The Ringing

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Owwie... ouch, I should stop trying to move. Slowly pushing my arms to my face, I rub at my eyes, removing any gunk or dust from them. Opening my eyes, I can see a rather sterile room around me. I have a horrid headache, and a ringing in my ears. My torso hurts, really really bad. I feel hot and sore. My breathing doesn't hurt like before, but my neck feels tight. I slowly move my hand down my face and to my neck, it's a little swollen, but I can deal with it. I can breath easier than yesterday, maybe the cold air worked like an ice pack or something, I don't know. Lowering my hand more, I trace my collar bone. The left side hurts when I touch it, hope it isn't broken. Moving down more to my shirt, I pull the bottom up to see the damage.

The entire torso where I was gripped is a deep purple, twisting just a little hurts like all hell, so that's not happening. Going from the deepest bruise, more towards my belly button, it turns a greenish color, before going to my natural skin color. This looks awful, how did I cope yesterday? Was it just adrenaline? God, what if I broke a rib? Trailing down more, I get to my legs, they're a little painful, but not nearly as bad as my torso. I probably shouldn't move, maybe water? Will I even be able to eat? Somethings on my right arm!

I flinch away, that hurt, the movement and the touch. Looking over, paining my neck I see Meta Knight. His movement imply he's talking, but the ringing in my ears say otherwise. I just silently stare at him, if I speak I might yell. Instead, I slowly raise my hand, and put it to my ear, it feels fine, but the ringing seems like it'll stay for a while. His eyes flash a green, before reverting to yellow, he steps out of the room, and down the hall. Okay, is he getting Tiff or Yabui or something? That might be good, want to make sure nothing new is going wrong. Maybe I should just sleep again, it'll be quiet, and I won't feel the pain, and when I wake up later, I'll be better, if only a little.

It hurts to move, breathing is okay, I think I didn't recognize the pain yesterday due to adrenaline, that has to be it. Deep breath in, hurts my sides, but my lungs are fine, deep breath out, it tingles. The bruises are painful, but they won't kill me, there's no way. I can breath, so I can drink, so at the very least I can have some sort of nutrients. Weather it be vitamins or whatever, as long as it works. Maybe I should just keep my mind off it? Yeah, that seems right. Laughing will almost definitely hurt, so maybe just, tunes or... music, something. Blitz by Technoblade. That gets a chuckle out of me, I can't hear the volume, but it hurts my sides, my chest, and it was a small chuckle.

Why would I hum or sing if I can't hear it? Feeling myself speak might make me more grounded, maybe work with my volume, feel how deep or how quiet I am, like Beethoven making piano music as a deaf man. Knowing how to keep my voice quiet, even when I can't hear it, that might be a nice skill. I let a hum rumble in my throat, so I can feel my noise. What do I say? I hum louder, and I can feel it more in my throat. A quote maybe? Oh! Or an interaction between some of my Oc's? That could work. 'I asked if you'd kill me too. You said he had a mental illness. All I needed you to say was no, I would never do that.' I like that quote, it was a good one a.m. thought. I wrote it down in my phones notes so I wouldn't forget it. Just humming seems like a decent quality control though, I can do that.

Someone slowly lays a hand on my arm, more prepared this time, I look over and see Meta Knight again, at his side are Sword Knight and Blade Knight. I wave, I want to say something, but I don't want to make myself look like an idiot. Maybe just, 'Buenos dias', that's decent, not much, low voice, easy to say. Let's just try that. I can feel my mouth make the movements, I can hear the words in my head, and based on their reaction, and the feeling in my throat, I didn't yell it, so that's good. Blade pulls out a small chalkboard, and some supplies to go with it, he writes some, before showing it to you. 'How much can you hear? Scale 1/10'. Ten probably great and one not at all, easy, I put my index finger up, and nothing else. They exchanged some glances, before clearing the board, and writing something new.

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