And We're Back!

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There are two things on my mind right now, running from DeDeDe, and finding Meta Knight. As I dash through the halls, I can still feel tears coming down my face. They hurt, but I'm trying to adjust to it. I really can't though. Crashing into walls, only to push myself of and keep running. It's never face first, always against my side or arm, and it never really hurts, but it must be a funny visual.

"Meta Knight!" I call out as I found another corner. I see Tiff, Tuff, and Kirby. I run up to them, and slide to a stop. "Guys! Thank god! Please! Help me! Where's Meta Knight?" I drop to my knees and shake Tuff.

"Y/N! What happened?" Tiff yells out.

"I don't remember. Why does crying hurt? It burns! Where's Meta Knight?" I let go of Tuff and start using my jacket sleeves to wipe my face. The little amount that sleeps through burns at my wrists, so I frantically take it off. Foot steps come down the hall, multiple.

"Y/N?" The spanish accent rings through my ears. I try and stabilize my breathing. I can feel a hand fall on my back.

"Help." I bring the jacket to my face and hold it there, it should stop the tears from running, right? God it hurts. Think about something else. Ethan Nester said, 'Pain is just a mental game. What if I think of ice cream in a Sunday afternoon!' NOPE not helping! Fucking hell! The jacket is pulled away from me. My hands are desperately clasping it, so when it's pulled it tears.

"What happened?" Meta Knight questions. He hesitates, before trying to wipe my tears, they don't burn him, so he does his best to get them all off. The pain subsides, my breathing becomes more stable, and I get into a better position to talk. Leaning against the wall with my head looking down. "What happened?" Meta knight repeats, his voice is smooth and calm.

"I don't know, I was fighting that guy, then you stopped me... I thought he killed me." I clutch at my stomach. "I, uhm, I woke up, and DeDeDe was in front of me, with Escargoon, and I ran. Then I, started looking for you, and I was crying, it hurt. Why does crying hurt?" I stop and sniffle. It does hurt, but I literally cannot cry about it. The silence sits between everyone, before Blade Knight speaks up.

"Why ya' got 'olf Raf's claws an' gem?" He point to the green sphere on my chest.

"I don't know. It doesn't hurt, but I don't know how it got here." I move my hand to my chest, my claws gentle settle on it.

"You have claws?" Tiff yells. Yeah, I do, and I'm not supposed to know that. Instead of acknowledging her, I bring my other hand to my face, and brush it against my cheek. I wait some, before opening my mouth to feel my teeth.

"Guess I'm lookin' pretty sharp, huh?" I try tossing a joke out, but it doesn't seem to land.

"You look like one of NME's monsters, but not entirely?" Tuff points out the new features similarities to the creatures Kirby fights.

"Do you even have pupils?" Tiff moves closer to my face. I'm uncomfortable being this close up, so I look away. I see Meta Knight, silver eyes, I seem to be good at getting those, but I don't know why.

"You... okay over there bud?" I keep my eyes on Meta Knight, his eyes shift from gray, to green, and back to gray.

"I'm fine." Simple, quick response. His eye transitions were fast, so I don't know if anyone else saw it, but the fact it didn't go back to yellow makes me think he's lying.

"Why are your eyes gray?" He stares at me, his eyes go white for a moment, before snapping back to gray.

"Prefiero no hablar de ello delante de las demás." (I'd rather not speak of it infront of the others.)

"¿Alguno de ellos entiende español? ¿Por qué importa si nos escuchan? Algo claramente te está comiendo, puedes hablar, sabes." (Do any of them understand Spanish? Why does it matter if they hear us? Somethings clearly eating you, you can talk you know.)

"Ellos no, pero prefiero no cambiarlo." (They don't, but I'd rather not chanse it.)

"Tú importas para que lo sepas. ¡Esto es lo que tengo que hacer con mis amigos pero lo haré contigo también! Me sentaré y despotricaremos el uno al otro, y tal vez lloremos." (You matter to you know. This is what I have to do with my friends but I will do it with you too! I will sit down and we will rant to each other, and maybe cry.)

"Can you guys please say something the rest of us can understand?" Tuff clenches his fists, and stares at us.

"Tal vez en otro momento." (Maybe another time.)

"Alright then." I stare at him a moment before moving my hand back to my face to rub my eyes. It feels cold, so I move my hand away, and see the claws again. "Oh, right, uhm, what am I doing about this?" I click my claws together, it makes a fun noise, the others seem uncomfortable though.

"Uhm, maybe we should get you into an actual room?" Tiff starts leading me down the hall, and back to Dr. Yabui.


"Doctor Ya boi." I mumble, it makes me laugh a little. "Hey there demons, it's me, Ya boi." I start laughing, I miss that show.

"She's worse than we thought!" Tuff is walking backwards ahead of us.

"Wow! Rude!" I splay my hands out to express my anger, but Tiff quickly pulls my hands back down. "Oh, right claws." I look at her, but she isn't looking back. Yabui's office is in front of us now, he steps out, sees us, and steps back in closing the door. "Mood."

"Y/N please." Tiff looks up to me, before knocking on the door. "Dr. Yabui?"

"Sorry, I'm not open today!" He yells out to us, I try the door, turns out he didn't lock it. "No!" He runs up to close it but like, is he really going to over power me?

"Please Dr. Yabui? Can you just try and help?" Tiff begs him.

"Not to criticize your plan or anything Tiff," I look down at her, "but I don't really know how he would help with this." She stares at me, before sighing.

"We can at least try." She stares at me, before walk past Yabui and into his office.

Meta Knight Adopts YouWhere stories live. Discover now