Waking Up

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God... please... if there is a god... please... "Help me..." I can't... I can't breathe...

"Y/N!" I try to sit up, but there's a weight on my chest, I gasp. Everything is blurry. There's a light ringing in my ears. My right arm is staticky. So are both my legs. My head is spinning. "Y/N?" Male... deep... but soft... Meta Knight.

"ʸᵉᵃʰ?" God, my voice... what? "ᴷᶦʳᵇʸ?" He's on my stomach, just staring at me. I push him off with my left arm before sitting up. He holds my right arm and it feels awful, so I yank it away from him.

"Y/N." That's the only thing you've said so far. What do you want? "Now that your awake, you will answer some of our questions."

"ᴬᵇᵒᵘᵗ?" Can I get some water or something?

"You, your 'high school'. You obliterated an entire army of N.M.E.'s monsters in half an hour!" Tiff starts yelling, and I cover my ears. It's so loud. The ringing picks up. I look away from Tiff, to my left, and Sir Ebrum is trying to hand me water, I grab it with my left hand, it's shakey. Actually, my whole body is shaking. Why is everything so bad right now? I chug the glass, it all comes back up. Thank god its just water.

"Do I have rabies?" At least my voice is better.

"I don't know what that is."


"No, not nice, explain what it is so we can double check?"

"Just makes you go rabid and snarl and foam at the mouth. You produce a lot of saliva and sweat, but you have hydrophobia now, so you won't drink water. And it's just a bad way to die tbh."

"You do not have rabies." Meta Knight puts a hand on my shoulder.


"But, you do need to rest."


"Stop just saying nice!" Tiff yells into my ear again, and I flinch back. The ringing had been going away for a minute. It's back now though.

"Sorry." She looks disappointed. "What did you want me to explain?"

"You fighting those monsters! And what were those 'hog' things that just destroyed them!" Tuff excitedly bounces around on a couch. I pause a second and look around. We're in the Ebrum's house. No wonder Ebrum was here.

"Uh, hogs are just pigs. But... you didn't know what they looked like... so uhm... A hog is a pig, which is a mammal, and they travel in packs, and there's a whole thing about not letting them smell you blood or they'll rip you apart and eat you."

"That's all we need on that, thank you!" Lady like covers Tiff and Tuff's ears, pushing their heads together.

"Right... sorry."

"So, about your school beating N.M.E.'s monsters..."

"Oh, yeah. So uhm. I don't know man. They just came at us and they were pretty weak. Like, if they had a long neck like a goose I could probably just," I make a strangling gesture with my hands, "ya know?"

"I... hate that." Escargoon is sitting down on a single seater couch.

"Wait, when did you get here?"

"Don't matta', all day mattas' izzat they don't got any good food here!" DeDeDe leaves the Ebrum's kitchen, and pushes Escargoon out of the chair. Taking it for himself.

"Considering DeDeDe is here, I don't know if I want an explanation anymore."

"What's dat 'posed ta mean?"

"Oh, well I just can't find it in me to question your kingly presence!" I put a fake sweet voice on, and it seems to have please him. "Right, uh, back to the monsters." I crack my knuckles and everyone freezes. "Don't question it you will cry." They continue to silently stare at me.

"So, yeah, they had weirdly soft flesh, like, I could get punched and it would bruise, they would get punched and their heads would come off. It was like whack-a-mole!" I smile at my connection. The others aren't as amused.

"Right, but uh, yeah, they just had really soft flesh so..." I refrain from recreating my thoughts this time. "Just fucking, ripping through flesh. Wonder if any of them taste good barbecued." Fuck I said that out loud. They are mortified. Fix it! Fix it fix it! "J-Just hypothetically!" That didn't help!

"Y/N, I'll be honest, I think humans might just be really strong."

"Wait, What?"

"You punched a tree to kill a spider and the entire tree collapsed, I can't think that you're an exception in your species considering what we just saw!"

"How'd you guys even see my memories? Like, I don't get that part. And why did it make me feel like I'm dying?" Wait a minute. "Do I have fucking amnesia?" I practically yell, immediately Kirby moves back into my lap, hugging my waist like his life depended on it. Meta Knight moved to my side, and put a hand on my right shoulder. The static feeling left.

"Y/N, do you need a moment outside? I understand the gravity of the situation combined with the close proximity to others is a rather troubling combination for you." I try not to hyperventilate, so to keep myself grounded I clutch Kirby tightly, but I worry I'll hurt him, and my strength shakes and falters constantly on him. The idea of hurting him is just worrying me more. There's so much. The lights are so bright, Why is there so much noise? What are they whispering about? God, what am I doing here?

"Wha-" Meta Knight tosses his cloak over my head. The lights are dimmer. It's calmer. I feel like I'm going to pass out again. Where did the noise go? I move the cloak off my face, we're in the hall outside. When did we get here? "What?"

"It's alright. We can wait out here until you're ready to go back." He moves up, pulling his cloak back over me, like a parent tucking in their child. He starts rubbing circles in my shoulder, and I lean into it. I get a comfortable grip on Kirby in my arms. This is...

This is nice...

This is calm...

This feels safe...

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