor!" He says, yelling to the point it feels your ears may bleed. You've already been told DeDeDe is evil, and going from trying to kill you to asking for a favor is shifty. You look back to the group, Kirby looks oblivious as ever, the siblings look scared, angry, defensive, and Meta Knight just nods his head to you. You look back to DeDeDe and way the pros and cons. On one hand, you would be aloud to mingle around as you want, but you would owe DeDeDe a favor, on the other, you can run back to Whispy and hope DeDeDe doesn't burn the forest down looking for you. This favor can at most only impact a few people, where as the forest being destroyed in any capacity would affect hundreds. It's easiest to say yes for now.

"Just one favor?" You ask, needing to know the conditions of this. While they are evil, they don't seem to have the best foresight.

"Yep! Just one favor! And you can do anything you want!" He yells, before whispering, "unless it goes against me." Concerning, but not the worst deal, you can find a loop hole somewhere.

"I'll go for it then." You say, moving your position to be more relaxed, moving your hands to your pockets, but staying ready to move them if anything should go wrong.

"Great! Now follow us to Cappy Town!" Their demeanor switches on a dime, it's rubber. They leave the clearing, presumably to meet you there, before you hear Tiff yell at you.

"Y/N! Why would you say yes! He's just going to have you fight Kirby!" Tuff nods, showing he agrees, Kirby has a butterfly sitting on his head, not at all paying attention. You look to Meta Knight, seeing if he'll join the conversation. He just stares, so you attempt to defend yourself.
"Humans are good at finding loopholes, especially teenagers. Whatever he asks me to do, no matter how specific, I'll be acting like a genie." You say, turning from them, and beginning to walk back to the town, hear Tuff sigh behind you.

"Man, Meta Knight's mysterious enough, now we have to figure out Y/N too?" He says to his sister, as she begins to lead Kirby back to the path. You laugh a little, after all that there only concerned with getting to know you, or how difficult it will be.


"So, living situations." You bring up, you had a day, and had made yourself a bed back with Whispy like a hammock, but now you don't really have anywhere to stay. "I can make a shelter for now, but where it would be and how to get me a permanent place will be difficult." You say, looking to the king and his accomplice, as well as the now three knights of Cappy Town, Sword and Blade being new additions to your cast.

"Right, that is rather important." Sir Ebrum say, Tiff and Tuff's dad, with Lady Like, his wife, at his side. Your sat outside the castle walls, while the kings court tries to come to a solution. Tiff and Tuff stand behind a wall, listening in, Kirby is apparently back at his home, it's for the best he isn't here.

"How 'bout dis?" DeDeDe says, "You move over by dat dare Kirby, and some point or other we'll make a hut for ya?"

"That sounds nice, thank you for your gracious offer your highness," you say, and bow the best you can while sitting.

"Ha ha hah! See! Dat's how ya treat ya king!" DeDeDe laughs.

"Ya! Maybe you should take notes Meta Knight!" Escargoon shifts his sights to the three knights, only to look away as Meta Knight shifts to look back.

"Alright then!" Ebrum claps his hands together, "You can set up a temporary home, and tomorrow we'll all help with making you a more suitable place to live." Smiling at you, before looking at the horizon. "Oh my, you better get started Y/N! The sun will be setting soon!"

"Am I excused?" You ask, and everyone seems confused, you don't really say that to a situation like this, typically, you would just leave after being prompted with, "you'd better get started." They all shrugged it off, maybe you just messed up your words. Meta Knight kept it in the back of his head.

"Ya, go on." DeDeDe says, before going back to castle grounds. You get up, and run back to town, it isn't far, but you need to get started fast. To the people behind you, it was a few strides until you were at Kirby's.

"Poyo!" He looks out the window of his home, before running out to you and jumping around.

"Hey guy! I'm moving in next to ya!" You say, gathering any branches and leaves you can find.

"Now hold on!" A nasally voice calls out from the house. You look over and see a small yellow bird.

"Hey, I'm Y/N, I'm setting up a small shelter by here for the night. Do my best to keep the volume down." You say to him.
"Well I'm Tokori, and I live in this house, see!" He yells pointing you in the direction of the dome, "and I don't want you here!"
"I'm not getting a choice, this is where DeDeDe told me to set up camp, if you let me stay here tonight I'll try and get a different area tomorrow." You say to him, beginning to pick up more sticks, leaves, and rocks, leaning them against the tree, using the rocks as supports, and covering the sticks with leaves as insulation.
"Mhn... fine! But if anything happens tonight I'm running you out!" He says, before going back through the window of the house. You send Kirby in with him. You managed to set up you hut before it got to dark. Before you go in, you look at the night sky, and it's more beautiful than anything you saw back at home.


(Picture above, real location; Mauna Kae, Hawaii.)

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