I'm Fucken Tired

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(Went back and reread my story and cringed so hard, how the Hell did any of you manage to push through and read this far? Anyways-) 🐕

"... I fucken hate this place..." I curl up, and sigh, locking the doors to the car, (turned off, I'm not suicidal enough for that yet). I don't even know when I got back in here. "Stupid ass... town... Idiot fucken... dumbasses..." I groan, and crawl to get to the back seats, curling up, and lying on the floor of the car. "Can't even have Halloween at this place, I'm not allowed to have anything here... Every time I try to be good everyone just fucken hates me for it." I take a breath, and sigh, curling in on myself more.

"... I'm being a selfish fucken brat right now... Why am I so fucken... annoying... Maybe if I just cared about someone other than myself for a second, and acted like a normal fucken person-"

"Y/N?" I didn't even realizes I was crying... sitting in this car, crying like a stupid bitch about nothing. I quickly wipe off my face, before just pulling my hood down over my face.

"What do you want, Meta Knight?" I turn to hide myself further. Somehow, I feel safer and less seen in this stupid car than in my own 'cabin'.

"... I came to check on you-"

"Well, you did, so you can leave now." I huff, and pull at my jacket, trying to cover myself more. I should've taken one of the blankets from the cabin, could've covered myself better, and it would've been warmer.

"You don't seem alright." I hear him pull on the car door, but it's locked, and he can't get in.

"You know, every time I want to be alone someone else, mainly you just so happens to show up! Why can't you just leave me alone for five seconds?!" God, I'm being such a whiny brat! Can't I just shut the fuck up?! Why haven't I apologized yet?!

"You're still a child, you shouldn't be left alone when in crisis." I hear him move, and pull on a second door. "Can you let me in?"

"... No." I turn, and try to huddle under the seats of the car, but I don't fit at all. I bet I look stupid now.

"Alright, then I'm going to stay out here and talk with you."

"Just leave already."

"I'm sorry I upset you earlier... I understand you were excited to be around others your age, and you seemed especially excited to go to that 'Spook out'."

"It doesn't even matter. It's just stupid stuff, I'm being stupid." God, just shut the duck up you attention seeking whore!

"It's not stupid. You were excited, and looking forward to it. I wish for you to be happy, and I'm sorry I upset you over something so minor."

"I should've just listened to you. I'm just being a dumb teenager."

"You are not dumb." His voice is stern as he speaks, and for a moment, I peak up at the window, expecting to see him, and cracking a small smile when I see he isn't tall enough to look in at me. "You are incredibly smart. I've seen the things you do... I'm sorry that your world has been so cruel to you, and I am angry that this one is not much better... Y/N, I have watched you, just as I watch the others. You are incredibly smart, and strong, and I'm... very proud that you're expressing yourself like this... It's making things easier for me, it's helping me help you." I hear him pull on the car door again, but it's still locked. "I truly am sorry to have upset you, I am just used to watching over and commanding Sword, Blade, and all of the Waddle Dees... I forget that I need to be more patient with you children, especially with you, after all you've been through." I shift slightly, and hesitate a moment, before unlocking on of the car doors, and scooting away from it so he can get in, if he wants to.

"... I feel like an idiot... I made a huge scene like an idiot... I threw a tantrum like some spoiled idiot." I shift and hide my face again, hearing him open the car door, get in, and close it behind him, I can feel him near me, but he isn't trying to touch me.

"You are not an idiot, you are a child, who is in a very chaotic situation that they cannot control at all. You have nearly died several times since your appearance here, it's only natural for you to lash out now." I hear him shift slightly, he's intentionally making noise to let me know what's going on... "I'm incredibly sorry to have been the reason you had to lash out... we can take a break... You don't need to try to be the best right now, you don't even need to be okay..." I can hear his hesitance, his uncertainty, he's probably not used to having to comfort people this way. "I just... would like for you to be safe, and respectful. Not just of the adults in the town, of yourself too."

I take in a breath for a moment, holding it, and thinking, hesitating, before nervously shifting closer to him. "... I'm sorry I lashed out... I feel stupid now... I- I... I'm sorry..." I hesitate again for a moment, wanting yo move to hold him, to garner some comfort from him, but decide against it before I do anything. "... Thank you for putting up with me." I feel him put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not putting up with you... I... care about you, like I care about Kirby... Putting up with you would imply that I dislike needing to be around you, that is not true. I enjoy your company, even if it can be a little difficult at times." I feel him start to rub my shoulder a little, and a tension leaves me that I didn't know was there, my muscles relaxing slightly, as I let out a shaky breath. "I very much want to see you happier... would you be alright if I stayed in the car with you?"

"... You can stay... Thank you..."

"It's no issue."

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