A Favor

255 5 6

TW: Violence, arson, and burns


"Y/N, come here." I'm leaning around the pillar, the screen is on, its comforting glow in the darkroom. I move forward, and into view of the screen. "The King here is asking for the best monster we have, do you have any recommendations?"

This is it! This is when I get Dove back! "Of coarse! Wolf wrath is the strongest monster I've seen. Fast, with burning fires!" I see the King's smile grow.

"And, this is a two for one deal triple De. If you buy Wolf Wrath, then we'll give you the equipment for her trainer as well."

"And who would be the trainer exactly?" Escargoon leans off the side of the throne, looking at the shifty salesman.

"Y/N seems to get along well with her." He smiles, and I get excited to use my equipment again.



The armor is heavy, but it's like a weighted blanket. Comforting in an odd way. And the sword, oh god how I missed this thing. I'm riding Dove's back, we're searching, for Kirby or Meta Knight, I don't know, but I don't care, I just need to feel some blood on my claws. She pauses, and I look down the hall, Sword and Blade. I kick her side and she runs. I can hear them talking behind me. They'll probably get Meta Knight. Good. I won't have to search long then.


"Attention! Be on da look out for an escaped monsta'! Don't let it get away!" He's locking us in? Oh, this is going to be a fun hunt! The most dangerous game! Sirens blare in my ears, I miss the chaos, the panic. This is great!

I jump off Dove's back and slide, she jumps and pops a toy ball in her mouth. It's Tuff and Kirby. I point my sword to Kirby, and Dove doesn't hesitate to blast him. He smashes into the fountain, and she runs after him, but Meta Knight jumps through the fountain's water, and forces her back, I run to her side, sword drawn and ready to defend. It's an odd stand off, until Sword and Blade rush in. Meta Knight stops being focused on us to talk to them. Sword, Blade and the kids leave. What a let down. I was hoping to have a more fair fight, but I suppose Meta Knight will do.

Dove gets down and growls, before charging him, I jump onto her back. I let Dove go at Meta Knight, before trying to ignite him. Sending fire balls from my palms, aimed at Meta Knight and random infrastructure. Explosions ring out in the court yard. The fountain gets demolished, the water from the blast just barley misses me. He runs into the castle, we follow. I get off her back so he has to deal with two targets. I keep behind him, waiting for a more opportune moment to hit him. I let Dove stay in his main focus.

"Let us take over!" God, those two are here, they're no fun. When did they get in this hall? Why do they run off then act like they want to fight?

"No! Stay back!" He's off guard! I slam the blunt of my sword into his back, he stumbles, and we get the upper hand. It forces Meta Knight to leap at Dove, and she's had more room to charge him. They float in the air a moment, I watch as one of Dove's teeth grows back, and I know she got him. I jump back onto her, and we leave. I hear the Knights panicking behind me.

"Good girl. Good girl." I stroke her fur, she seems happy, hard to tell in the moment. "Hey, how about a little treat? Let's burn this palace to the ground!" She immediately goes to ignoring the walls, sending blasts through walls.

Blade tries to stop us, I slash him once with my sword before Dove has us up in the vents. He's already fell over. No fun. We slink through easily.

"Hey, Dove, Wait a second." We pause over the kitchen, everything is left on. I kick the oven fan down, and immediately start a grease fire. I chuckle at how quickly it spreads. I love arson. Dove is down enjoying the flames, what an easy reward for my puppy! I look away from her playing in the fire, and see two silhouettes. Sword and Blade. Again? God, they're awful at this! I tap Dove and she looks over to them, they lunge in an attempt to get us, but it's pretty easy to knock them back, and Dove easily sends them fleeing after breaking through a wall. She jumps through after them, and I walk behind. She can handle them alone. I can hear more blasts ring out, and see smoke coming from the hall.

"Good girl." I pat her again.

"We need to get out of here, but I can't see!" I snap my head left, and see the two knights. Honestly, why haven't they died yet? They run off, I guess Kirby's here, because he blasts a strong wind at us, we go flying back.

"Common Dove, lets go burn something else, huh?"


She lives setting halls on fire, and burning cheap plastic cameras that watch us. I feel the flames get stronger a second, they opened the windows for us. But soon it's cut dry, or rather, wet, as they start trying to put out the fires. Doesn't work on the grease fires, but where me and Dove are right now? It gets a direct shot, and by hell does it burn! I grab Dove's scruff and pull her away from the sprinklers and windows. It's hard to find somewhere safe, but we eventually make our way out. I get on her back, the town is entirely wooden, it'll be easy to burn.

It would've been, if Sword and Blade didn't jump down to ruin the fun.

"Who are you!" Sword yells at me, he already knows Dove, so I stay silent. I'm honestly a little hurt he doesn't recognize me, but that's what attempted murder can do to you.

Once again, it's pretty easy to beat them up, before Kirby crashes into us with the warp star. I get on Doves back again and flee. Kirby's stronger than those idiots, he could-

I pull Dove to a halt, digging my heels into the ground. We stop just before a river. She turns and starts blasting at Sword and Blade, before running along the side of the river. We get a good lead away from them, before Kirby flies over head again.

"Fuck!" Dove skids to dodge him, he jumps down, he has Meta Knight's sword. I catch it in my hand, and toss him into the sky.

"Kirby!" The two knights are behind me, very close. I jump off Dove again. But Kirby starts sucking in, I dig my sword into the ground to stay still. He inhales Meta Knight's Sword, and flies on the warp star again. Dove starts trying to shoot hit down, while I get ready to fight the knights off. But a blast of water splashes up, it hits my face and it hits Dove too, I can hear her yelling and rolling around in pain. I don't move, I can't let them know I'm in pain. But I can't stop myself from shaking in my boots. It's hard to bite back such a loud scream.

She shoots Kirby down, Sword and Blade charge us, and Blade manages to lodge his sword into Doves injured foot. She screams again. I kick him away, but Kirby's right behind me, and pulls me back, I'm now barely pushing back against his blade.

But then I hear a splash, and see steam.

"Dove?" Kirby pins me down, before flying off. I frantically try to free myself, but have to watch helplessly as he kills Dove.

Dove? No, wait, Dove died, didn't she? Before this? I feel the armor turn to dust, and a fog leaves my mind. Did I just... try to kill Kirby?

Did I just kill Meta Knight?
I didn't mean to...

I didn't... I stand, and look to the river, Sword and Blade come out.

"Y/N?" They sound confused. I just walk towards the water. I take a step in, and it doesn't burn. If I can't burn myself, I'll have to drown myself. I just keep walking in.

My family died, didn't they? My friends too.

I'm not here by choice.

I almost killed a baby. I killed Meta Knight. What am I..? Why? I feel the river start pulling me under, before being yanked back out. I just sit silently.

"Y/N?" I can hear them, but I can talk, I can't move. "I think she has she'll shock."

"I can't."


"I can't have shell shock... I'm... I'm fine... I just... did I kill Meta Knight?" They stay silent for a moment.


"Meta Knight. I let Dov-, that thing, I let it kill Meta Knight, didn't I?"

"No! No! You didn't kill him! He was just paralyzed!"

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