Surprisingly, A Quiet Day

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So, ever since that kitchen war, things have been going more or less the same. Life happens, DeDeDe gets a new monster, Kirby beats it, return to status quo. So, with things falling into an odd monotony, I decided I'll go visit Whispy. You know, things are slow, why not talk to someone. This time, I get to go alone too, none of the kids, not Kirby, and as far as I can see, no Meta Knight. It's cloudy out, not stormy weather, but just a nice layer of gray clouds to act as a canopy, with the sun peaking through every now and then. It's weird right now, to not feel something off. Just the regular sounds the flora and fauna give, cracking of branches, light digging, small buzzing and so on. The forest is darker in this weather, a light breeze coming through and lightly letting the leaves fall off, everything is calm, and nice, and natural. And I just can't bring myself to relax in it.

"Y/N! How lovely to see you today! It's a little cloudy out, it may get darker sooner than usual." I nod to him, and he smiles at me, I sit, before laying back, my arms under my head, eyes closed, and just listening to everything.

"Do you mind if I just... lay here? Maybe sleep? Something about today has me tired, and kinda anxious, and I'm not sure I want to talk..." his normal boisterous voice has dropped in volume when he responds.

"Of course, I'm just glad to know you're okay right now." I nod, and let myself lay there.

And it feels wrong to relax, with the constant attacks being the normal, and the constant stress of a social life, it's weird to be out here, and to just, relax. But I do. I don't really fall asleep, but it's nice to just chill out here. I don't know how long I stay there, but it's nice, maybe a few hours.

"When I go back, something will go wrong, I can feel it." Whispy let's put a small laugh as I sit up.

"Well, I hope not, but, even if something does go wrong, you will be fine. You always are." I shrug, dusting myself off some.

"Yeah, I guess so, I do have a one hundred percent survival rate so far." He laughs again, and I huff out a small noise to. Can't wait to get there and see the disaster.

"No one's in town... but the castle seems, loud..." I look up towards the castle, and see what seems to be rollercoasters and other rides, I make my way up, already knowing something must've gone wrong. I was just a few minutes early on that assumption though, as when I get in through the gates, I watch a group of kids rocket up and into the castle... "Wait a minute, those are my friends!" I panic, before running into the castle in a frantic attempt to find them. I don't run into anyone along the winding paths and twisting halls, my shoes not exactly built for the smooth waxed floors of the castle, as I find myself slipping and sliding around corners, and constantly falling forward and just barely catching myself before continuing. I manage to find something that looks not as subtle as the rest of the place, and decide it's my best bet. I run down and hear screaming as I get closer.

"Run Kirby run!" I hear Tuff's voice, and turn a corner to see a massive DeDeDe statue falling onto Kirby. I rush in front of him, sliding onto my knees and catching it, holding it up.

"Y/N!" I hear all the kids yell, before the statue is slices into rubble.

"MK!" I excitedly say. Smiling as he lands between me and the kids.

"Thanks Meta Knight!" I hear Tiff as I scoop up Kirby.

"This place is a trap!" He says, and Tiff responds with the obvious.

"Yeah, we know!"

"Then why are you here?" He questions her.

"Gonna be honest chief, I don't think it was a choice." I jump into their defense, he simply nods.

"We will have to get you out of here, fast!" Meta Knight starts ushering them, before Sword and Blade jump down on either side of him.

"All the cameras are out!" I feel a rumbling as more statues appear, but the knights make quick work of them as we all flee the area.

"The king may have a monster! You must warn the Cappies before it is to late!" More statues appear, and the knights provide cover for us as we run.

It doesn't take us long to get out, I follow behind, still holding Kirby as we rush. I set him down once we get out, Tiff does all the talking, but as per usual, the Cappies are all either to stupid or to much of a sheep flock to care. Then DeDeDe shows up, and everything is awful again, just as it should be. He proposes a karaoke contest.

"Our second place prize is," Escargoon pulls a rope, which reveals a large sign, "nine million DeDeDe dollars!" All the Cappies excitedly cheer. "Grand prize?" Escargoon starts again, and the sign changes. "A lifetime supply of watermelons!" There it is, the Kirby bait, now we just gotta find the snare. Everyone rushes in, Kirby included, I get swept up in the frenzy. The destination room is filled with rave lights, and basic a basic club beat. The salesman is on screen promoting the prizes while DeDeDe and Escargoon dance like a pair of doofs. People clutter and fight over the microphone, jumping onto the pad that took me to N.M.E.'s place. It's strange, but terrifying to think about.

"Y/N! We have to stop Kirby from getting up their! What do we do?" I hear Tiff yelling at me as she and her brother hold Kirby back, I don't get time to answer though, because the crowd pushes me to the front, and with all the fighting, the mic flies straight into my hands, a place no one could reach up to, right?

"Hey! Take your chance! Sing! Sing! Sing!" The crowd chants at me, and I don't feel like I have a choice. So I sing the only song I know we'll enough to recite fully.

As I sing I hear other people join in, and I feel confusion, I didn't think any of the Cappies would know it, but then I realized it wasn't them, it was coming from behind me, I look back, and see the salesman being held back by hundreds, if you push it, maybe thousands of monsters on the other side singing along. They were probably there to jump Kirby, but now they were singing Wellerman. I let the microphone drop to my side as they go through the song, before it's out of my hand. I panic and look back.

"I do not know what form he is taking, perhaps it is Microphone Kirby?" I hear Meta Knight, and have a mini realization of just how many people had been watching me sing until I stopped to watch the screen. Kirby starts yelling into the microphone, before he disappears to behind the screen, and judging by the way everyone on it holds their head, I don't think he has the best voice.

"That's it!" The salesman yells out. "I'm sending Kirby back!" I don't think he was even there a minute. But I understand when he gets back. His voice isn't awful for a toddler, but the microphone amplifies it to an awful extent, the castle starts coming down as everyone covers their ears.

"Microphone Kirby maybe be his worst attack of all!" Meta Knight yells as we fall.

"Now you tell me!" Tiff yells at him. We starts landing, and rubble falls around us, Meta Knight cuts us a way out of it as I hold it off of tiff. Eventually everyone makes it out, and I feel about ready to die.

"Thanks, yeah, I think I'm gonna pass out now." I fall to the ground, and Tiff laughs a little, but yeah, this was a weird day. I need sleep.


I skipped an episode, and I'm sorry, and since the show is still a little episodic, I'll skip some of the monster of the week episodes too. Sorry for holding off on this so long! I got put into a mental health institution, but I'm better now! Though, it's probably going to be random updates now instead of weekly or monthly, though, I'll try not to keep you guys waiting to long! - 🐕

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