Everything's A Blur

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"You've been here a while, better wake up before you forget how to."

There's a lot of fire... everything's on fire...

"Y/N!" I turn, Meta Knight stands, sword pointed towards me. I can't bring myself to move, for a few moments my head is clear, I don't need to think as I swing my hand out, pushing down and killing the once roaring flames. But now it hurts, I'm thinking to fast, everything at once.

What just happened? How did I get here? Where am I? How did I do this? Since when could I?

I don't get enough time to digest those thoughts, as soon Meta Knight is charging me, and I can't see.

I can, I can see, but I can't? I know it's Meta Knight, and I know... I, I know... what do I-

He slams against me, pushing me to the ground, quickly pinning me, and I watch an arrow fly over my head.

"Wha-" MK is quick to pull me back up, before dragging me along side him, away from the apparent danger. We soon reach the kids, and the other knights. "What happened?" They look at me, concerned, before quickly continuing to run, down to Kabu, and its weird, because now I don't even remember if I said that out loud.

"-injured!" I hear the end of Tiff's sentence. Where are we? What happened? Meta Knight? Why are they bandaging him? They all look worried, and I feel it too, but I don't know why.

Is it because everyone else is? Is it because we're here? Where is here? What-

"Come out you coward! Come out and fight me!" I shrink at the voice, it's booming, it's too loud, I can feel myself panicking, my hands, my forearms, hearing up as little flames and sparks come off me. Everything is blurry, but only my surroundings? What happened? "Kirby! Pay for your crimes!" The voice cries out again.

I'm in a cave, and the voice comes from above us, through the opening, and I feel angry. At the voice? I can feel myself dragged again. We're out of the cave. I can see the new person, they're about as tall as Tiff, white all over, and wearing greens and browns. They have all sorts of weapons. I can feel myself anger, just looking at them, but then I realize they're already burned. I... already hurt them? Why? Why am I being so... aggressive.

"It was me!" I hear Meta Knight call out, the fight progressed without me. She kicks Kirby to the side, and charges at Meta Knight. I panic, and fling myself at her, tackling her. "Y/N, stop!" Meta Knight is yelling at me, but she's going to hurt him, she's... not safe to have around... she needs... she needs to-

A scream snaps me out of it, and I let go of her, backing off, her arm blisters, and smokes, and it's burnt, when did I- "You can't stop me! I will avenge my mother!" I want to hurt her, I want to stop her, but this time Sword and Blade hold me back, and I put up very little fight. I only catch a few clashes of their weapons, before she attempts to grab Meta Knight's sword, at which point she shakes, and screams, and won't stop screaming, I'm up before I can think, and quickly knock the sword out of her hand. She topples, and I don't move, but Meta Knight is very quickly at her side.

They talk, but I can't hear them, I watch their mouths move, but there's nothing, she then looks to me, and I can hear again.

"You were... protecting your father." She looks sad, and I feel, confused.

"I'm sorry." It's all I manage, and I'm not sure that I entirely mean it. "I- hurt you?" She nods, and I feel myself lighten, how much? Why am I... excited, about this?

"My name, is Sirica." I nod to her, and she patiently waits for a response.

"I am... I'm Y/N." She smiles. "And I'm sorry, I think." She laughs, and stands. The others walk over, and before I can think, we're walking back to Cappy Town.

"I'm sorry I shot you." Siri a looks up at me apologetically. "Uhm, but I guess you got me back, so, we're uhm, even?" I nod. But I don't remember. When did she shoot me? "Uh, here!" She hands me a small device, it looks like a Nokia phone, but smaller. "We can keep in touch this way!"

"Do you know Knuckle Joe?" She smiles and nods. I turn away from her. "So, that's two for two on botched introductions, I guess." I mumble to myself, unsure if she heard or not. I don't think it matters.

We make our way to a ship, and, it feels, familiar? I'm some way? I'll have to ask. Ask who?

"I'm sorry." I say it again, and she doesn't respond this time, getting on the ship, and leaving. "I'm sorry..."


"You got hit in the head real bad, you may have a concussion, thankfully, nothing looks broken. I suggest you sleep." Yabui steps back from me, and I nod, before pausing.

"What if I forget to wake up?" He looks confused, but doesn't question it, I guess he's still on edge from last time. "Yabui?" He looks at me. "What if I forget to wake up?" He looks more concerned. "Maybe I shouldn't sleep." He steps out, and quickly comes back in, Meta Knight in tow.  They silently watch me, so ai repeat myself. "What if I forget to wake up?"

"How could you?" MM slightly tilts his head, I don't take the time to check his eyes, instead looking down, and letting my hands fidget.

"I don't know... I, don't know."

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