The Scarriest Thing

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"Spook out?" I look down at the adults.

"It's an annual fest we do, where all the kids walk through the forest on a trail we adults made, and scare all you kids!" I look excitedly down at them and clasp my hands together.

"You mean like a haunted house? Oh that's so fun!" I excitedly bounce. "This reminds me of Halloween! Oh! And I can tell scary stories! And put on a costume!" I gasp a little. "How much time do I have?"

"It's tonight, so I don't think-"

"Thank you so much! I'll definitely be there!" I excitedly stand and run off back to my house. "Oh! I could talk about so much! I can talk about humanity's uncanny valley! I could tell them about cryptids and folk lore! I could tell them about Krampus and all the horrible monsters humanity has come up with!"

"I would not advise you do that." I turn around and see Meta Knight. "Yabui seemed... less than well when you spoke of real facets of your life, I'm not sure how well the citizens would do with stories designed specifically to scare." I groan a little.

"Oh, come on!" I didn't even make it that far through the town, just to the end of the street. "They're going to be scarring all the kids! It's just a taste of their own medicine!" I laugh a little, but he doesn't move, there's no change of 'expression', or even the slightest bit of hesitance in his voice.

"No." He says decisively, and I groan again, crossing my arms and looking off to the side. "Lame." I mutter to myself, before looking back to all of the adults. "What if I ask them, and they say yes?"

"They are to uninformed about the situation to properly understand what they would be agreeing to."

"They're adults! They can consent!"

"They don't know how your world works, and it would horrify them. My job is to look out for public safety, and physiological damage falls under that category." I huff a little, but nod regardless.

"Fine." I grumble. I sit down so I don't have to crane my head down as I speak to him. "Am I still allowed to go the event then? They have- like- a haunted house planned, am I allowed to walk through that?" He thinks for a moment, his eyes going green, before nodding.

"I suppose so, just, do not do anything with the direct intent to scare them." I nod a little, before smiling.

"Thanks!" I stand up and run off to go find the other kids, laughing to myself in excitement.

I spend the day hyping myself up, getting excited and talking with the children about how it's supposed to work. Apparently they haven't done it either, and this will be their first time. I feel a little bad, I was planning on going through with them, until the teenagers come up to me.

"Would you wanna walk through with us?" I light up, and do my best not to bounce on my toes.

"Hell yeah!" My voice is a little to excited, but they don't seem to mind.

"So, rumor has it you have 'horror stories'?" One of them ask, while we walk to the edge of the forest.

"Oh, Meta Knight says I'm not allowed to-"

"Screw your dad! You can do what you want! You're almost an adult!" They say excitedly, and I pause looking down at them, frowning a little.

"Okay, first of all, He's a very responsible individual, I trust his judgement, if he says it's a bad idea, it probably is, secondly, he's not my dad, if anything he's like, my parol officer." I look at them, with an odd feeling of confusion and... something else I can't place.

"Please!" One of them scoffs. "He looks after you, he gives you advise, he provides for you, and he's trying to make decisions for you. What is that if not your dad!" I scoff back, putting my hands on my hips as I walk with them.

"If you have to say he's related to me, then put him as like, the weird estranged uncle I have to spend the summer with or something." They laugh at this, and as we get closer to the adults, one of them asks out loud.

"Alright, show of hands, who thinks Meta Knight adopted Y/N as Kirby's sister." Literally everyone there raises their hands, minus Gus, thank God, and stares at us. Thank the Lord the kids aren't here, that would be a mess.

"First of all." I start with a more stern tone. "Kirby is not Meta Knight's son, by his own word, they are mentor and student, and nothing else. Secondly, I don't need a new 'father figure' or whatever. I have my family, and they passed, so." I cross my arms, and they all look at each other, the other teens laugh, and Mayor Len speaks aloud to me.

"Sorry, it's just, he seems to have taken you and Kirby under his wing, metaphorically speaking, and with how often you spend time with either one of them, often defending Kirby, we just assumed-"

"Tiff defends Kirby, you aren't saying the Ebrums adopted him!" I glare down a little, and Len crosses his arms.

"Now see here, you will speak with respect when you talk to an adult." He scolds me, like I'm still in Kindergarten.

"Pft- Puh-lease, I dealt with that idea in my family enough, I don't need to take it from a species I could cripple with fictional stories, let alone real ones." My words are angry, and my tone is aggressively disrespectful, I don't usually talk like this, I don't like being rude, but something about this just has me... indiscriminately angry.

"Y/N." I turn, and see Meta Knight, who walked the kids here. "Change your attitude right now." His eyes are squinting, presumably glaring at me. Part of me wants to fight back, another is upset that I acted like this at all, and another still wants to just punt him and storm off. I relent, sighing, pulling my hood over my head, looking down at Len.

"I am very sorry for my tone, and will calm down. Better?" I look back at Meta Knight, who nods, and walks off into the woods. As soon as he's gone, the other teens are laughing at me.

"Did you just get grounded?"

"Oh my God he is your dad!"

"There's no way that just happened!" They keep laughing, I glare down at them, before scoffing, and walking off, back to my house.

"I have freedoms, I have rights, Meta Knight can't tell me what to do." I go to my little cabin, and look at the car parked next to it. I get into the drivers seat, but I don't turn the car on, instead I rest my head on the steering wheel and groan. "Stupid ass planet, full of idiot adults, Tiff's smarter than all of them combined, why should I have to talk to them with respect when I talk to Tiff like an equal? Just because they lived longer? That's fuckin' stupid, I fuckin' hate this place." I groan again, considering starting the car, over and over and over again, before I sigh, getting out and going into the cabin, slamming the door behind me, and collapsing on my loft as soon as I get the chance. "I fuckin' hate myself... why the Hell did I act like that?"

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