Baby Bird

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"Y/N!" Okay, starting the day good, aren't we?

"Wassup?" I rub at my eyes and look to see Tiff and Tuff.

"Uh... do you like birds?" Wha?

"Yeah? I guess so? Why?"

"That's good to know, very good, so uhm, do you think you could help us save a baby bird?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, sure, I don't see why not."

"That bird happens to be the same size as us, is that okay?" I excitedly sit up, now fully awake.

"Wait, a baby bird as big as you? Maybe this is some off branch of Argentavis! Those things were massive! I thought they all went extinct but space is full of surprises! Where is it?"

"Uhm, it's called Dynablade, it's red, but it's also got greens and yellows and whites. A little blue. It's massive and it causes awful winds wherever it flys. Does that sound right?" Tiff continues to think on any other details.

"No, but it does sound like a Thunder Bird! Massive Eagles that had claws that could cut through the skies! The sound of there wings could cause earthquakes! And the simply soaring through the sky would cause turbulent winds, and even massive storms!" I toss my jacket on, and hop to get my shoes on. "How can I help?"

"DeDeDe's trying to steal the chick! We need you to stay here and be ready if he does get it, can you do that?"

"Of course!" I rush off to the throne room, because honestly, where else would DeDeDe go?


A lot of time has passed, nothing has happened here. I'm gonna wait until the kids come back and say otherwise, but I have to see that bird! A thing of legend? That massive bird just exists here? It's too cool to not look for!

I've just been chillin' behind this pillar, waiting for something to happen. Maybe I am in the wrong room. But then I hear some clashes and clattering to disprove that theory. I peak around the side and see a giant bird in a cage way to small for it. DeDeDe and Escargoon are also there, but that is to be expected.

"We done it!"

"Now watch my insta monster mix turn this birdy into a beast!" I rush in front of the cage, I stand between a giant gloved hand, holding a giant syringe filled with red liquid, and the cage the bird is in.

"Hold up! What are you doin?" I glare at the pair, Escargoon startled back, but DeDeDe only laughs.

"I'll use my new monster chick to finish off Kirby for good!" The weird hand things is rolling closer, so I start to push the cage away with my back.

"Why should I let you do that?" He pauses, before angrily yelling.

"I'm the king! Now get outta da way!"

"I don't have to do anything, unless, you wanna call in that favor." There's a silent stand off between us, before something bursts in from behind him. While they're distracted, I use my claws and break the lock, getting the bird out. Turning, I see what I can really only assume is that Thunder Bird we were talking about. "Whoa!" The bird rushes from beside me to the much larger, more mature bird, I guess that's the adult, and yeah, it's as big, if not bigger than Argentavis!

"These two stole your chick! And they were trying to turn it into a flyin' freak show!" Takorri flys near the giant bird, he's barely the size of its eye!

"We can explain!"

"But you ain't gonna listen, are chu?" It steps on DeDeDe and Escargoon. I see it has a giant jewel on its chest.

"Great job Kirby!"

"You did it!"

"Well, I'm sure glad this fiascos finished."

"Your not the only bird who's happy!"

"Tiff! You never told me how awesome this thing was! Do you see it's wing span? That thing managed to crash through bricks! Bricks Tiff! What is that thing made of? Will I get to see it again?" She laughs at my enthusiasm.

"I didn't know you would be so interested in a bird!" A smile is on her face, she does not understand the bed of worms she just made.

"Tiff, I will need to talk about this bird for hours, and it's either going to be to you or Meta Knight." She laughs and moves to the ledge with everyone else. We watch as it flys away, and I see it move trees with the strength of its gusts. That thing could totally kill me if it wanted.

We watch it go into the distance, it disappears very quickly. They leave, but I watch the horizon a time much longer than needed. I turn and see Meta Knight.

"Tiff said you needed to talk?"

"I have multiple issues, one has become my obsession with this bird." I point to the distance and he chuckles.

"Alright. I have a shift around the castle, I'm sure you can get it all out before ten." I follow him to his post, ready to start ranting about avians and legends to him.


Hello! I'm sorry for the shorter chapter, but I wasn't sure what to do with this episode, so I hope this is suitable, if you can think of anything for the next episode, the ninja one, don't hesitate to tell me! I need help with this series to make sure it's to everyone's liking. Thank you so much for your support!

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