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I've been sitting here for hours. It's starting to get dark and windy, which is great. Maybe I should just walk back to the cabin, the wind is stinging my eyes and throat, plus, my bruises are starting to really hurt. "Alright then, easy up." I start gripping the wall and pulling myself up, my legs are numb, so are my hands, hurts to grab stuff. Finally on my feet, I start to walk back.

"Y/N!" Okay, guess I'm stopping. "Meta Knight told us to come escort you."

"Where to?"

"Ba' inta da' castle." Blade Knight, kinda hard to make out, but I get it.

"Where in the castle?"

"Medical bay." Sword Knight speaks again.

"Oh, nice and comfy, lovin' it." Sarcasm is my favorite, this room will be awesome. "Quarantine part two, electric boogaloo." Once again, no one gets the joke but me. As long as I'm okay with it, it's fine. Just following them down the halls is warming me up. Doubting there will be any comfortable living situations, but hey! It's fine, it's fine... it's fine. Up and around the spiraling stairs, no problems for them, but I'm pretty much a corpse at this point, rasping breaths and dragging me feet. At the end of the hall, sits a large open door, no noise exits it, and the only noise entering is the click of the Knights boots. I don't even have shoes on.

"Dis is it." Blade Knight points to the room. It's empty, small beds litter the edges of the room, maybe I can push a few together and not have to sleep on tile. I can hear them walk away.

"Okay... bye then." It's more of a whisper. I'm tired, and I don't have space to sleep, I doubt I can close the doors, for multiple reasons. I sigh, my throat is still sore. I'm just, going to grab a blanket and sit in the corner. That's the warmest option. Maybe a second one wouldn't hurt. I walk to the nearest beds and take their blankets, it's only three, but it'll work. The first one raps around my legs, like a mummy. The second lays on my stomach, starting just before the first one ends. The final one I just draped over the coldest area. Maybe this won't be so bad, maybe I can just fall unconscious and wake up healthy, or even better, back in my room, back on Earth.

If I just keep my eyes closed long enough, I'll sleep, and maybe I can sleep in. Clicks of shoes getting closer down the hall. Meta Knight, it has to be.

"Y/N." As the name rolls off the tongue, the Spanish accent confirms what I already knew. "Ah, I see your getting comfortable." He looks to me, and moves to my side.

"What were you up to?" I look at him, Tiff said they were looking for him, so it probably has something to do with that.

"The children were asking about Kirby and his past." I nod, that's reasonable.

"So, why'd you come here?"

"I told Dr. Yabui I would watch over you for the month."

"You don't have to stay by my side ever minute of the day." I lean my head into the corner, and shift lower to the ground.

"I figured since we would be spending so much time together, we could get to know each other better." His eyes go a light blue.

"Alright, shoot." I put more attention on him.

"Pardon?" He tilts his head, would that be his whole body? It doesn't matter, the movement translates properly.

"Ask your question, go for it, shoot." Common expression on Earth is confusing here, probably for multiple reasons.

"Ah." He makes a noise of recognition. "I was curious, and you have no need to answer, I've noticed that you embrace it whenever you are given the chance to be child like, but naturally, you act more like an adult, or a grandparent."

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