Cold Relations

372 8 11

TW: talks of abuse


"Snow!" I look out the window. All the Knights are watching me, they have a break so why not play cards? I stick my hand out the window, some snow lands and burns me. "Ow! Fuck!" I pul my hand back and shake it. "Okay, I'm stuck inside, got it."

"Did it burn you?" Meta Knight moves to look at me, he's still in the game. I lost fast because of a bad hand.

"Yeah, and it's really pissing me off!" I punch the wall in frustration, and cause the brick to crack in multiple spots. "Oh, shit." My band doesn't even hurt. Fuck I'm strong.

"Language." Meta Knight moves next to me to see the damage.

"English." Force of habit.


"What?" I look down at him, it takes me a second to process. "Oh, yeah, sorry." I shrug at him. He stares at the wall, I back up and Sword and Blade take my place. Things got very tense very fast. Fix the problem, solve the tension. "You think I could bend a sword?" Legit metal, like, that would be the coolest ducking thing! Sword and Blade look back at me, but Meta Knight traces his hand on the wall.

"You can try." Sword shrugs, but he doesn't offer up a sword, so I'm left standing as they turn back to the cracks.

"Y/N, what's your last name?" FUCK. Why does Meta Knight want my last name? Fucking say my whole name to me like I'm six. Fuck you!

"No." Not a good response. He doesn't pay it mind.

"What are your parents last name?"

"Why do you want to know?" I watch him, continuing to trace the cracks, one travels from the floor to the roof... how did I do that? "It's L/N." I continue to watch him. He stays silent, and honestly it makes me feel awful. "Please give me a reason. I'm having a panic attack because I feel like your disappointed. Do I need to punch it harder?"

"I'm not disappointed, or mad. I'm just curious, curious how you did this, and why it didn't hurt you."

"Do you want it to?" I instantly get ready to punch the wall again.

"Y/N L/N, stop." Fuck that's so much more intimidating. I hate that I've been practically trained to hate hearing my full name. Does he know that? Maybe if I don't react he won't know. Things stay silent, and for a long while, I stand fidgeting, waiting for a punishment, or to be given something to do. "Why did you stop talking." FUCK.

"You told me to." I nervously watch him. Don't use my full name again. Please? He watches me, his eyes go green.

"What about this is bothering you?" He watches me, and I stare him, waiting for an escape. A reason to avoid, a way to make him forget, it doesn't come. This will be annoying later. I just shrug to him. "I understand you have problems explaining how you feel, but I need you to tell me." His eyes stay green as he watches me.

"I need you to understand I don't know how I feel." I respond, hopping it'll end the conversation. His eyes linger on me a moment, before the flick to a pink color before going yellow again.

"Well then Y/N L/N, let's try and figure out how you did this." He pats the wall and he watches me flinch at my full name. He knows. How long can he hold this against me? Will he even want to? He's an honor based guy, right? He wouldn't use this against me... right?

"Yep! Let's see if I can bend metal!" I start looking around the room, and grab a metal tray, the kind in cafeterias in movies. "Found something!" I turn back and see them all silently watching me. Fucking okay? Speak motherfucker you won't! This is giving me presentation anxiety.

"Y/N?" Sword again, if those two are noticing that means I made it to obvious. But how could I make it less obvious? "Why do you go quiet to your last name?" They watch me, I clutch the tray tighter, I need a distraction.

"Oh, hey!" I hold out the tray to them, "I can bend metal!" Where I gripped there's indents around my fingers. They continue to watch me, waiting for an answer. I look around hoping for one of the kids to run in or Escargoon or something, but nothing come. "Well, you know, when your parents call your full name it usually isn't good, I'd apply the same logic to a knight... right?" They watch me. Then Meta Knight speaks again.

"Does it scare you?"


"Does it scare you when I say your full name? You've never had military experience, so you shouldn't be used to it being used. If anything it should be unfamiliar." So they don't do that. "You claimed when your parents did it, it wouldn't mean anything good. Y/N," here it comes, "did your parents hurt you?"

"No! No! Never! They never hurt me! It's just when I'd get in trouble they call my full name, and grab my wrist. The. They'd start the fireplace and I'd have to sit in front of it!" Why did that make his eyes go gray? Why are they staying silent? Why are they still staring?

"Y/N, that is hurting you."

"It's not though! They never hit me, or threw me, or tried to drown me!"

"Abuse doesn't have to be physical." I freeze.

"I wasn't abused." Why would they accuse my family of abuse? They never did! They love me they wouldn't!

"Sit down." Meta Knight's eyes are red. I haven't seen them like that before. All I know is bright red means stop, especially with natural things. So I sit, and I wait. What made him angry? Did I do something wrong? His voice was stern, almost angry. I've never seen him angry though, not even when I used to kick him or hit him to get away.

He turns away from me and takes a few step, the other two watch him a moment before he takes his mask off, and they turn away. "Why'd you look away?"

"He don' like 'is 'ace." Blade whispers back, and immediately tells me this isn't a good thing. Though, I could sorta figure that out on my own. The longer he stays silent the more I can feel my stomachs drop. He moves his hand to rub his face, then puts his mask back on and turns around. I wish I hadn't sat down.

Being closer to eye level as he walks towards me, a bright red color to his eyes , cape following behind him as his sword is clear to see in its hilt. This is where I die. I did something wrong and I don't know what to do. He moves his hand towards me, and I flinch back. Why? I've never been hit before, why did I flinch? Why did that make his eyes go gray?

I watch him freeze. His eyes go from gray, to green, back to gray, then white. They finally land on gray, not changing, and he speaks again. "You have been hurt. Why, I'm not sure, but I won't add to it." Was he going to hit me?

"What did I do wrong?" I didn't mean to ask him, I didn't mean for him to hear me, but he had.

"You did nothing wrong. It seems your world is... unjustly cruel." I look at him, I can feel my eyes start to water, before I lay against the floor, rub at my face, and stop them.

"If my world is cruel I am too." They don't speak. "My species died off, all of us except for me. And I'll die just like them. And it won't matter, because it didn't before."

"Stop!" I freeze, he yelled... like, aggressively. I don't even want to sit up and look.

"Sorry..." it's all I can say. Well, it's more like a mumble. What about that made him so... mad? The silence is killing me. I feel a chill in my bones. I can hear the snow pounding down outside. There's no where I can go.

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