Hard Work is Hard Work

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Back down with everyone else, you begin to help with construction. Moving timber and being travel for citizens and supply between the town and the build site. It wasn't hard for you, it really reminded of when you were a kid, and would go out with your friends and make small shelters with things you found. It was fun to see what would work. One time you tried to use toothpaste like glue, so it would stay together. The wood smelt minty and it didn't help keep it together, but it was still fun. It does seem to have payed off though, as you made a roofed area back with Whispy.

"Hey Y/N!" Someone yells to you, "Do you think you can help with holding the roof in place while we nail it in?" The say. You go over, it's no problem, it's this or forever need to deal with a leak. Then you start to think again, why are they helping you? They were terrified of you a few days ago, why help you?

You look to one of the cappies, and ask "Why are you guys being nice to me?" it came out worse than you wanted, and everyone paused to stare at you for a moment, before Bookem got the idea.
"Anyone the King doesn't like is our friend!" He says happily, before everyone returns to work. It seemed like a simple answer, but there were a few things to think about. Like how none of his citizens seem to like him, and his knights are clearly not fond of him, so why hasn't he been overthrown yet? Why didn't they just exile or exicute him? His right hand man is a coward, they had three or four of the strongest warriors from this planet on their side, and they have a mayor! They can clearly run themselves, so why not do it?

"Alright! Your free to move Y/N!" Mayor Len says, stepping down a latter, and back to the ground. You take a step back and looked at your new home.

It was a one roomed wood cabin, tall enough for you to stand Up straight in, but not much more, it has enough room for essentials and some extra space if you were smart. They had wired it so it had electricity. It only had one window on it's right wall, and you were planning on getting a curtain soon. It was nice, it was one of those windows you could push open and didn't have a screen, they gave you a planter box attached to it for you. They had also made you a twin sized mattress. Giant for them, enough to take up a sizable portion of your real estate, you may need to build a loft, give you more room to work with, but for now it works. Your going to make a clay furnace outside, so you can cook and boil things more easily, your going to have a garden against your left wall outside, you push the bed to the back left corner. They made you some floating shelves for more storage.

"Well, we hope you enjoy your time here." Someone behind you says before you hear them start to leave, voices become whispers, become nothing. You're left alone in a small, empty cot, with only your thoughts.

You just sit on your bed and think of home. Is my family okay? Are they looking for me? Is time the same here as there? How long was it until I woke up with Whispy? Can I get home? Does anyone miss me? Is life better now that I'm gone? How much happier is everyone without me? Is everyone okay? If I can go back should I? Would it hurt someone else to go back?

Tears begin to form in the corner of your eyes as the thoughts push in more. You're still a kid, in a new world that has magic and things you've never seen. And now you live far from any adult from this world, you could consider Tiff, Tuff, and Kirby your friends, but what if they see you as a threat? You're huge! And you made a deal with their evil king! Why would they ever trust you? Did they just build you this house so they could keep a better eye on you? To have leverage over you? You should just go back to Whispy. He's safe, he's nice. He won't hurt you.

What if he's annoyed of you too? What if you go back and he doesn't want you? Maybe you should just lock yourself in this cabin and starve. Life would be so much easier for everyone else. They wouldn't come check on me until I was dead, and I wouldn't need to worry about anyone talking me out of it. If I want to stop I could! I'd just start eating again!

Before you're thoughts can continue you hear a knock. You're still crying, sniffling.
You try stopping yourself, "Just a second!" You yell, you hope they don't notice your voice. You do your best, your eyes are definitely red, you'll look like a mess, but you can't not answer them. When you finally reach the door, you hesitate to open it. Maybe they changed their minds, they want you to leave, or to kill you. You stop your thoughts to keep yourself from crying. You open the door. Meta Knight stands on the other side, you can't find it in yourself to be shocked. He seems to be becoming a constant in your life.

"Hello Y/N." He says, looking up at you, you haven't squatted or sat, that would make it easier for him to see your eyes are red. "I was wondering if I could continue to talk to you now that you have time." He says gesturing to your finished home. You can't say no, you have no reason.

"Sure, sorry about the lack of a seating situation." You say, moving to let him in. He stares for a moment before walking in, and moving to the wall opposite of your bed. You close the door and look to him.

"It's no problem, your current situation is difficult, and I don't mind standing." He says, looking at you, his eyes shift from yellow, to green, and back to yellow.

"I keep seeing you do that, is it okay for me to ask what it is?" You say, sitting on your new mattress and leaning against the wall, pointing to his eyes. They go green again, before fading back to yellow.

"I'm afraid I prefer to keep that to myself."

"Alright then." Things immediately shift to silence. You drained yourself physically and emotionally during your time here and it's starting to catch up on you. And also you haven't had a lot of iron rich food the past few days. While it isn't the most comfortable position, you can feel yourself drifting to sleep against the wall, before Meta Knight coughs and catches your attention.

"I came here to ask you some more questions." He says, he has a habit of letting his eyes turn from yellow to green and back and forth. "One of which was, do you know where you're from? Your species?" He says. It's a simple question, and it seems fair enough.

"I'm a human, homosapien, from Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy, on a slow collision coarse with the galaxy Andromeda." You reply. You want to give him as much detail as possible so you can rest. The less questions he has the faster he'll leave.
"My apologies, but could you perhaps draw 'Earth' for me? I'm not familiar with the name."

"Can you get me some paper and pencils?"

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