Ace/Aro Due

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"Alright Y/N, I just want to see something." Tiff pushes the shield closer to you, Sword already in hand.

"Sure I guess?" You hesitate, not sure where this is going.

"Okay... let me just-" you pick up the shield before Tiff begins to move your stance. Angling your feet, and the pose of your arms. "Could you tilt your head up?" She looks to you.

"Sure." You lookup.

"Over the shield please." She clarifies, you laugh and comply. She stays silent, and you start to get uncomfortable.

"So, is this for a picture or-" you try and divert your attention. She stays silent still. Tuff runs up to you.

"Hey! What are you guys-" he stops too. This is getting way too weird for you.

"Do I look weird? Should I stop?" You ask them, trying to stay as still as possible, shifting your eyes to them, you see their cheeks have gone rosey... no, no. That must be a trick of the light or something. That can't seriously... can they?

"Um- sorry Y/N, I just, um-" Tiff starts before Tuff cuts her off.

"You look so cool!" He yells, you release the pose and look at them. Maybe it's just hot out? Please? Their cheeks are still red, but their kids, like, eight years old. This is so weird, is this how babysitters feel or teachers? Gross.

"So, am I done?" You ask, trying to get out of the situation, an awkward smile plastered on your face. This makes their cheeks go more red. Tuff buries his head in his hands.

"Uh- no, you can-" Tiff pauses, "you can leave." She finishes. You just drop the sword and shield and speed walk home. You're not dealing with this today. You can't deal with human relationships, so forget being someone's childhood crush. That's not you.


You quietly sit in your home contemplating. Your parents were sure it was a faze, and they were your parents. You now had confirmation that people on this planet could find you attractive. What if someone asks you to go out with them? Would they respond any better than your parents? A knock at the door. That's right, Meta Knight was coming to check on you today. You get up to answer.

"Greetings Y/N, may I enter?" What is he, a vampire? It would explain the cape. You step to the side and he enters. "How have things been?"

"Uncomfortable, to say the least." You start.

"What happened?" He turns to you. You set one hand on your head and the other against your hip.

"I think Tiff and Tuff have crushes on me." You mutter, his eyes go orange.

"Ah, Tiff felt the same way for me when she was younger." His eyes go back to yellow.

"Did it make you uncomfortable?" You sit on the floor, you've got cushions, so you don't sit directly on the wood.

"Of course." He says. "Anyone would be uncomfortable when a child takes a liking to them." He states, nodding his head. You shift and look to the side.

"But that's not right." You whisper. "My family was flattered when people got crushes on them, my cousin got a crush on every guy she saw!" You grip the edge of the cushion.

"Odd, maybe it was a human thing?" He asks.

"My friends said that my, 'lack of attraction', probably meant I was asexual aromantic. My parents said that I was a late bloomer. I don't know which I'm hoping for." You lean back, closing your eyes.

"Excuse me for asking, but what do those words mean? Asexual and aromantic?" He says.

"Asexual is a lack of sexual attraction and aromantic is a lack of romantic attraction." You tell him. You didn't feel like going super in-depth. He hums again, before looking up at you.

"I believe that is me." He says. Instantly you sit up.

"Really?" You try and contain your excitement. You've never found another ace/aro person.

"It describes me quite well, I just never put too much thought into my lack of interest." He claims. You feel like a weight has been lifted. Another person to talk to about it. Another person who gets it. Another person who you understand.

"That's-" you pause, looking for the right words. "I've never met anyone like me before." You smile. His eyes flash a quick gray or white color.

"I suppose I haven't either." He says. His eyes go a light blue and stay that way.
"Oh man, I seriously thought this was going to be a big deal." You chuckle to yourself. He laughs alongside you.

"Was it a big deal before?" He looks at you, eyes still blue.

"Yeah, not many people feel this way, or, I guess, don't feel that way." You say. "Anything different kind of.. angers humans?" You say, an awkward smile placed on your face, but not out of discomfort this time.

"I see." He nods. "I suppose it is nice to be recognized and related to." He says, a warmth in his voice.

"Yeah." You say. You both sit in silence. You replay this conversation over and over in your head. You don't think you'll ever forget it. You've been validated, the only people who have done that before were on the internet or other friends in the LGBT+ community.

"My goodness." You hear Meta Knight begin to chuckle, you look at him. "No wonder I was always the last to find out!" He bursts into full laughter. Someone else gets it, someone else is the same. You laugh with him, that's something you get. The punchline you've been waiting to hear. The voice you've been waiting to laugh with.


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