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"I'm going home." I'm done with this, I just have to leave, I have to be alone. I so awful around other people.

"Why?" Tiff yells after me, she and her friends run after me.

"Because I'm angry." Short, simple, and a good reason.

"Dr. Yabui said you need to stay still, and need someone to watch over you." Meta Knight moves to my side.

"I can watch over myself for a while."

"Why do you always run whenever anything bad happens?" Tuff seems more confused than angry, but it's still frustrating they all think they have the right to question me.

"Because when I'm angry, I'm violent, that's just how it is." I keep moving away from them, I just gave DeDeDe a concussion, and I'm still wanting to give him more.

"Why would you get violent?" Tiff sounds genuinely confused, unsure why anyone would jump to violence in anger. To be fair, the only person she would've seen act like this is DeDeDe.

"No more questions! I hate questions!" I've decided it! No more! I can't think! I can't fight! I grip at parts of myself before settling on my hands and pull at them. The skin the nails, just shaking them and hitting them against my chest, I need to do something.

"Stop hurting yourself!" Tiff yells, god she's so loud! Which way am I going? How do I get out of the castle? "Y/N stop!" Tuff yells, he stands in my path, holding his arms out to either side of him in an attempt to keep me from leaving. Kirby grabs at my leg and tries to pull me back.

"Stop! Touching me!" I swing my leg forward, kicking Tuff, then backwards, the momentum sending Kirby off me. I stop and look, this is why I'm trying to leave, I don't want to hurt them! Something grabs at my leg, I just start shaking, I don't want to hurt them, but I don't want to be touched. "Please stop." I shake my leg a little more. They don't let go, it's probably Kirby. Just move forward. Just get home. Just get away.

"Y/N." The spanish accent rings through my ears. "Please stop, just sit down and calm yourself." Meta Knight gets Kirby off me. He moves in front of me slowly, and hands me a stress ball. Does he just keep that on him? Why?

"I need you to sit down, we are away from DeDeDe, and I promise if anyone tries to hurt you, I will stop them." He moves his cape, and reveals the handle of his sword. I back up until my back hits the wall. I let myself slide down and sit against the wall, leaning my head against the pillar on my right. I put both hands on the stress ball and pull at opposite ends, pushing it back together and repeating.

"Do you need a hug?" Tiff moves in front of me with her arms wide.

"I'd crush you if I hugged you."

"What about Meta Knight?"

"I was talking to all of you." I pause, and think over my actions. Extreme sadness when left on my own and with Whispy, lashing between anger and sadness almost like clock work, oh my god. "I think I'm having withdrawals." I groan.

"You used substances?" Meta Knight's eyes go green, with white shines.

"I was medicated. I took Prozac, it's an anti depressant. I haven't had it since I got here. And I haven't been acting like myself except for the first few days, where I was pretty isolated, just with Whispy." Things make more sense now. I ran from my problems because I can't deal with them. My anger is being tossed around and overlapping with my sadness because I'm having withdrawals, so obviously I'm emotional!

"You didn't tell Dr. Yabui you were medicated!" Tuff yells, Meta Knight seems to be stuck in stunned silence.

"I'm surprised I haven't hung myself yet, but hey, I'm not complaining." Tiff and Tuff scream at that remark.

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