What's Christmas?

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"Hey, since I've pretty much been frozen in time, I sorta assumed the date, but when is it? Like what's today's date?" You say, looking over to the kids.

"It's December sixth." Tiff says, looking up from her book. This caused your face to light up. This was another way to be seen as positive to the citizens, and share part of your culture!

"We just hit the end of Hanukkah! That means Christmas and New Years are coming up!" You say excitedly, standing up and looking back to the town.

"I know New Years," Tiff says, now closing the book, "but what are Hanukkah and Christmas?" She gets out a pencil and paper. She's gotten a binder full of human information, she wants to keep track for 'historical value'. Your species had been forgotten, learning about a dead people from a member of that society is the best primary source Tiff could ask for. She and Curio, the archaeologist of the town, had started talking of all the amazing things they could learn about a world no one knew of until you arrived. The answers you gave them were subpar at times, but to them it's everything. More than they'd ever get going to Shiver Star, even if they could. They do write it down as 'Shiver Star', despite you asking them to write it as Earth. They claim no one would know what they were talking about if they put Earth.

"Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a Jewish festival commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent rededication of the Second Temple at the beginning of the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BCE." You see her tilt her head, and understand what she's confused about. "Jewish or Jew is a race of people and a religion. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood, and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the ethnic religion of the Jewish people, although its observance varies from strict to none." It's the best you can explain in detail, she nods her head and writes it down. When she's finished, you begin to explain Christmas.

"Christmas is a Christian celebration on the 25 of December each year. Not everyone who celebrates Christmas is Christian. It's also called the Winter Solstice, it's original name, before it got adopted by Christian beliefs. The basic premise is a special baby was born, and he saved the world. So to celebrate him being born, we celebrate Christmas, and give presents to people we care about. The Winter Solstice takes place on the 21 I believe, and is the shortest day, and longest night, of the year on Earth." You want to give as best an explanation you can, it means you'll have less questions and take less time. She writes the whole time you talk, you don't mind. You still talk with your hands and movement out of habit, no one seems to mind. This reminds you of your younger cousins, they'd ask and you'd answer best you could. Of coarse, you were also more rough with them than you were anyone beside Meta Knight. You and him had been getting along better, you never rough houses with him unless he asked for it, not just when he was annoying.

You'd also tried to stand his nagging more, he isn't your parent, but he's trying to ack like one. Though, you had learned Sword and Blade had gotten Kirby to call Meta Knight 'Papa' for a week. You should call him bisabuelo, just because he knows what it means. (Great grandfather). You weren't going to, but it was a good back up plan to catch him off guard. Especially since you called Whispy abuelo. (Grandfather). Just tell him he's older than the old man of the woods.

"That sounds really cool!" Tuff says, "I normally only get presents on my birthday!" He gets more excited.
"Well, you're supposed to give to people too. It shows you care about them, and how well you know them." You say, trying to correct him.

"So we have until December 25 to get gifts for our family and friends?" Honey asks. At this point all the kids have stopped playing to listen to you. Kirby was bouncing around excitedly.

"Yeah, just anyone you care about. It doesn't have to be a lot or expensive, it could be something small and home made! As long as it shows you care, and you think they would like it, you're doing it correctly." You really need to make sure this doesn't turn into, 'Everybody do as much and get as much as they can so they can show people they love them!' AKA capitalism. Something DeDeDe would definitely take advantage of.

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