Doctors Appointment

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Each move they take to shift me pulls at my muscles, and it absolutely destroys my health. Heavy breaths leave my mouth, and I try to keep from screaming, but god it hurts. I feel arms shift under me, my muscles tense where I'm touched. I'm being slowly lifted, they tremble as they pick me up. This is going to be miserable.


The medical bed was to small, so I sit where I fits... on the floor. Dr. Yabui is out of the room talking to the others. He can't even get me to move my arm without needing to stop. He's barely been able to do any check up. The door creaks, looking over I can see Dr. Yabui coming back in, Meta Knight at his side.

"I'll be needing assistance to make sure no bones aren't broken. Do you mind if Meta Knight assists in moving your limbs?" You don't really have a choice. You just nod and look away. "Alright then, I'm sorry to ask this, but I'll be needing you to remove your jacket and shirt to ensure you weren't cut. Possibly your pants too." That on the other hand, is a very big issue. I don't mind the doctor seeing, he's a trained professional, but Meta Knight? God this is awful. I first try to get my clothes off myself, starting with my jacket, but it's wet and stuck to me, I can barely turn my head or take off the sleeves.

"Allow me to help." Meta knight moves towards me. I get more frantic in trying to remove it alone. It hurts, but I don't want someone else to undress me, that's awful. I can't get it off though, and Meta Knight makes it to me before I can remove it.

"Please don't cut it off." I still pull at the jacket. It's a gift from my friends, my mom threatens to cut it off me if I didn't stop wearing it. Instead of cutting it, he slowly pulls your arms from the sleeves, before pulling it over your head. "Okay, I can get my shirt off myself then. Thank you." You say to Meta Knight, and motion to the door, he pays you no mind and begins taking your shirt off. On your stomach lays a long cut from a surgery you had, bruising on the sides of your ribs and waist from the claw gripping you. Looking at my chest, I can tell why it felt heavy, a deep purple bruise coves it, you probably landed wrong or something.

"What happened to your back?" Yabui asks. That is a question I don't process correctly. I point to the scar on my stomach. It spans from just below the waist line of my pants to my belly button.

"It's a surgical scar, they had to remove an organ." You say to them.

"That is concerning in its own right, but not what I asked. Why do you have lash marks on your back?" He asks again. And I... uh... I don't remember having those.

"I just, don't know, maybe I like, slept wrong, or when I ended up on this planet I landed wrong or something. I don't have any clue though." That's odd, I don't think I ever had that before. I don't know how I would've gotten that.

"Okay then, why did they remove an organ?" Yabui seems very uncomfortable by the subject.

"I understand that many species have odd ways off dealing with injuries, would this, perhaps be that?" Meta Knight seems more calm about it. Makes sense, he did fight in a war, this probably isn't anything new to him.

"Oh, well I was getting extremely iron deficient, a very bad thing for humans. Also, they were worried that organ may become infected because it wasn't doing it's job."

"What is it meant to do?" Yabui seems to be taking notes.

"Women in my species bleed monthly to become... 'fertile', I guess." This seemed to shock both of them. Not good.

"I'd imagine it isn't a huge bother then?" Yabui keeps his pen to the paper, but his hand is shaky.

"Oh no, it hurts, dependent on the person, at varying levels of pain. Some people get lucky and barely feel it, others, like me, get it to an equivalent of being stabbed." Meta Knight's eyes go a pale white again, while Yabui just drops his clip board and pen.

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