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TW: talk of assault, violence, and other uncomfortable subjects. This isn't a plot heavy chapter. It's just to build more of a bond between the reader and Meta Knight. If you are uncomfortable with these subjects, please skip the chapter, or be very cautious, I do not want to offend or hurt anyone. I do not go into graphic detail of said crimes, but they are mentioned.


"Your a very disciplined person." I roll my head to look at Meta Knight. I'm just laying on the ground, DeDeDe has decided that I can no longer be left alone, so the guys are taking turns 'guarding' me. DeDeDe no longer trusts me with the changes provided by NME. He doesn't respond, he just watches me. That's fine, I know he's listening. "I can't imagine how hard that is. I don't think I could ever be that well maintained." His eyes flick to me for a moment. But they quickly go back out the door.

"And you're so strong! You've held up giant heavy rocks! Like, like a mountain's worth of weight!" Not Mt. Everest, obviously, but still, that's a mountain in a sumo wrestler rock! "And you act like it's nothing!" I toss my arms out in a wide splay. "You just sit their and take it!" He doesn't look back, but his eyes start flashing between blue and yellow.

"I don't know man. It's just weird. Back on Earth I would never imagine any of this, it's like a dream, or a fantasy novel. I would've never thought life to this capacity would be possible, and it's incredible! I know their would be so many people excited to know this. The Milky Way was super desolate. The only idea of other life we got was micro life in dust and maybe some ice for water. I don't know how we lived there, but it was neat, to see so many planets near us." His eyes shift back to me, and go back to a green. He doesn't look away this time.

"You guys have been super nice to me. It's probably for the best I'm the last human. We basically come from space Australia. We were violent, even if you were super nice to us, we would've started trying to colonize your worlds, if you weren't as strong as us, or even if you were." I just kind shrug. "Is it okay if I keep talking? I think I'll go insane if I don't." He nods to me, he's still looking at me.

"I don't really talk about Earth much, do I? At least not to you. And the stuff Tiff wanted to know wasn't really much about culture. We got Christmas then she was locked on that." I adjust myself to be more comfortable, Meta Knight stays in my sight. "Any ideas on what you wanna hear? Cuz I'm gonna be all over the place with this."

For the first time in a good while, he replies with his voice. "You said your species was violent?" Not what I was expecting, but it works.

"Yeah, we go to war all the time. We're encouraged to join the army to some capacity, make weapons, fly fighter jets, my dad used to brag about the time he got to park a destroyer ship." A lot of my family went into the military. "Last I was there, we had a few wars going. It was hard to know much, trying to keep up grades and knowing the problems where I lived was a lot."

"Would you ever hurt someone you care about?" He looks at me, his eyes the same green. I freeze, and wait, like he'll take it back, or I can move on, but he just watches me.

"I mean, maybe? If they're trying to hurt me right?" I want to be done with this as quick as possible, move to the next subject please.

"Not in self defense, not that they're hurting you, not on accident. Purposefully hurting someone you care about." He continues to watch me, his eyes go to a deeper green. I want to back out. I want to get away.

"I don't know." I look away from him and shrug.

"Why can't you say no?"

"I don't know."

"That's not a response."


"Y/N, just say yes or no." I can't bring myself to look at him. I don't know, I might? But why would I tell him that? What does he want from this? What does he want me to say? Why?

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