New Metal Enviorment

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They really don't want me walking, which is why I am currently leaning against the wall, and shuffling down the hall. Deciding to bolt after I attempted to kill DeDeDe was the best option, but my legs are fucked up from it. They say if I keep going at it I'll be paralyzed, but they don't know how humans work, so I'm just going to ignore them. I have to keep my legs working, and no bones are broken, so it's good! I push myself off the wall, and attempt to get my balance. Meta Knight has kept me off my feet for five days now, they've gone static multiple times, more times than I can count! I don't think I can physically sit still any longer. I have to try walking, or at the very least crawling, I'll be mentally dead if I don't get something to do.

I finally stabilize myself, and start moving down the hall at an unsteady pace. As I continue, I hear noise from the throne room. I move up towards it, more hastily than my casual stroll I took to ignore Meta Knight's rules. The room is dark, except for the machinery, which lights up sections of the room. It's the thing I talked to the guy on. That human guy. I start moving into the room, should I stay to the edges? Should I go to the center? Should I go get someone? I've barely taken two steps in when it flashes with electricity, and sends me onto my back. Doesn't help that I could barely hold myself upright in the first place. I sit up, and start trying to get back to my feet, whatever this is, it's strong. The little light in the room dims, before the lights go back to their normal brightness. I can hear footsteps around me, and I pull myself up with the door frame.

Meta Knight, Sword Knight, and Blade Knight stand to my left, Tiff, Tuff, and Kirby stand to my right. The quick moment of light I saw is quickly gone, as the throne room is engulfed in darkness. A figure flies out of the room, I don't get a good look at them before more electricity zaps off them. I shut my eyes tight, the strain of the flash bang hurts me. I can feel something grab me, and throw me back into the throne room... what? I get to my feet, my arms hurt the most right now. I have to get up. 'Open, your eyes'. The room is bright, all the equipment is out, what was sent through? Before I can think anymore, the thing from before flys back, and punches me, square in the stomach.

"Fuck." I try and catch my breath, he hit right below my ribs. This price of shit. There are tears in my eyes, this hurts, but I have to fight back. I stand again and glare at them. This time, when they go to hit me I move out of the way, and tackle them. I can feel them squirming. I hold them down with my knee, and take my jacket off as quick as possible, I can hear him yelling, or talking, but I don't care. I fold it and hold it over his face. I don't care anymore, I will asphyxiate this kid, I will kill him. This is just self defense. He's kicking, and punching, and it hurts, but I'm not letting him go, I will hold him here as long as I can. His struggles become weaker and weaker, until I feel someone yank me off him. Meta Knight. "Stop! I almost had him! I almost killed him!" I try and break from his grasp, but the kid gets up again. "He's right there' he's going to hurt someone! Just let me kill him!" Meta Knight tightens his grip.

I don't get a chance anymore, I'm being double teamed, Meta Knight holds me, and this guy gives me a swift kick to the ribs. I can't breathe, they're killing me, I gasp, and feel air flood my throat. I'm pulled from Meta Knight's grip, and sent flying back onto the machine. I can't stand this time, I can barely move. I just grasp at my stomach and chest. I can hear the machine whirring, the lights are flickering, I have to move, but I can barely shuffle! I make a distorted noise, a gargle, like I'm choking on something, I can't speak, my mouth tastes like iron. Blood. I'm chocking in my blood. He broke my ribs. Fuck, this hurts. "Gluphm." I can't speak, just gargle and cough. Hack and cough, hack and cough. It's getting bright, it's so bright, and it's singeing my skin. It hurts, I hurt, this is shit!

The bright lights fade, the machinery calms, what happened? What did he do? Why is it so quiet? 'Open, your eyes'. It's dark, nice on my vision. Blue, and some black, a little yellow, that's like Meta Knight's color pallet. Am I in his room? I've never been, so maybe I just passed out? But I'm continuing thoughts I just had, unless I blacked out?

"Y/N!" That voice is familiar. "Welcome! and thank you for enrolling in our program!" Program? Where am I? I still have all my injuries, I still hurt, I'm not home. Where am I? "If you could please lift your head, I'd like to assist you with your injuries." Okay, simple, get off your hands and knees, and sit down, or lay down. Sitting is smarter, I'll have to hold myself upright, but if I lay down I will choke on my blood. Spit it out, deep breathe in, sit up, sit on knees, head up, and look. It's that guy, that salesman, but, he's not human like I thought, or maybe he is? Maybe humans have just evolved to something else? "Thank you! I know you may be confused, but don't worry, you'll live your best life here!" He gives an evil tone at the end, and laughs with that same snarky laugh.

"Where-" I cough, I could barely push that past my lips.

"It's not to important, here, let's fix you up!" He presses a button, and a door opens, out comes a robotic medic. Weird. The body is a cylinder, and it's 'face' is a screen, it rolls around on three wheels, and has a Red Cross on it's blue stomach. A red line across the black screen that acts as its mouth, it looks like something out of a cartoon. Like SpongeBob or The Jetsons. I don't get much more of a look at it before it practically strangles me with bandages.

"Internal bleeding." It's voice is smooth, and human, not what I was expecting, and it's hands are very human, not the four fingers like Tiff and Tuff, or the little nubs the Cappy's and Kirby share. Not even the weird claw glove thing the Knights and DeDeDe have. Just very... human hands. It stabs a needle into my arm, just below the shoulder. I can feel the pain leaving, it hurts less and less to breathe. This is nice. I can take in my surroundings better. It pulls up a screen and x-rays me, apparently everything's fine because it cuts the bandages off, and pulls me to my feet. Standing doesn't hurt, and I can walk with ease. Was that it? Am I better?

"Thank you." The salesman speaks up and waves his hand, the robot retreats to its previous spot behind the door, as it closes in front of them. "As you can see," he stares me right in the eyes. "We here at NME appreciate our employees, and treat them better than Cappy Town treats you, hmm?" He makes a hum and tilts his head, putting me into question, why I didn't agree before into question. "And, we have a little surprise for you Y/N." He presses a different button, on the opposite side of him. A door to my right slides open, and in runs a black German shepherd, with one floppy ear, and a splotch of white fur on her chest.

"Dove?" She comes right up to me and forces her head into my hands, she always did that, to force me to pet her. I hug her and she whines at me, I just keep petting her.

"You see Y/N, we've been keeping her safe for you, and now that you're here, you can keep her, under one condition." What does he want? "Just join us, and fight along side her." He jumps down from his chair and moves in front of me, he's so small, even on my knees he's only half my height. He sticks out his hand. "Do we have a deal?"

"As long as Dove stays by my side..." She wags her tail and gives me some more kisses. "Okay, Yeah, as long as she's by my side." I shake his hand, he smiles, and I feel a needle be jabbed into my neck. I fall to the floor, and Dove moves to lay next to me. The metal is cool, and inviting, like the cold side of the pillow.

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