Very Very Kine(d)

508 8 24

TW: Drowning


Tiff invited you down to the beach with her today. She prefers some alone time, but this time she felt she wanted some company. You hold wooden slippers in your hands, you had carved them from drift wood, you don't have many pairs of shoes.  You walk on the edge of the water, the water waves reaching from just over your pinkie toe, to up to your ankles. It splashes up your leg a small way, but your pants are rolled up. Looking into the water, you see a dull Black Sea slug.

"Hey Tiff! Look at this sea slug!" You turn your head to look at her, but you see she's holding a shiny, golden sea shell. You move closer to her and look.

"It has ancient Pupupumoji!" She shows you the inside of the shell, which has ancient scribes written in it. It seems to have no water damage, odd. "I'm going back home to see if I can decipher this." She carefully sets the shell in a bag filled with others, though none sparkle like this one.

"Can I go with you?" You hold a hand out to her.

"To the castle?" She tilts her head, confusion filling her tone.

"To your home. The castle is much larger than the town's structures, and I know I can fit in those now. Do you think I could fit in the halls and wiggle my way into your home? Or I can just sit in the hall." Your voice slowly gets more desperate as you go on, if you can freely walk in there, then you can go to them, instead of waiting for them to leave the castle. And if it's somewhere you don't have to bend down to stand in, that's even better! She looks at you, trying to judge your size.

"We can try, but I don't know what to do if my parents or DeDeDe don't want you there." She closes her eyes and sighs. You pick her up and spin her around, clutching her close to your chest.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" You yell before setting her down. A pink hue forms on her checks, you elect to ignore it. She quickly begins leading you back to the castle. With each step you excitement grows. You can see those Waddle Dees that guard the palace. Or see Sword and Blade more often, you see them rarely in the town, and never in your home. It will also be much less lonely, getting to visit when you please, and leave when your overwhelmed. Maybe you'll even see Meta Knight some more.

Your feet feel the difference of the wood to the grass and sand. You pause, and back off the draw bridge. You drop your sandals and slip them on, don't want splinters. The wood of the draw bridge, and your sandals makes a clicking noise similar to hitting two sticks together. It makes you more confident with the fact that the bridge can hold you. The opening in the wall is big enough you don't need to crouch, and the castle door opens to a point above your head.

Entering the castle, the doors were lanky and wide, and you had no trouble standing in the halls. Long strides would be easy to take, and anything that might get in your way is far to the side. Tiff walks ahead of you, her shoes make small clicks that echo in the barren halls. When you take a step, it rips through the silence, as wood hits the marble floors. You pause, and decide you can take your shoes off, you won't get splinters, and you'll make to much noise with them on. So you help them again, now bare skin hits the cool marble, and the noise is almost unnoticeable. It doesn't creek like the floor boards in your home, or click like when you wear the shoes, it's just quiet taps, as you adjust your weight with each step, staying behind Tiff.

Looking around as you move, the pillars are intricately carved, small groves and smooth. But cracks fill the walls, like they had been patched instead of repaired. Running your hand along those spot, you could feel they were softer than the marble you stood on. Large chunks of the wall had been patched like this, and knocking on them made it seem they weren't hollow. No plumbing in them, evidence that it was done quick and cheap. Probably due to all the monsters the kings buys.

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