Converstation and Information

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You woke up feeling like a mess. Yesterday's experience left you sore, tired, and with a headache. Not drinking water for a whole day can do that for ya. You didn't want to get up, but you did, and instantly felt light headed. It was bright out, almost noon by looks, and it seemed everyone who was here to help had already shown up. This seemed to be to daunting of a task without your help.

"Where can I get clean water?" You managed to scrape out of your gruff throat. You surprised everyone, they apparently thought you were nocturnal.

"We'll get you a bucket." You hear someone say, you can't pick out a voice or face, you just nod your head, and begin walking in circles in an attempt to clear your vision. After a few minutes of walking in circles and getting your thoughts straight, you turn to try and help, and see an orange chef walking towards you with a bucket of water. You walk up to him and crouch down.

"I got your water!" He yells up too you, you retract from the volume of his voice.
"Thank you." You grab the bucket from him, it's the size of a medium or small glass. "I'm Y/N, you are?" You say, after downing the bucket of water.

"I'm Kawasaki! I'm the owner of my own restaurant! You should come by and try some time!" He says, proudly adjusting his apron, and shifting his feet. Before you can get out a response, you hear mutters from the citizens about his restaurant.

"I'll think about it, I don't know if I would be able to get into town though." you say standing back up. You look around before seeing some familiar faces, and head to Tiff, Tuff, and Kirby. They're with other kids you haven't met before, must be from the town. "Hey, any clue how I can start helping?" You look to Tiff, hoping to be able to go off to the woods and get wood alone or something.

"Actually," She starts, "Meta Knight was hoping to talk to you in front of the castle first. Now that you're up I can send you his way!" She says, pointing in the direction of the castle, the other kids seem to be caught up in a game of kickball or soccer.

"Oh." You say, uncomfortably shifting your weight from side to side. "You know why?" You ask her, hoping for some clarification.

"No, all he said was it's important." She said, looking back the other children.

You take a breath, "Thank you Tiff." You turn, and begin walking to the castle, head down, hands in your pockets fidgeting with lint. You look at any of your surroundings to distract yourself from this. He could threaten you, he might kill you. What if he attacks you? What would you be able to do beside run, he's shown he's always able to find you. He's a trained knight! What if he forces you to run from the area? The forest Whispy is in? The planet! How would you get away from him?

All your worries are put to the front of your mind when you arrive at the castle, the sooner this is over the sooner you can come up with a plan that isn't kicking him and running.

"Hola." You hear from behind you, you quickly turn and see Meta Knight. "Yesterday was quite a lot, I'm glad you got rest last night." Alright, he's trying to keep you calm, he wants to catch you off guard.

"Si mi amigo, mi dormiorio es bueno." (Yes my friend, my bedroom is good.) you reply to him, he speaks Spanish, might as well catch him off guard. It appears you did, as he stares at you for a moment, his eyes going green before he thinks to reply.
"Si? Imagino que seria incomodo." (yes? i imagine it would be uncomfortable.) He looks out to Kirby's home, he knows from experience sleeping on dirt and grass isn't very comfortable.

"Bueno, no es el peor descanso que he tenido. Al menos hacía calor." (Well, it's not the worst rest I've had. At least it was warm.) You reply, looking in his direction, but not at him directly, before you finally sit in front of him. "Por que mi querias?" (Why did you want me?)
"Ah, I wanted to talk to you about your deal with DeDeDe." He says, going back on topic. "While you did make a good choice, you said something about always being able to find loopholes, what did you mean?" He says, his eyes returning to their yellow color

"I'm a teenaged human, of coarse I can find loopholes." You say, as though it were common knowledge.

"Could you elaborate?" He doesn't brake his focus on you, once again his eyes turn green.

"Teenagers are known for being defiant, and if we're given sever punishment for going against a rule, we'll find a way to follow the rules and still do what we want. Not a compromise, just seeing how we can get around it." You say, trying to be in-depth with your answer.

"What does being a human have to do with this then?" He says, eyes staying green.

"Humans in general are very defiant, and we come up with solutions to things we don't want to follow, or poke holes until it isn't a rule." You say, moving your hands, and shifting your position. He takes a moment to think before responding.

"What if the King asks you to fight Kirby?"

"Play fight? Slap fight? The type of fight you would do to make a toddler feel strong? No clarification, then I'm making assumptions, and not doing what I know they want." You say, closing your eyes, and shrugging your shoulders. You both stay silent, looking out to where the citizens are. Listening to the ambient sounds of the animals, wind, rivers, and feet in the court yard.

"Alright, I'm gonna head back to the others, help out with making my home. Feels kinda rude to leave them hanging." You stand and turn to Meta Knight. He's gone already, spooky, he's quiet, good to note. You turn and make your way back to the build sight.

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