To Town

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The walk back was decent, you stayed in the back, to be lead and keep them in sight, so you wouldn't walk to far past them, and the trio of children were very talkative with each other. You and Meta Knight remained silent in the back, listening to the kids. While your eyes wandered mainly to the scenery, and the calm of the forest, Meta Knight was more focused on you. More specifically, how to approach you and introduce you to the citizens.

"Alright guys! We're just around the corner!" Tiff said, breaking Meta Knight from his thoughts, and your focus back to the trail, and the people ahead. You fidget with your hands, trying to give yourself something to do, and something to calm your nerves. The kids continue to talk about how happy everyone will be when they see your not a monster, though Tiff brings up that it may take a while for everyone to get used to you.

"Well, hopefully the reaction is food and hugs." You say out loud, an attempt to lighten the mood. It helps to calm your nerves slightly, but Kirby is elated at the idea of food, and begins to run to town.
"Kirby wait up!" Tuff yells, as he and his sister make chase. It leaves you and Meta knight, you considered going after them, but it's quickly out of the picture when Meta Knight strikes up a conversation.
"It won't take much convincing." You turn to look at him. "The towns people will be scared, but they'll quickly be swayed when they see I no longer wish to fight you." He says, eyes staying on the path, this short conversation has lead you to the end of the path, and there stands Cappy Town, waiting to judge you. "We're here." Meta knight says, getting in front of you as Tiff and Tuff gather everyone. All the towns people stay to just the edge of Cappy Town, getting ready to run from you, you can hear them yelling about who should go up to you first. Someone even says a name, before Kirby runs from the crowd, and to you. Which makes the crowd notice Meta Knight.

"Poyo!" Kirby says, hugging your leg.
"Everyone, this is Y/N!" Tiff says, holding a hand out in your direction. The towns people mumble to each other, it's harder to make out this time, but every once in a while you hear the same to names come up, "Bookem", and "Blustergas". Before finally a man dressed like a police officer came up. At least, you think it's a guy.
"Alright now Buster!"

"Actually it's Y/N." You say, it was a funny joke to you, but it seems it only made him angry.

"Listen here! I'm the Police Chief of Cappy Town! I'll be keeping an eye on you, and if you step out of line I'll be booken you!" He yells, it's not intimidating, because the size of all the buildings tells you that he couldn't fit you in a cell.

"Alright then sir!" You say, trying to throw him off, or at least make him think he has more control over the situation. It's really not worth pointing out he couldn't "book" you if he tried, he'd take it as a threat.
"Alright then! You will walk behind me! Meta Knight, can I trust you to help me keep an eye on them?" Bookem looks back, Meta Knight only nods to him. He takes that as enough confirmation, and begins to walk you towards the town. You make sure to take smaller steps, you know you would walk right past him otherwise, and that would scare everyone. Before you can even make it to the group, a car speeds in front of you, in it sits a blue bird, and a giant purple snail, with a green shell. Behind them stands large groups of small round creatures, much different from Kirby or Meta knight. In front of that group stands an orange, cyclops, just as big as the others.

"Don't worry my faithful citizens!" The blue bird yells, you take it that this must be DeDeDe. "I! You're courageous and handsome king, shall save you from this monsta', and rescue my cowardly Knight!" He yells, as he pulls out what, compared to him, is a massive mallet. While you know he can't do any real damage to you, you don't want to worry about bruising your foot and needing to hop around.

"My liege, while it is very brave of you to want to fight a monster, I must say-" Meta Knight starts, before being interrupted.
"Shut your trap! The king is here to save his people! You serve him! Shouldn't you be fighting by his side!" The snail yells, pointing at the small knight next to you. Followed by a "Yeah" by the king. Meta knight stays quiet after. The car starts up again and starts driving at you, and the things behind it give chase.

"Get back here monsta'! And face your doom!" The bird yells, this is uncomfortable to say the least, and all the yelling is starting to overwhelm you. So you take off, straight into the woods, but off the path. "Get that there monsta'!" You here him yell behind you. You get in the thickest part of the woods you can find, lay down, and attempt to blend in. Throwing leaves and sticks over your body, face down.

"Where'd that thing go?" You hear the snail. It's far away, but still to close for comfort. Good thing you were always the best at hide and seek. You sat still for minutes, it got boring, but it never felt like the tension left. You hear leaves rustling, just to your right, close, to close, but you can't move. You hear foot steps on dry leaves. You keep your eyes shut, until you feel a presence next to you, still moving. You finally open your eye to look, and are relived to see it's Tiff and Tuff. Unsure weather or not you should reveal yourself, you stay down, if you startle them to much the bird or snail might hear you.
"Y/N?" Tiff and Tuff yell out, looking up at the trees, behind rocks, anywhere in this small clearing you've found. You finally decide to let them know you're here.
"Hey, I'm here." You whisper, an attempt to make sure they hear you, and no one else. It startles them, and they look around, now aware you are here somewhere, before you shift and move your cover off so they can see you.
"Whoa! How'd you do that Y/N?" Tuff asks, excitedly bouncing on his toes. You don't have much time before Meta Knight with Kirby drop from a tree. The two children scream, but you only back up, ready to run again if you need to.
"My apologies for startling you." Meta Knight says, followed up by another "Poyo" from Kirby. "I was making sure you were not followed by the King or Escargoon."

"The snail?" You ask, now having his name to.

"Yeah, he's the king's right hand man." Tuff says, looking around the area. Before you hear more rustling, you doubt it's another friendly figure, and DeDeDe and Escargoon pop from a bush, covered in dirt and leaves.

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