Boot Camp

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"Are we sure this was the best idea?" I tightly grip my seat, trying not to accidentally pop the raft. They begged me to go fishing with them, and after a while it became hard to say no.

"Y/N, it will be fine, I promise!" Tiff smiles at me, trying to reassure me.

"I got another fish!" Tuff drops it in the bucket, I watch the water move about and splash a little. Why did I agree to this? "Look how many I'm catching!"

"Look at those white clouds! They seem to go on forever..." Tiff pauses, and takes off her glasses. I look over and see a dark, almost black cloud approaching at an unnatural speed.

"Those are amazing rain clouds!" I think that was Falala? I'm paying more attention to getting shelter. A storm coming in this fast is probably going to wreck us.

"No, those might be something worse..." Tiff stands, watching them come.

"Tiff..." I feel my anxiety grow, I'm trapped on a tiny boat, with no cover in the middle of the ocean. She looks back at me. Lightning starts, brash winds from no where, the winds kick up the water, it sprays into my face. I feel it burn, but the salt layering on me feels worse, digging into the burns. I hiss, I can't get away from this, rain starts beating down on us. Best I can do now is make sure everyone else is okay, because I can't do anything to help myself.

"It's a tornado!" Tuff yells, and I quickly look over.

"This isn't natural!" I yell to the group. I grab Kirby from the little floaty he was on.

"Row!" Tiff yells, and they both grab paddles, and start frantically rowing. I hold Kirby tightly to my chest, trying not to scratch him. Fololo and Falala grip onto my jacket, trying not to be blown away. We all scream, we aren't getting away from this.

We're pulled up into it, and I can feel my skin burn more, I don't let go of Kirby, not unless I start to drown, he needs to be safe. I can barely make out the screams from the howling wind and the crashing lightning. I don't last much longer, and soon I pass out.


Get, up... get up... get... up! I sit up, washed up on the shores of an unfamiliar beach. I look around, we all landed in relatively the same place. I see Tiff and Tuff are face down, but they can clearly still breathe. Fololo and Falala are both face up, ok but unconscious. I go to Kirby, and pull him out, his top half is completely buried in the sand.

"Tiff!" I hear Tuff yelling behind me. I look and see him shaking her. She quickly wakes up. I look back down at Kirby, he's coughing out sand. "Tiff are you okay?"

"Wah? I'm fine." Tiff looks at him.

"Thank goodness!" Fololo and Falala sit up. Awful, awful situation. The two fly up to scope out the area. First thing I do is look for the raft, I find it popped on the rocks, so is Kirby's floaty. That's fine, we can still use the material. "It's nice and sunny, what was with the tornado a minute ago?"

"I'm not sure."

"We went up as high as we could, but-"

"We're on a little island surrounded by water!"

"That is the definition of an island, yes."

"Y/N! Stop messing around!" Tiff yells at me, she's clearly stressed. "This is serious! How are we gonna get home?" I drop the little supplies we have left in front of her, including the bucket and broken fishing rod.

"We use these, make a shelter for now, eventually a raft, and before long we'll be back." She looks at the decrepit floaties.

"How will we be safe? We're in the wild! And you don't have Whispy this time!"

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