A Spice Odyssey

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"Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! It tastes like trash!" DeDeDe is currently acting like a five year old, which is nothing new, but he went to Kawasaki's, so it really isn't that surprising. "Kawasaki ain't you got nothin' digestible in this here dump?" Double negatives, and honestly, I feel like he should know the answer to that either way.

"I'm sorry sire, that's every dish on the menu!"

"You ain't a chef boy, you a garbage man!"

"Come clean Kawasaki, all chefs have secret recipes, don't hold out on us!" A good chunk of people, myself included, are currently stood outside Kawasaki's watching this go down.

"I'm not, that's all I have." His voice is so defeated, poor guy.

"What a loser! Let's get out a here."

"But what about your bill?"

"Forget it pizza face!" DeDeDe then chucks a pizza in his face, honestly, he could've tried to come up with something more creative, but whatever.

"It tastes okay to me." So sad. The pair leave, and drive off to castle.

"Man, that was fast." I back off, and Tiff looks upset, surprisingly, she doesn't speak her mind. "Anyways, we'll have to wait for whatever he's cooking up to see if we can ketchup." The kids all groan, besides Kirby. "Hopefully he doesn't leave Kawasaki flambéed."

"Alright, save the puns for Meta Knight." Tuff pushes me.

"Yeah, alright." I laugh at them.


Next morning, there's a new restaurant directly across the street from Kawasaki's.

"You think they have anything good?"

"Probably better than Kawasaki's."

"But prices must be through the roof by the looks of it!" The Mayor and his wife enter.

"They can't wait to get into that new restaurant."

"And it's right across the street!"

"Figures! DeDeDe want's to ruin your business!" People continue to gossip, until the door opens again, and the pair walk back out.

"How was the chow?"

"Did you like it?" The Mayor begins to cry.

"It was Heavenly!" He cries out.

"On a scale of one to ten, I'd give it a hundred!" His wife joins in.

"How much did you pay?" Tuff calls out to them.

"The price was unbeatable!"

"Just five dollars!" Immediately, a line forms in front of the restaurant. The citizens start talking over each other, the only words I catch are from Kawasaki.

"I'm through." Looking at the line, I guess it makes sense for opening day, but I don't know if it'll keep up.

"I'm going to the castle, the knights gotta eat, and I'm not sure they'll have time to wait in this line." The kids don't stop me, I didn't expect them to. I get there pretty quickly.

"So, what's goin' on down there?" Sword seems intrigued.

"DeDeDe opened a restaurant, super popular, I'd watch out for it, lines at Kawasaki's are nonexistent though. So if you wanna go down there you could probably get something for free." I shrug, and the pair laughs.

"Yeah, I don't imagine his food is hard to beat though." I laugh with them.

"Maybe 'e shoul' go 'own 'ere 'ust for da lines." I laugh, so do they. They walk down the hall, and I let them go.

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