Commander Vee

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"How was your trip to Whispy?"

"It was great! Look what I found!" I set a VHS player down. On top I've balanced some VHS tapes on top.

"That is..." his eyes are green, questioning me.

"Movies!" He and the other two watch me, I'm sat criss cross on the ground, trying to hook up the VHS player to their tv. "I don't know how they got here, but I'm not going to question it! Their old human movies, like Toy Story, The Truman Show, I think this ones the live action Scooby-Doo!" I finally plug it in, and start adjusting the tv to work with it.

"Anything's better than DeDeDe." Sword shrugs, and moves to see what I'm up to. He picks up one of the cases. "Saving Private Ryan?"

"Yeah, we can watch that one... actually, that may hit to close to home for you guys." I get it to go in sync, and now have a screen for selecting options, turning one of the dials lets me scroll and staying on it unmoving selects it. I move back, and lay out all the VHS tapes side by side, I remove the ones that might give them PTSD, then the ones that would traumatize them, then the ones they would judge me for. "Okay, pick from one of these."

"Why not one of the others?" Meta Knight picks up a VHS, and silently reads the title. I look at him and see he picked up the Cats movie.

"That is an objectively bad movie, I'm sparring you the embarrassment."

"This one?" Blade picks up another movie, I instantly take it from him.

"That is a porn." They stare at me silently. Guess they didn't expect me to know what porn was. But then I look to Meta Knight and see his eyes are orange, not green.

"What is 'porn'?" Meta Knight watches me and I fucking drop the VHS. How? How do they not know? Do I tell them? Because they will absolutely judge me, Meta Knight might just grab his metal boot and start beating me. This is not a good situation.

"(Mr.Rogers/Bob Ross/Bill Nye)!"

"Are you just avoiding this?"

"I'm begging you don't make me explain porn to grown men." Meta Knight watches me before nodding. "Please never make me." I will fucking cry if I have to explain. "I just grabbed all these on the way back and ran here." I didn't know what was what until I started really sorting them.

"Well, if there are things you don't want us to know, I recommend you choose what we watch." He gestures his hand to the VHS tapes, and moves to sit on his tiny box. The two knights look between us, before sitting down in front of the tv on the floor. I look through them, and finally decide on The Sandlot.

"This is a good one, watched it all the time when I was younger." I put it in, set everything up, and put it to play. We get about five minutes in when the door opens.

"Meta Knight!" We look back, Waddle Doo is in the door way, and seemingly very confused. "Uh, should I wait?" I pause the movie, and look back to him. Meta Knight motions for him to talk. "Right!" He stands at attention. "A princess is coming to the kingdom tomorrow!"

"Is she hot?"


"Sorry." I shrug to him. I mean, it's a fair question. "Just curious if DeDeDe's gonna run her down." His mood instantly changes. I think he was expecting for me to make a joke or something, not a legitimate thing to worry about. He rubs his face and turns back to Doo.

"I'm deeply sorry for her, please excuse her language. You may continue." I feel bad he had to apologize, but it's whatever, not a big deal.

"Don't worry about it, there are worse questions a kid could ask." Not sure what that means, but alright. "I don't have much else to say, just get ready for tomorrow. Have a good night."

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