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Sobs echo off the barren walls of the cabin. Right back into the ears of the person who made them. Tears racing down your eyes, yelling internally for letting that happen, for not being fast enough, not good enough, not helpful not wanted, nothing. Why are you here? Part of their lives? What are you doing that they can't do on their own? What positive do you give to anyone around you.

Your arms are shaking, and your breathes are shallow, bad attempts to calm your breathing. Panic, anger, frustration, sadness. You can't think of anything you do right, you just let a baby die because you listened to the guy who tried killing you!

Shut up. It's not his fault. It's yours. You have free will, you could've helped whenever you wanted. You could've been a good person. You could've helped. But you didn't. Did you not want to? People say to treat others how you want to be treated, you'd joke with your friends the whole, "killed without hesitation," bit. But maybe there was some truth in that.

It was the most help you wanted, an assisted suicide. Help getting yourself out of the picture. Or maybe you don't want help. Maybe... maybe you like being helpless, taking other people's attention. Have you just been attention seeking this whole time? Your breathing picks back up. Tears that had just stopped covered your cheeks again. Streaming down your face faster than you can dry them. You haven't fallen asleep all night, and light pours from the gaps in the curtain. Sun rise was hours ago, and you already heard Kirby leave. It was relief to hear him come back last night. But it doesn't make you leaving him okay. It makes it worse that you ran off. I hate the things I say and do.

A knock aeries in your ears, new, and different from the sobs you've gotten used to. You don't answer, you just go quiet, bury yourself down more. There's no reason to answer, they shouldn't have to talk to you.

"Y/N?" You hear it, but don't perceive it. You don't know who it is, which wall it's coming from. The headache from sobbing is making your head throb. What you wouldn't give to sink into the mattress and disappear. To loose all though and consciousness. Just exists.

The knocking comes back louder this time, the voice more defined. "Y/N?" The accent is familiar, but you can't place it. You can't think. Your tired, you're exhausted, and you don't want to feel. You don't move to open the door, they'll leave on their own.
"Y/N, I'm coming in." Meta Knight. You close your eyes, your tired. So, so tired. A clattering noise comes from the direction of the door, you don't have the energy to open your eyes. To see who it is, defend yourself. You can't even worry about his intentions or who he's with.

"Dios mija, What have you done?" The last thing you hear before you fall into the sweet, calm realm of unconsciousness.
You can't keep doing fucked up shit then feel sorry for yourself.


It's dark, you can't move, you don't want to. Your limbs are heavy and your eyes are locked closed. You can't breath in but you can't breath out either. Your not chocking, your just there. Nothing can happen and nothing will. It's like a sensory deprivation chamber, but more. A soothing voice, one you've never heard, rips through the silence of the world.

"I'm so glad to see your safe." It echos in your head, you process the words, you can't think of anything. "We were so worried, we thought we'd never find you!" It's so nice.

"Don't worry Comet, we can get you. Don't worry your pretty little head. We have someone there who would love to bring you back for us! They would be just delighted to meet you." There so nice to you. "It'll be great to see you, hear your stories. We can fix you right up, and send you back. You'll do to them what they did to you." It doesn't seem finished, but you wake up before it can get another word out. It was male, raspy, but sweet? It's so calming, you want to go back. Your still so tired, but not in a way that'll let you sleep. You open your eyes, noise coming into your ears. A deep breath in and out, followed by a yawn. You swing your legs over the edge of the loft. You hear someone gasp. You can't bring yourself to look. It's so bright. Why is the door open. Where is the door? What?

"Y/N!" Great, Tiff's here, so Kirby and Tuff probably are too. Rubbing at your eyes you yawn again. So tired, so bright, so annoying.

"We were worried about you." Meta Knight. That's what happened to the door. He happened. You groan, and slide off the loft, feet making a soft thump noise as they hit the ground. Something grasps at your leg. Kirby. You pat his head, and walk towards the hole where your door once was. People are talking behind you, you ignore them. You feel the door frame, hinges are still in there place, and not a crack in the frame. But your door is in shambles, or rather, splintered on the ground. This is perfect.

You run a hand through your hair, it sticks up in places and tangled in others. Sighing you step back in, sit on the floor, and beginning to untangle it with your hands. Tiff moves in front of you, waving her hands, seemingly yelling, you ignore her. Meta Knight moves to your side and touches your should. You move your head to look at him.

"Y/N, were worried. Is there any way we can help you right now?" His eyes are gray, new, reflective. You stare a little more, before ignoring him. You don't deserve help. You quickly begin to lean against the wall, staying upright to strenuous at the moment. You're eyes are sore, dry, from all the crying. Your limbs are tired from running, and you've mentally exhausted yourself to a point of no return.

"You can leave now." You mumble to them. Why would they stay here anyways?

"Can you at least eat the breakfast we made you?" Tiff yells. This is going to be a long day.


They haven't left you alone, half the time your walking with Kirby attached to your leg.

"Maybe if I start to love you guys, you'll leave me too!" You say, attempting to walk to the palace.

"I can't deal with this today." Meta Knight says, eyes immediately dulling in color.
"If you can't handle me at my worst just remember I do every day! Which makes me stronger than you!" You yell at him.
"Stop." He sounds frustrated, but that's not your problem yet.

"Whoa a spider!" Tuff excitedly points to a tree, your head snaps to it.

"Y/N no!" Tiff yells at you.

"It's a living thing! Treat it how you want to be treated!" Can't even tell you who said that one, you were locked in.

"KILLED WITHOUT HESITATION!" You excitedly yell, punching the spot on the tree the spider is at. You kill it, obviously, but A, it hurts your hand, B, the tree starts falling over. That's never happened before. You stand and silently stare at it. "What?" You keep your hand in a fist, looking at the now knocked over tree.
"Actually, you know what? Never mind! If we don't acknowledge it, then it didn't happen." You turn, attempting to walk away.

"No no no!" Tiff starts, "How? What? When? Why? Do you have any clue how impossible that is?" She looks at you, genuine confusion consuming her face and tone. "I mean, it's a whole tree! And your just going to ignore it?"

"I don't understand it, and I won't put up with it." You respond, looking back to her. No way to explain it, so it didn't happen. "Maybe it was already dead or rotting or something, I don't know." Eyes shifting away from her, noticing Meta Knight from your peripheral vision. Turning your head to him, his eyes are white, not reflecting like when they were gray. "You okay?"
"A monster could easily do that. You did it on accident." He keeps staring at the tree. Is he seriously going to do this again? Are you going to have to run back to Whispy? Does he suddenly hate you?

"You're as strong as a monster...  what if there's a connection?" He continues to look at the tree, this time, no one speaks up.

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