
282 6 3

TW: Major Violence, Major Gore


I love history. It's my favorite class! We're in the middle of learning WW2 right now, those poor soldiers, I can't imagine doing what they did.

Glass shatters, we all snap our heads right, and see a thing on the ground, writhing.
Wiggling. It was grotesque, but only for a moment. Only for a moment, it was a sludge made of something familiar. Feathers, and claws, and something else. People start recording, some move up to watch it, some stay seated, one vomits, another group starts leaving the class room.

But the thing wakes up. And it changes. A strange creature, a large bird, very big, to big.

It goes up to my shoulder standing, and it's scream

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It goes up to my shoulder standing, and it's scream. God, it's scream. What is that, how is this happening? It snaps at someone, and people start running out, there's a few baseball kids, one grabs their bat and hits its neck, knocking it back, and making it gasp. I grab a desk and smash it down into the creature. I do this a few time, before the other guy smashes its brain open with his bat.

There's a silent moment where we look at each other, two people, thoroughly confused, and more than slightly shocked.

A scream and we turn around. There's a lot of weird... things outside. Lots and lots of creatures, trying to fight other people. Others are out of their classes, beating them to death. some people with tennis rackets are smacking on of the smaller things back and forth, it's spilling a lot of blood.

"Hey man, I don't wanna carry a desk around, you gotta spare bat?" I turn to him, his grip on his bat loosens for a moment, before he turns from the door to face me.

"Fuck yeah, dude." He moves over to his bag, and pulls out another bat for me, and pulling out a pair of gloves, using the left for himself, and the right to me. He puts his helmet on, straps it tight, nods to me, before charging out of the class, smacking something off of one of his friends. I see the blood from the thing spatter, as I realize the feathers and blood of whatever came through the window stuck to his bat.

I look out the window the thing crashed through. I push some glass out of the way before hoping out. I rush to the quad. An open space between classes where we have all our tables for lunch. There are other students here, the football team tipped tables to push, rush, and squish groups of monsters into walls. It seems to have worked a few times, having suffocated them by squeezing their lungs, or crushing their ribs. Once again, a very gory sight. Blood spattered in the walls, bone fragments littered on the ground, far to small to be a humans, far to easily broken, it was gory, and awful, and wrong, and thrilling.

I look right and see a friend of mine, using hair spray and a lighter like a flame thrower. There's a group of people doing the same thing, dispelling large groups into smaller, easier to fight individuals or duos, scrambled to flee the fire. There are bodies that have been burned, and some continue to burn. None are human.

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