Brush Your Teeth You Fuck

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"Tuff, what's up?" He quickly shushes me, before Kirby rounds the corners, and starts gabbing on.

"There you are!" His family comes out onto the balcony, Tiff and his parents. "Y/N, could you help us hold him down?"

"Whoa what?" I look to Tiff, she doesn't seem to be joking, and her parents aren't objecting, so I quickly grab Tuff before he gets the chance to run. "What's going on?"

"Tuff has a cavity, and he won't go to the dentist."

"That all?" I look down at him, and he keeps squirming. "If you're that worried, then I'll go with you and get checked." He freezes.

"You will?" I nod, and he chills. "Well, maybe it won't be so bad then..."

"That's great news! Come on now!" Lady Like starts leading us off to Yabui, I follow, holding Tuff, wondering if he'll even let me in. I should keep reassuring Tuff though.

"You know, sometimes it's hard for me to brush, I just don't have the energy, it's a real bad habit. It's for the best I get it checked." When we eventually get to Yabui's, DeDeDe is there too, and quickly Tuff and DeDeDe are fighting on why the other should go first. "Alright you babies, I'll go first, you'll see it's not that bad, and then you can go." They both quickly nod, DeDeDe first to speak.

"Well, if you insist, ladies first after all!"

"Well, I don't see why not!" Tuff quickly starts pushing me through the door. I sit and Yabui hesitates.

"Don't worry doc, just here to show Tuff the dentist isn't so bad." He takes another hesitant step forward.

"Well, I suppose I have to." I open my mouth, he checks around, doest the normal 'bite, open' whatever. Eventually he helps me out of the chair. "Everything looks fine, just floss more please." I nod, and step out to Tuff.

"See, not so bad." I pat his shoulder, and notice he's shaking. "You're real brave for a kid your age, you know that? Doing something even though your scared." He looks at me, before walking in, Yabui dragging DeDeDe in as well. Escargoon and the Ebrum family, the door closing behind them. I just sit and wait in the lobby.

I chill for a while, just sorta checking the stuff in the lobby before spacing out at a random point along the wall's trim, before I hear clattering, screaming, and overall, just a lot of not good noises.

"Tuff stop!"

"Sire!" The two burst out lazily, content smiles on their faces.

"All the pains gone Y/N!" Tuff walks up to me.

"That's great man, you gonna start brushing better now?" I look down at him, he's looking up with a rather chill look, everyone else comes out, Tiff the first to speak.

"Tuff, that medicine doesn't fix the problem! It's just taking the pain away temporarily!" Tiff shakes him a little.

"No way! Everything's great now!" Tuff tosses his arms up in his joy.

"Hold on Tuff." He turns and looks at me. "If your pain in numb, why don't you let Yabui take care of it now, so when the medicine wears off it won't hurt?" He looks like he considers it for a second.

"Common Tuff, please?" Tiff looks at him, a little sad.

"Yes son, it is for the best." Ebrum moves to the other side of Tuff. DeDeDe and Escargoon leave, with the king laughing, and Escargoon trying to reason with him.

"If that skank DeDeDe won't do it, then it's probably a good idea." I pat Tuff's head, before he sighs, and goes back into Yabui's room, his family following.

"Thanks Y/N." Tiff turns back to me, before going in and closing the door. Once again I turn and look at a random spot in the room, before going back to the complex storyline always going on in the back of my head.

I'm not sure how long I'm sat there fantasizing, before the family comes out, Tuff rubbing his cheek a little.

"Did it hurt?" I ask him, and he looks up.

"No, it just feels a little weird."

"Your lucky you still got baby teeth, take better care of them and you won't have to deal with this." I pat his head, and he nods.

"Yeah, all right." He walks out of the office, again, his family thanks me, before they leave too. I sit in the lobby a little longer, before finally stepping out. I'm not really sure what to do, so I just walk around the town, hoping to find something, before running into Gus.

"Hey! I was actually lookin' for ya!" He smiles, whipping some car grease from his face.

"Yeah? What's up?" I crouch, despite being one of the biggest Cappies, he's still short compared to me, go figure.

"I was wondering if you would be willin' ta show me how cars in your world look, if yer willin." He shrugs, I think I'm it for a minute. Before nodding.

"Sure, I don't know as much as my brother, he loved welding and cars, planes, boats, all that sorta stuff. I picked up some of it, but probably not enough." Gus nods.

"That's fine, I understand." He the walks into his shop, before coming back out with paper and pencils. "Can ya draw me some cars?" I smile, before sitting, and getting to work. We have a nice conversation.

"This is a 1966 mustang, it's my mom's favorite, my grandpa's too

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"This is a 1966 mustang, it's my mom's favorite, my grandpa's too. They're great for racing, and I think they look pretty nice."

"This is a classic Ford pickup truck, my brother loves pickup trucks

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"This is a classic Ford pickup truck, my brother loves pickup trucks. I don't remember the year or anything, just that it had a great engine." Gus and I spend the rest of the day talking about cars, how they work, he even explains some things I don't understand before he gives me a proposition.

"Hey, how 'bout we build one of these, and I teach you ta' drive!" I look at him, a little shocked.

"I'm, yeah! That would be awesome! Uh, I don't know that I'll be good but..."

"Well, that's why I'm gonna teach ya!"

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