Meeting Some Cappies

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"Have you talked to anyone since they built your house?" Tiff stands in front of you, hands on, presumably, her hips, and eyes slanted, showing her frustration.

"Yeah!" You reply. "For Christmas and New Years." Those were parties, and she saw you there.

"Okay, but did you talk to anyone?" You raise your hand. "Not people you already hang out with." Your hand falls. "Y/N, you have to meet them!" Tiff grabs your hand, and starts pulling towards the town.

"Tiff, I don't think they want me in the town. I don't think I could fit in any of the buildings either." You point out, standing still as she continues to pull you.

"Well, you could at least walk into town and say hello!" Tuff piped up. You sigh, they won't give up.

"Fine, fine, don't know if they'll want me down there though." You look down the hill to the town. "I'm walking." You pull your hand from Tiff so you don't have to bend down. Tiff's head reaches just above your knee, the kids can keep up with you if they speed walk. They don't though, instead they play soccer, running ahead of you. Kirby is jumping about, Fololo and Falala float near Tiff talking to her. You try not to eavesdrop. You stand at the edge of the town.

"You can walk the roads, they won't be as crowded as the last few times." Hunny looks up to you. You nod in response. This is so weird. You tend to stay away from buildings. Going to the forest and visiting Whispy is uncomfortable, if you jump you might see over the trees. Being taller than a building though? And also, not one person you've met has had legs, that would be nice.

"Stop bullying Kirby!" Tiff yells. You look over and see Kirby on the ground, the ball next to him. They must've hit it into him, intentionally or not.

"We didn't do anything! Kirby just let it hit him! He didn't even try to move!" Honey yells back.

"Every time we play with Kirby we get yelled at. Let's play somewhere else." Tuff says, leading the other kids away, more towards the castle.

"Everyone treats you like a baby because you're the smallest." Tiff holds Kirby in front of her. "Maybe what you need is a little brother." She looks at him, then gasps. "Y/N! Stay here and socialize! I'm going to talk to my parents! Common Kirby!" She sets him down and runs to the castle. Great. Social anxiety is hitting like a truck. And social situations get you tired quickly. Maybe you can visit Kawasaki, he asked if you wanted to try his food that one time, why not. Problem, where is his restaurant. You slowly move to the town square, this will be your checkpoint, you can route from here. Four paths, which to follow. You look around, a small tavern to the right of you, based on video game logic, you should start there. Walking up to the building, you can get in if you crouch. You knock before opening the door, might as well give some warning.

"Hello?" A mans voice comes from inside, you get on your knees and open the door. "Oh! Y/N, right?" The man inside says, you lower your head and shuffle in.

"Yeah, could I get your name?" You ask, hoping this doesn't seem rude.

"I'm Samo, the towns bartender." He introduces. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you're old enough to get any drinks here." He sets down the drink He was shaking.

"No, not yet, just coming to check things out for later you know?" You sit crisscross on the floor, he lightly laughs at the joke. "Really though, I've been in this town twice, and only ever been to the town square. Think you can give me a map, or maybe directions to a place that may have one?" You start looking around the bar. Stools are lined up at the bar, but all the tables seem to have been pushed to the sides of the walls for an event.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we have any maps of the town. Is there anywhere you might want to visit while in town though?"

Alright, so this can be quick, you can tell Tiff you did your best but you couldn't find your way around.

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