Grand Prix! (Part One)

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It was a normal day in Cappy Town, which honestly should've been my biggest warning sign. Gangu had just gotten a new car, tuning it up, working on it, all that stuff, and it was a little fun. It was nice to hear someone talk about something they were passionate about, and it was fun to try and understand anything he was saying to me. Nothing against him or anything, I just do not understand cars, or at the very least, Cappy Town cars. I'll admit, it was irresponsible to let Tuff and Kirby drive the thing, but since when has anyone in this town made good decisions? Of course, the power immediately got to Tuff's head, and he chased King DeDeDe and Escargoon down with the thing, forcing them to jump off a bridge in order to not be run over. They went straight into a river, and it was really only a few feet high, so it didn't even injure them, (unfortunately).

As soon as they were back in the garage, Tiff was the first to yell and reprimand him. "Tuff! You almost ran me over! You should stick to a tricycle!"

"Yeah..." I join in, sitting awkwardly, cringing a bit and looking off to the side. "That wasn't responsible Tuff, someone could've gotten seriously hurt. You have to have a lot of practice and safe, empty lots to learn..." Kirby, of course, bounces happily, a few 'poyos' leaving him as he smiles giddily.

Then, Gangu laughs. "Well Kirby still had a wonderful time!" Tiff is quick to shoot a glare his way, and I'm about to get anrgy at him. Gangu, the adult, the one who should've known better then to let an inexperienced kid, who didn't even have a permit, drive his vehicle, but I'm cut off by the T.V. turning on.

"We interrupt this program to bring you an important Chanel DDD News Bulletin!" Waddle Doo is on the screen, and it's honestly a little silly to look at. He barely peaks over the desk, and seeing him speak with no mouth is... Well, it was funnier the first time I saw it. "King DeDeDe has announced the greatest sporting event in the history of Dreamland!" I really like the way he puts emphasis on his words, it makes him sound like a baseball announcer. "The first ever Cappy Town Grand Prix Motor Race!" He holds up a trophy to the camera, and Tiff is the first to react, followed shortly by her brother.

"Oh no!"

"Where do I sign up?" He enthusiastically leans forwards, practically pushing Tiff out of the way so he can hear more details. And, almost as if hearing Tuff, Waddle Doo responds.

"All citizens of Dreamland are eligible to compete in the Grand Prix." His voice trails off in my mind, and I can't help but groan.

"Of course, the one day a child has access to a motor vehicle DeDeDe decides to have a race of all things."

"Hey!" Tuff looks to me excitedly. "You have a car too, don't you? Are you going to compete as well!" He smiles, and seems genuinely enthusiastic about this whole thing.

I laugh a bit. "No way." I shift, and lean back. "My family watched NASCAR, I'm not getting myself into a Talladega situation. I'm no Dale Earnhardt." I shift my way out of the garage, before standing with a huff, and stretching. "Besides, someone's gonna need to act as an ambulance in case anything goes to wrong."

"Do you think someone's gonna crash?" Tiff questions worriedly, and I shrug.

"It's not unheard of for racing, and with DeDeDe on the track, it never hurts to be to careful." There's a bit more banter, and suddenly I'm following the cart as they drive down the road. Again, there's more banter, and Now DeDeDe has a new car, Tuff is joining, and surprisingly, so is the mayor.

Tiff, of course, objects again. "My brother can enter that race but no way I'll let Kirby get roped into this!" She seems angry, but it's easy to tell she's just genuinely concerned, and with that, she drags him off, even at Tuff's protests of needing a navigator, (like Kirby can read.)

The space clears out, and it's the adult's of Cappy Town, all stood around and getting ready to prepare the Mayor's car. I decide I have nothing better to do, and go with The Mayor, his wife Hana, and Gus to the Mayor's house, lifting the car so he can get under it and work on it, occasionally passing tools, and like Gangu, listening to him babble about things I don't understand, all while Hana tries to talk her husband down.

"You're being irresponsible! You have so many important things to do! Personal obligations! Y- You-" She huffs, struggling to find the words for what she wants to say. "Do you even know what the day after tomorrow is?" She questions frustrated.

"Well it's the Grand Prix of course!" He laughs hardily, and she looks dejected.

"Is that the only important thing that day means to you?" She presses, seeming a bit desperate.

"Isn't it?" He responds dismissively, and I can see the dejection on her face. I can't help but feel bad for her. I watch as she sputters a bit, before huffing sadly.

"It's enough for me!" She gets angry, and storms off into their house. "I hope you get a flat tire!"

"What's she so mad at ya for?" Gus asks, peaking out from under the car.

"I've known that woman for 40 years Gus, and I still don't know." He turns, and waves his hand dismissively to the car. "Back to work!"

Gus huffs, "Women," and I feel a sudden urge to drop the car on him. I don't though, and they continue to work on the car.

"Y'know... that seems like a... marital problem.. I know my mom acts like that whenever my dad forgets their-"

"ANNIVERSARY!" He jumps in quickly, cutting me off, and suddenly much more panicked then I've ever seen him. "Oh dear! I completely forgot!" He seems panicked, and worried, and it's nice to know he cares about her, but I can't help but huff a quick , "Men," under my breath, just loud enough for Gus to hear.


Of course, on the day of the Grand Prix, he's panicking, and doesn't know how to make it up to her. So I did it for him. Hana shows up to the race in a new suit, ready to be his navigator, with a picnic basket and a few flowers, she seems much happier then she was before. I may or may not have forged the Mayor's handwriting so I could give her a love letter 'from him', about the race being their honey moon drive, away from the stresses of the town. How he knew it was their anniversary, and thought this was the best way to 'get away from it all' without needing to worry to much about how the town is doing. It seems she believed it, as she's shown up, ready to be his navigator, and he smiles and blushes at her. It's honestly very cute.

Fololo and Falala are on the announcer mics, a massive, Jumbotron like television screen set up opposite of the stands, and Kawasaki is, of course, capitalizing on the moments by setting up a stand to sell boxed lunches out of.

I thankfully don't have to actually participate in the race, for the most part, I'm staying where I am, and watching the race from a good vantage point. The only reason I'll go out is if someone gets injured. On one hand, DeDeDe is out there, so obviously he is goi g to try and kill an infant, on the other hand, Meta Knoght is out there, and I doubt he'll let that happen. Realistically, someone's car flips, and because of the fact that this place is just making up its own rules, who ever it is will just be dizzy.

"And they're off!" My thoughts are cut off by Fololo's voice, and I watch all the cars speed away from my comfortable spot on the floor.


Sorry for updating so late, I'm graduating in a few days, and everything's just been hectic in general lmao
I changed the Mayor's and his wife's dynamic so that they would actually, you know, like each other, and be nice to each other. I hope this is up to parr with my other chapters, I think I'm forgetting my writing style lol
Anyways, I hope this chapter is alright, I want to update again soon, but I'm not sure I'll be able to,
Stay safe
- 🐕

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