Filler: stupid stuff Y/N has said

428 8 15

"I wanna be radioactive, but not in a deadly way, ya' know? Like, make geiger counters click and make photos grainy, but nothing deadly. Just the fun stuff!"

"Why would you want that? Why would you ever want that?" Tiff is exhausted of me.

"Are you telling me you wouldn't want to be a cryptid?" She stares at me with her mouth slightly agape.

"What is a 'cryptid'?" She's genuinely lost, and so I decided then and there.

"I don't need to tell you."


"Buenos Dias Fuckboys!"

"Language, Y/N." Meta Knight's eyes stay yellow, but I can tell he's angry with me.

"At first it was Spanish, but I ended on English." That annoyed him.

"I will ground you."

"You don't have the authority, your not my dad!" I sprint away, and jump into the water to get away from him.


"Good job today Y/N, I don't think you had any break downs today!" Tiff moves up to me.

"Yes, I am very proud of you Y/N." Meta Knight is at my side, his voice monotone as always.

"Yeah, alright, thanks dad." I keep walking, before pausing and turning. The group has stopped behind me. "What's up?" I question them.

"You just called Meta Knight dad, you said, 'thanks dad'." Tuff points to you, Tiff has a smile on her face.

"Y/N, do you see me as a father figure?" His eyes are a bright purple.

"No, no! If anything I see you as a bother figure, cuz your always nagging me." I turn to keep walking, but am stopped by Kirby standing in my path. "Hey guy... what's up?" My voice waivers at the end, I don't have any food on me, so I'm very worried about this.

"Hey!" I hear Bookem in the town, we're only a few feet away from them. "Show your father some respect! Don't just walk away from him!"

"I didn't call him dad!" I yell at him.

"I'm pretty sure you called him dad." The criminal under Bookem's foot speaks up to me.

"You shut up! You've done nothing but lie and steal since I've known you!" He tilts his head back and forth a little.

"Okay, so I lied about my alibi, but the dad thing? That happened!"

"He admits it! He doesn't have an alibi, he did it!" I point to him and take a step back.

"It's okay Y/N, I think it's nice that you see him as a father figure." Tiff laughs at the end of her sentence.

"I believe you," Meta Knight stares at me, his eyes are blue.

"Thank you!"

"Daughter." I groan and start walking away.

"You know what, I got 30 minutes of sleep last night, I'm leaving."

"Only 30 minutes?" Meta Knight sounds angry, time to run.


"Day 23 in the chamber, they ain't found me yet, but boy will they be surprised when they do."

"HOW! ARE YOU IN THE WALLS?" Tiff yells.


"You guys ever see shadow figures in the corner of your eyes?"

"Every, day... you get worse and worse." Blade Knight stares at me, as I lay on the ground in front of him.


"¡Soy DeDeDe, tengo hemorroides moderadas a severas!" (I'm DeDeDe, I have moderate to sever hemeroids!)

"What you jus' say girlie?" DeDeDe grasps his mallet tighter.

"I'm DeDeDe, I'm very handsome!"


"I think I see some, 💅"

"Why did you flick your wrist like that? What does that mean? Are you being rude?" Meta Knight immediately questions me, especially since Sword and Blade are the only ones around us.

"No, it's just, 💅"

"That does not answer my question."


"Meta Knight." I shake him, his eyes go from a dull yellow to a more vibrant one.

"Y/N, it is three in the morning, why?" I shush him, and move Kirby into his vision. "What?"

"Watch." I pull out a cd, and give it to Kirby, he swallows it whole. Meta Knight seems more confused by the second. Kirby keeps his mouth closed, and I hold up a finger. I then open Kirby's mouth.

"KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY THAT'S THE NAME OF THE SHOW!" I close his mouth and it stops. I open it again. "KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY HE'S THE STAR OF THE SHOW!" I close his mouth again, Meta Knight is completely lost. I open his mouth again. "HE'S MORE THAN YOU THINK, HE'S GOT MAXIMUM PINK-"

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