Comedy Copper

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"Uh oh! I can feel my cancer getting worse!" You say sitting down in front of DeDeDe. Apparently no one on this planet knows what cancer is. But every woman in your family has had it. The odds were not in your favor here. Meta Knight keeps telling you to stop. He tolerated this for a few days before you said something in front of the main trio. At that point he realized this was a bad copping mechanism, and it wasn't really helping anyone. The cancer joke was okay until he knew what it meant, as you had told the town doctor, Dr. Yabui, who subsequently told Meta Knight. He feared it may spread not knowing how cancer worked, so he told Meta Knight to help come up with a contingency plan.

Another time you had made jokes about being prehistoric, and that you're older than everyone on the planet. Therefore you should be able to do what you want, not listen to what the people of this world, small young children, told you to.
It became a problem when you collapsed unconscious, only to say, "My iron is catching up to me." Which was quickly to be determined to be because you were starving yourself for the past three days.

So now Meta Knight was practically attached to you. You started staying with the trio more so it was easy enough. But he would pop up and remind you to eat or drink or sleep. And when you didn't he'd pester you until you did. At one point when he was telling you to sleep, you kicked him, then ran and locked yourself in your home. You stayed up the next 24 hours out of spite.

He was also starting to understand what you meant by loop holes. He would tell you not to do something, and you'd find a way to do it without breaking the rules. One example comes from when he told you not to taunt DeDeDe, so you started insulting him and saying you thought it was nice.

Or that time he told you to never kick him away again, so you picked him up and threw him. Your more of a handful than Kirby. At least he's predictable. And he's young enough to not talk back. Everyone see Meta Knight as your parole officer, you took that as a challenge to show them he wasn't. You represent all of humanity, and you choose the one quality everyone agrees on. Being an absolute dick. Never to the kids or elderly, you were always so sweet to Melmen the mail man. You'd even helped him deliver mail when you got the chance. But when it came to Meta Knight you just had to be a brat. You just had to fight him on everything. He's very patient with you though. Your first interaction had been bad, so he can't be angry that you're upset. Especially when he's the one that told you your species was dead. He was trying to get on your good side, but it was so hard when you held such a strong grudge.

You were passive, you never hurt any citizens or children. But as mentioned, you would hit, kick, and throw him whenever he got to close or to annoying. You'd leave him alone when he wasn't around, or wasn't talking to or about you, but other than that, you had no restraint. Kirby seemed to love you, Tiff was intrigued by you, and stories of your world, Tuff loved how you would play ball with him and the others, and show him how you would wrestle your cousins and dad. The elderly loved you, said you were very respectful. The king was okay with you, only because you owed him a favor and never interacted with him. Escargoon has no opinion.

Everyone seemed to have at least a neutral stance with you, except Meta Knight. Because you were scared of a trained swordsman. Because you were threatened, and stalked, and nagged, by a man who knows nothing about your world, species, or being a parent.

If there was a way to get you to be comfortable around him, he didn't know it. He just wanted you to stop feeling on edge. Then he sees you leaving your home. He followed you a moment before remembering you were uncomfortable with that, unlike most people on the planet. So he drops behind you and runs up to you. Since your walking he can catch up.

"Hello Y/N." He wants you to be aware of him before he's next to you.

"What did you want?" You say back, loud enough for him to hear. Your tone is annoyed, but not as much as usually.

"I was worried about you." He says, trying to make sure you could hear him, "Where are you headed?" He asks, keeping at a speedy pace.

"Whispy." Is all you tell him. You feel it's enough, Meta Knight does not.

"Why are you going to see Whispy?" He says, now walking next to you. "Is everything alright?" He asks, his eyes are orange, he's looking at you, you can feel it.

"I'm fine, I just want to visit Whispy. I told him I would before I left. He's the only reason I was okay with being in that town." You say, your tone getting more agitated as you go on. You speed up, still not a run, but not a comfortable pace for Meta Knight.

"May I accompany you? I want to make sure none of DeDeDe's monsters attack you or Whispy." He wants an excuse to follow you, so he needs you to say yes.

"Why do you care? I'm not Kirby or the other two." He wasn't expecting that. He was expecting a yes or no, not a question. Apparently he takes to long to answer, as you eventually speak up. "I can't keep you from going. I don't really have a choice. If you want to come I can't do anything about it. But, I'd still perfer to say we came separately." You continue walking, you never looked to him, not once. He was glad you were okay with him walking with you, but upset you felt you didn't have a choice. You walked in silence the rest of the time. You were fine with him when he wasn't bossing or stalking you, but it's all he did.

When you finally reach Whispy, your mood switches entirely. You go from calm and blissful, to elated and excited. Instantly you bound up to Whispy with a jovial smile and greeting. You hug him best you can and back away, sitting down for a conversation.

"Hello Y/N! How has your time in the town been? Have you and Meta Knight been getting along better?" He looks to Meta Knight, he's caught off guard, but it doesn't show in any visible way. It quickly turns to curiosity as to how you'll respond.

"Time in the towns been good. The citizens are very nice, and the king hasn't been much of a problem. I have the regular problems, but other than that, I'm doing just fine." You tell him with a never faltering smile. You must have rehearsed this. You never stumbled or faltered, and Whispy didn't question it. Meta Knight knows you avoided the question about him though.

"How about you Meta Knight? How has your time been with Y/N? Has everything been okay for you?" This question caught you both off guard, you seemed more scared, nervous than you did before. Both men could tell. Neither said a word about it. Your head was bowed, and Meta Knight could see you were holding back tears. He could tell Whispy the truth, and keep his loyalty, or he can attempt to lie, and get on your good side, like he had been trying for so long.

"I've been well. Monster attacks have become easier to handle." He says, he's going to take a tip from your book, and just avoid the unwanted topic. "Everyone seems to enjoy Y/N, she never attempts to fight any citizens of the town. She even helps around for the seniors." Her eyes dart over to him from her previous gaze at the ground, her pupils dilated. She just stared, made no noise. Whispy seemed to buy it, humming contently and closing his eyes for a moment, before opening them and continuing the conversation.


"Hey." You say quietly to Meta Knight. "Why'd you help me?" You ask, genuinely curious. Your talk with Whispy was very casual aside from the start, and when it finished you all gave your goodbye and made on your way. You didn't forget, he could've easily told Whispy about all the times you fight and kick and throw him, but he didn't, and you needed to know why. Was it for leverage? To hold it against you? You had to know.

"I noticed your concern, and copied you by moving around the question." He states simply, not putting much thought into it. You stop walking, he follows suit, and turns to look up at you.

"But why?" You press. You need to know. You have to. But it puts Meta Knight in an uncomfortable situation. He's not sure weather or not he should tell you, but before he has time to stop himself, he begins to speak.

"I believe we got off on the wrong foot. I feel as if I am in your debt for our dreadful first encounter. I've been trying to make it up to you, but nothing seemed to work. This seems to have changed our situation however." He's being honest, and his eyes turned green before he spoke, and stayed green. You had seen him long enough to know he was in thought, and could assume this was a truthful answer, as they stayed green to gauge your reaction.

"Thank you." Is all you can manage before beginning to walk again. You trust him a little more now. Not with your life, but enough to stop attacking him when he's overwhelming you.

Meta Knight Adopts YouWhere stories live. Discover now