Kirby Takes the Cake

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"Okay, you guys can plan that party and all that, but he's gonna get real sad if no one's around, and everyone keeps running from him. I'm not gonna tell him anything or snitch or whatever, but I'm not just gonna let him be isolated for the day, alright?" I stand with my arms crossed, looking at the Cappies.

"Yeah... I... I didn't even think about that. He is pretty clingy, he won't do well with everyone avoiding him." Tiff nods, an embarrassed look on her face, as she had not thought of that.

"Not a big deal. You're doing something nice for him, sorta hard to remember the right now when all you're doing is planning for the future." I nod a bit, before waving, and walking off. Just in time, too, as Kirby starts running up to town. I easily scoop him up, and carry him away in my arms. "Hey there buddy! What're you up to?" I smile at him, messing with his head the way you might ruffle someone's hair.

"Poyo!" He happily responds, squirming around in my arms and smiling. "Poyo, poyo poyo!" He continues on, and I smile, nodding along side his 'words' as if they mean anything.

"Hey, would you wanna help me out with some things today? Well come back to town at the end of the day and you can tell all your friends about your day. How's that sound?" His eyes light up more than they already had, and he cheers happily.

"Poyo!" He cheers enthusiastically, and wriggles and moves about in my grasp even more, making it a bit harder to keep my grasp on him. I awkwardly chuckle, and move around a bit, readjusting my grip on him. "Awesome, little man. How 'bout we go to uh... How bout we just find a clearing, huh? You use all sorts of crazy abilities, so today, you get to be my teacher. How's that sound? I've been meaning to get better with that fire power I've got." I chuckle a bit at my unintentional joke, and Kirby continues to be just as enthusiastic as ever.

The walk lasts a while, maybe ten to fifteen minutes, of which, I allow Kirby to babble, and wander around a bit, never to far out of my sight. Occasionally I respond, or point out something I think might be cool to him, and he smiles brightly the whole time.

Eventually, we find our way to a clearing of short grass, and it's not dry, which is great for us. "Alright Kirby, how should I start?" I look to him, and he barely pays me any mind, happily chasing a butterfly in circles. I laugh a bit again, watching for a moment, before choosing to actually act on what I came out here to do. I sit down, making sure to keep Kirby in my line of sight, and focus on just trying to make my hands warmer, at the very least. I tend to use this fire magic a lot unintentionally, so doing it on purpose shouldn't be to hard, right?

"Poyo!" My body jerks, and I nearly fall over as Kirby crashes into me, showing of an extra smooth pebble. "Oh! Dude that's awesome! Where did you get this?" I smile, holding the small rock, and running my thumb over it a bit, admiring how smooth it is. Kirby goes off on a little tirade, happily going on in a string of 'poyo's about what happened, and I nod along. I only half pay attention, only hoarding him on to keep 'talking' when he pauses for my input, which he happily does. The other half of my focus is trying to figure out how my fire magic works.

My first assumption is that it's probably emotion based, and so, try to come up with something that would be intense enough to ignite something. Thinking about things I like and enjoy, then, when that doesn't work, things I hate, and after that, moving to grief, though, not enough to cry in front of Kirby, and so on. Our whole evening goes on like this, with my trying different things in order to understand and get this fire magic working when I want it to, and when I'm paying attention, while Kirby plays around in the field, interacting with animals, finding fun objects like feathers, rocks, leaves, a few cool bugs, things like that.

Before the sun goes down, I manage to get a bit of a flicker at my finger tips, focusing on it, I manage a small flame, like a lighter of a candle. I huff at the small amount, but it's better than nothing. Eventually, I let it fade out, standing up, and stretching. "Well Kirbs, you ready to go back to town?" He happily jumps up and down, before running off ahead of me. I keep up the best I can, laughing some as we run along, occasionally herding him in the right direction back to town so we don't get lost. I have an assortment of the cool objects Kirby found in my pocket, running slightly awkwardly as I try to ensure none of them fall out as I run, but over all, it's just a fun small little race that I let Kirby win.

"W- Wow man." I pant a bit, and chuckle. "You're faster than you look! Good job!" He excitedly grabs my hand, and drags me into town, giddy to go and show Tiff and the others his cool new trinkets, and play with his friends. Just as Kirby pulls us into town square, the place lights up, party poppers go off, and everyone speaks at once, (more like yells).

"Happy anniversary Kirby!" A chorus of happy cheers greets him, and he pauses, looking up in astonishment of all the pretty colors and lights, before happily bouncing around, and running off to Tiff. I smile, and let him go off on his own, electing to instead sit by one of the buildings and watch.

Pretty much everyone in town, plus, the woodland friends he has, are here, as well as an assortment of food, and a handful of presents for him. I watch as they guide him over to something that almost seems like a new years ball or something, as he pulls on the line attached to it. Confetti and a banner fall as it opens, like a piñata without the candy, and he happily cheers, along with the others.

The joy only lasts a moment, before DeDeDe drives in with Escargoon in tow, the lights on their car somehow brighter than the party lights, and blinding everyone before they shut off.

"I told ya'll I'd bring a present!" He proclaims, with no further explanation, as his car opens up, and a massive gift, that shouldn't, in all reality, have fit in his car, is brought out. Kirby is the only one aside from the two party crashes who seems excited by this.

"Pull that ribbon, you're in for a sweet surprise Kirby!" Escargoon goads him, and I nervously stand, moving closer, ready to try and help if anything goes wrong. Instead though, it opens to reveal a massive cake, decorated with whole melons on it. Any tension that was in the crowd dies, as we all relax in a collective sigh of relief, people happily chattering about the cake, and, looking to the pair who brought it, it seems they're genuinely happy with the reaction.

So, when a bomb throwing man bursts out of the top, even they look surprised. The party instantly becomes a mess as people flee, the bomber with no specific target in mind, throwing them all around. Tiff is quick to take a leadership role, and directs Kirby to inhale the bomb, which he does.

"What form is that Meta Knight?" Tuff asks, just as I come up to the group, and Meta Knight jumps down out of no where to provide exposition. I suppose we're all just so used to him filling us that at this point, we just expect him to be there. And Tuff was right.

"He is now, bomb Kirby." Meta Knight gives it some dramatic flare, and I sit down once again.

"Oh no! He's a domestic terrorist now! Where did we go so wrong!~" I tease jokingly, to which Meta Knight is quick to respond with a quick.

"Shut-" and nothing else. I have enough sense to know he isn't being mean, and stay quiet regardless. Tiff and Tuff quickly but in, questioning at the same time.

"Bomb Kirby??" This fight only lasts a few seconds, surprisingly, the enemy not having been able to handle any sort of retaliation, on top of Kirby having gotten better at fighting. I hear Meta Knight speak softly to himself, and turn to look at him.

"Kirby, you have indeed grown in many ways this year. I cannot wait to see the changes next year will bring." His eyes are a soft blue as he looks up at Kirby, who stands proudly after winning. I want to tease Meta Knight about Kirby being his son, but decide not to ruin the mood with it.

Tiff moves to hug Kirby, and gives him a quick, sincere thank you, about how much they all love and appreciate him, and the night proceeds without another hitch. A sweet moment in the town's crazy life.


I'm sorry for making you all wait for so long, a member of my family overdosed on fentanyl, and I turned 18, so it's been a bit hectic lmao, I hope this chapter makes up for the break, stay safe out there -🐕

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