The Chase

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Y/N bolts through the forest, darting between trees and jumping over rocks, pulling rotting branches down behind her, and jumping over brooks and streams. All while the kids are yelling and begging you to stop. You remember you've outrun the eyes before, you can do it again and loop back to Whispy.

"Y/N! Stop! What happened?" Tiff yells, not knowing what you saw. Meanwhile Meta Knight is doing his best to keep up and not let them out of his sight, it's hard to lose them when the kids are yelling though. Keeping up with Y/N on a flat path was hard enough, but through winding twisting routes she was taking in an attempt to shake him made it harder, especially with how quickly she seemed to make decisions.

"Tiff! Tuff! Kirby!" Meta knight yelled out, hoping to maybe slow them down with recognition, or possible get Y/N to drop them. In stead, she ran faster, with more turns and loops, making more difficult than it had already been to keep up. Eventually Meta Knight cornered them against a sheer cliff, not sure how to deescalate the situation, he stands still, ponder what to do. The flash of green in his eyes makes Y/N put two and two together and realized that Meta Knight has just been there, watching them for a while, he could have killed her already and that thought terrified her. She put the others down and stood in front of them, worried he might go to attack.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I jumped to conclusions when I first saw you and assumed you were associated with king DeDeDe." Meta knight said, putting a hand in front of him to get her to calm down.

"Why would you attack someone who you think knows your king?" Y/N yells, hoping for at the very least a decent reason.
"King DeDeDe is evil!" Tiff yells from behind you. You shift your eyes to look at her, not moving your head, before quickly looking back to Meta knight.

"Sincerely, I am sorry, I wanted to protect Kirby and the citizens." Meta knight says, hoping to calm her. She hesitates before releasing her stance in front of the children, and letting them walk to him. "Everyone is safe right?" He asks, wanting to make sure nobody got hurt in the process. Y/N doesn't step forward, instead backing into the cliff, and keeping her back protected.

"You keep calling me a monster, I've been taking it as a name to call me, but I'm starting to believe it's more literal than I first thought." You say, this isn't your world, and if monsters are a real thing in this world, that's a big problem.

"Yeah, King DeDeDe keeps buying them and getting them to fight Kirby!" Tuff yells, swinging the stick from earlier as if he were sword fighting. You sigh, relax your muscles, and walk back in the direction they came from.

"Hey! Wait up!" Tiff yells, running after you. "Where are you going?"

"Back to Whispy, we just took off, he's probably worried."

"We took off? Or did you leave and take us with you?" Tiff asks mockingly.

"We left, a decision from the group, a group decision." You say smiling to yourself, still walking, let's see how long it takes for them to be done with you.
"Okay, well after that we're going back to the town, right?" Tiff says as you help the kids over a log.

"Just because Meta Knight doesn't want to kill me anymore doesn't mean no one will try." Y/N says bitterly, still making her way to Whispy. No one can think of anything to say after, so the rest of the walk back after is silent.

When the group finally makes it back the mood has calmed down, and Whispy looks over to them.

"Oh! You're back! Is everyone alright?" He asks, as everyone moves in front of him, with Kirby immediately going to eat more apples.

"We're better, thanks for asking, Y/N and Meta Knight are less... violent with each other. So that's progress!" Tiff says, continuing to try to keep things positive. "But Y/N isn't sure they want to come back to the village with us."

"It's not that I don't know if I want to go back, it's that I don't, but you want me to." Y/N says, moving further away from Kirby, but still trying to stay engaged in the conversation.

"Oh, why wouldn't you want to go Y/N?" He asks, looking over to you.

"Last time I went everyone was scared of me? And also I don't want to give anyone heart attacks." Y/N say, half heartedly. Their E/C eyes shifting away from the group.

"I think you should go. The only company you've had is me and the wild life, and you seem to need social interactions." Whispy says, looking to you, almost pleading. "I've been seeing you get more depressed, this routine isn't good for you, maybe a change of pace is what you need. And if you don't like it, or some thing goes wrong, you can come back." Whispy says, he knows since Meta Knight is no longer mistaking you for a monster, he can get the citizens to calm down. If for some reason he can't then you can come back to him and be safe. He's the only person you really trust at this point, you don't want to leave security for the chance of death, and even less so when Meta Knight would be the one escorting you. But the idea Whispy wants you to go tells you it's either a good idea, or Whispy doesn't want you anymore. Either way, for Whispy's sake, it's easier to just go with them back to the town.
"Alright, I'll go, but if anyone tries to attack me I'm running!" You say point a finger at Meta Knight for your previous encounter.

"Of coarse! And I'll expect you to be back in a week to keep me updated!" Whispy says, a kind spirit he is, and his smile washes away your fears of him hating you. You pack up any personal belongings you may have had, and make your way to Cappy Town.

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