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"Alright!" You lay stomach down surrounded by papers and drawing materials. Meta Knight came back with Tiff, Tuff, Kirby, and the kids you saw them playing with before. You learned their names are Spikehead, Iro, and Honey. The kids told Meta Knight he could use their supplies if they got to come over and draw too. He agreed, it doesn't make the situation worse or better, so there's no reason to decline. Kirby was on your bed, using a pink crayon to scribble on his paper. Tuff was using an assortment of different colors to draw him and the others playing catch. Tiff was working on a piece of underwater art, with fish and coral of all colors. Honey was making a field of purple and yellow flowers, Iro was drawing an action figure, and Spikehead was working on making King DeDeDe and Escargoon crying and leaving the town.

Meta Knight was sat across from you, staring intensely at your paper. You're using a blue pencil, and green crayon to draw the planet off memory, it isn't the best. But it's a decent representation. He seems thrown off by it, and asks you to draw the Milky Way. You have this less memorized, but still do your best to make the blue spiral and cream center. And use white paint to make dots for stars where they look appropriate. This seems to only further his confusion, as his eyes go green once again, and he goes silent. You stare at him, waiting for input, before deciding to move on, and try to paint a black hole with a sheet of black paper. You make the oranges edges before Meta Knight finally speaks up.

"That's impossible." He says quietly, the others don't seem to notice, but you heard him loud and clear.

"Why?" You ask. Is it far? Is it this planet, are you from a different dimension? What could have him seemingly so distraught?

"That's Shiver Star." He states, pointing to your picture of Earth. "It has been completely frozen over for years." You sit still in shock, unable to do anything but stare. "Let's step outside." He says simply, standing. You felt empty, you follow him like a drone out the hut. You don't know how he opened the door or if you did, but when he closes it you find yourself sitting and leaning against what may now be your permanent home.

"How far are we?" You ask quietly, staring blankly at the sky.

"Only a few galaxies over, but I don't see the point in bringing you back there now. Even if there was reason to we couldn't. We have no transportation." He says, you look down at him and see his eyes have shifted to a gray color, almost metallic. You look back up, and there's a pregnant pause between you. You think of all the things you would've done, would've said if you knew. Your last words to your family are good night I love you. Did they know how much you meant it? What you would've said if you knew it would be your last talk to them.

Your life was messy, sure, your whole family needed help. Getting rid of them, without any of the issues being resolved feels, empty, unjust, wrong. So much about this feels wrong. You can't stop yourself from breaking down. You don't want to cry, not in front of someone who tried to kill you. You wanted your parents, your cousins, aunts, uncles, siblings, friends, anyone you knew to comfort you. But no one came. You wanted to wake up and realize it was all some stupid nightmare, to get up and hug your parents, never leave their sides again. But you can't, so you cry.

There's a long moment before Meta Knight attempts to comfort you. All he manages is getting his hand on your knee, before you pull away from him. He waits another beat before speaking up again.

"I'm truly sorry for you." He says trying to comfort you. It didn't help. Your planet has died. Any culture on your planet has died, outside of you. Any plants from your world are gone. Possibly any aquaculture. And there's no way you're ever seeing your family again. You can only spread so much knowledge. You can only tell what you know, and what you know isn't enough. Sure you googled things and went down rabbit holes, listened to true crime, knew a decent amount of history, but not specific people, or dates. Your pretty much extinct, and there's nothing you can do about it.

"So we can't do anything. I only know so much. And now I have no adults! No specialties of my people! And we've never been considered or thought of until now! With me! And I'm not even a good example of out culture!" You yell out angrily. You can only vent to the wind. Wait until you die. Or maybe tell them what little knowledge you have before killing yourself. This outburst surprised Meta Knight. He knew you would be upset that you couldn't go home, but he didn't think you would jump to an existential crisis. You were right. You were the last of your species, and could only tell them so much.

"I'm sorry." It's all he can think to say. What else can he? You don't want him to touch you, he can't tell you he's felt the same way, and he certainly can't tell you it will be okay. He's never been good with people. But he knows he shouldn't leave a kid outside to grieve the loss of their species, world, family. At the same time he knows he should get someone else. Sir Ebrum and Lady Like. Any parents from the town. Even Escargoon would be better than him at this. At least he would be confident with what he said.

"Well." You speak up, your cries have quieted down. "I'm coping with this through jokes. Help me come up with some." You say looking up to Meta Knight.

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