Driving Lessons

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"Ya know, I always thought my dad would be teaching me how to drive." I sit in the drivers seat, Gus to my right, carefully putting my hands on ten and two. Back at home I did drive, but only a little bit to park a car or move it out of the way, not actually drive.

"You want me to get Meta Knight?" He looks at me, genuinely asking. I pause, a confused and thinking over, trying to figure out if I heard him right.

"He's not my dad." I look at him, puzzled, and unsure what to say.

"He's not? Huh." He shrugs and looks back out the windshield.

"What?" I get more confused my the sentence. I don't look anything like him, and they all know how confused everyone was when I first got here, so we couldn't have known each other prior.

"Well, the town just sorta assumed since you treat Kirby like a brother, and Meta Knight's his dad-" I cut him off, unintentionally, but I can't help myself.

"No he's not though?" I had asked this question before, Sword and Blade explicitly said they weren't, and that they had a funny moment getting Kirby to call him that for a month, much to Meta Knight's annoyance.

"He's not?" Gus looks back to me, head slightly tilted and eyebrow cocked.

"No, I actually made that mistake too, they're not." I shrug, Gus let's put a small 'huh', crossing his arms, and leaning back, before sitting up again, stretching slightly.

"Alright, you know the basics?" I nod. "Prove it, drive straight, and stop before you hit that tree." The car was not finished, it's very bare bones, everything it needs to run, and that's it. I've always been super worried about driving, I just feel like I'll crash, and based on my sibling's testimony, my mom screams and panics the whole time, and my dad, a firefighter, tries to make us drive the way he would, like there's a fire. I was always prepping myself for full streets and panic, but this is serene. This is simple. There's not to much to worry about, or train my eyes on, it's not to much, it's good.

I start the ignition, and lightly press on the gas, the car is metal, so I have to press a little hard, but my family loved metal cars, so I have my strength slightly adjusted for it. Unfortunately, since I was a... monster, or whatever, it seems my strength has been buffed, and also, when I first got here, things were a little... weaker, than I'm used to, so what should be a light press, results in us going around 40 mph instead of the 20 I was aiming for. I release my foot and tap the breaks, slowing down some, shaking a little. "Might need to uh... adjust the pedals... I'm stronger than I remember." I laugh a little, and he laughs lightly too. Still, I keep going, stoping when the base of the tree disappears. My arms are still a little shaky from the panic of before, but I've calmed down as I keep the car still.

"That was good, can you back up now?" I nod a little, and put the car in reverse, using the mirrors, I go slower than I need to, but I maneuver the car to face the other way, before stopping it by the tree again, stopped in the same place, facing the opposite direction. "Awesome, you're doing great kid!" He smiles at me, and I nervously smile back, looking back out the front window. I think he notices how nervous I am, because he continues to try and calm me dow . "You know, when I was teachin' Mayor Len to drive, he couldn't stop crashin'!" He laughs some. "Glad you've got more caution then he did." I nod a little.

"Thank you." I nod again. "I'm not... My brother was much more confident with this than I am..." I force out a large breath.

"Confidence is good, but caution is better in this situation. You can take someone's life if you're not careful." I lower my head a little, and he seems a little concerned. "Ur... maybe that wasn't the best thing to say." He laughs a little. "How 'bout you just drive us around a little? Don't gotta go to fast or far, just wanna see what you're confident doin'." I nod, and hesitate, before slowly taking my foot off the breaks. The car moves without pressure to the gas, slowest it can go, and I'm careful to apply extra pressure. My breathing stays shaky as I drive at a moderate pace. It's just a few laps around a field, really nothing to bad, I'm just terrified because of... I don't know, everything?

"So, you ever drive before?" He's sat casually, there's no tension in his body, for whatever reason, he trusts me not to crash.

"I've... driven before yes, once at night." I laugh a little. "I put the head lights on, but the car's floodlights weren't working, and my dad unbuckled himself and reached across the car to turn them on. I panicked and slammed the breaks. I wasn't going fast, so he was fine, but I'm pretty sure I had a panic attack after." I laugh a little at the memory. "My dad wanted me to start driving so bad, he's real aggressive about it though... Not in a mean way, it's just... his way of encouragement is to tell me to drive into oncoming traffic. Not in a mean way, 'to build confidence'." I laugh a little.

"Meta Knight did that?" He looks a little shocked, and confused, and I stop the car, before looking at him.

"No, my dad." I look at him confused, and he nods.

"Meta Knight." I shake my head at him.

"No, I told you, Meta Knight's not my dad. I'm talking about my real dad, my human dad." I keep the car stopped as I look at him, and he takes a minute to process what I had said, before shrugging and sighing.

"Whatever you say kid. You did a pretty good job, smooth ride, you wanna keep practicing?" I look away from him, and nod.

"Yeah, sure... thanks."


Sorry for the long wait, been dealing with some stuff, I haven't finished this story, so expect random updates, I don't have a schedule, I'm sorry. - 🐕

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