Initial Chaos

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Y/N P.O.V.
"Ugh." You slowly force open your eyes, "It's too bright for a Saturday" you say. As you wipe the sleep from your eyes you slowly start to panic. This, isn't your room, this isn't anywhere you recognize. You sit up, trying to calm yourself by looking for any form of familiarity, but the more you search, the more frantic you become. You were not in a forest. You were no where near a forest! You were at home, you just said good night to your family, you where about to have your quinceanera, you were excited! Your dad had just retired from being a fire fighter, and mom had finally used some of her vacation days to have the week off. (If you have any siblings) You had all just started winter break! You were supposed to be home celebrating with your family, being happy, playing games! Not in this stupid forest! How did you even get here? You were a light sleeper, did someone kidnap you? Did you sleep walk? No, no, you've never sleep walked before, and if you did I doubt you would get this far without waking up. Oh geez, what if you're a missing 411 case? Is your family looking for you? They must be worried. Should you stay here and wait for rescue teams? There's no sources of water here though. "Maybe I should go explore the area." you think. Finally standing, you see that all of these trees are very... small. But they're sized to look like grown trees, not saplings, they have apples though, so that's what you need to know for now. No moss grows on them, so no clue where north is. You walk up to one of the trees, you notice it's got a pattern like a face. To try and keep yourself sane and talking, you start talking to a tree. You're so sane right now.

"Hello sir!" You say chipperly, " would you mind if I take a few of your apples kind sir?"

"Of course not! I wouldn't want my new guest to starve!" The tree responds. You were not expecting that and immediately back into a different tree horrified. "Oh! I'm sorry, I never introduced myself!" The tree says, still no response from you. "My name is Whispy Wood, and these are my woods! You're welcome to stay as long as you need ma'am!" He says cheerfully.
"Um... thanks?" You say slowly, moving away from the tree you had backed into. Whispy drops a few apples to the ground for you.

"Say, I've never seen you around here before, what's your name?" Whispy asks.
"I'm..." You hesitate, this is a strange talking tree, in a forest you've never seen, full of miniature trees. Did you take too many antidepressants this morning? Like, this shouldn't be happening. "I'm Y/N, thanks for asking." You find yourself saying. Not sure if that was the best choice, but he has been helpful so far, and he's also pretty nice, like a grandpa. "Hey, do you know a way out of here? To a town? You're nice and all, but I didn't get here on my own, I don't think I'm supposed to be here." Whispy looks at you sadly, be fore saying. "There's a path, very worn down, it's a path that leads right to Cappy town, but come back and visit me when you can please? It gets lonely out here." He says with a smile. "Of coarse! Thank you so much! I'll be back in a week! Two weeks tops! I promise!" You say excitedly, before veering off to find the path, and make your way to "Cappy Town". "Wonder where I am, like still my state or did I somehow clip the map into Ohio, it would explain why everything's so weird." You chuckle to yourself. This is a very scenic route, lots of animals and trees, flowers every now and then, and it's pretty sunny out, so you shouldn't have to worry about sheltering. You take a bite out of one of the apples Whispy gave you, it's very crisp, and surprisingly sweet. Definitely not a Braeburn. You hear some rustling to the right, expecting to see like, a deer or something. But you don't see anything. You check the trees and see a pair of glowing green eyes, you dash down the path, startled and scared, by what you assume to be a predatory animal. Man, is this what Alice felt like in Wonderland?
As you continue to sprint down the path you see an opening. "That must be Cappy Town!" You think to yourself, praising whatever diety rules this place.

Meta Knight's P.O.V.
The King is up to something. He's been quiet for to long, I'm checking the forest, he tends to hide most of his monsters here. I've already checked the palace, and it's quite there too. As I was making my way through the trees, I hear foot steps and stop. They're far to heavy to be citizen's, it must be DeDeDe's monster! I sit and wait for it to pass, we'll need an advantage against whatever monster he sends Kirby's way. As it passes I realize it's no monster I've ever seen or heard of. It's tall, not as tall as most monsters, but certainly big. I don't get long to look at it before a branch I'm holding snaps, I don't think much of it, it was quiet, and I'm far from the path. But when I look back, the monster is staring at me with wide eyes, it looks like it's ready to fight. Before I get the chance to draw my sword, it turns tail, and makes it's way to Cappy Town. I attempt to keep up, getting on the path to keep it in my sights, but it's much faster than any other monster. As I chase it I realized it's much less confrontational than any monster, at least, out of the ones put out to fight. I ran at full speed, but I just couldn't keep up with it, quickly falling behind. I don't stop, I have to get it before it reaches Kirby, I've never seen a monster like this, it's fast, and has sharp ears, the only thing I'm hearing are it's fading steps, and the breaths it takes as it runs. I can't let this thing get to Kirby.

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