New Grandma, Who Dis?

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I'm hanging out with the kids, they fighting with Escargoon. "Next time you ask us for a favor you'll be sorry!" Tuff yells at him.

"Me? Ask you for a favor? Never in a million years raisin brains!" He laughs at them, and I silently watch.

"Excuse me." Melmen stands behind Escargoon, startling him.

"Oh, Melmen." He turns to him. I watch the interaction.

"Not much today, just the usual love letter." I love this old man. I love him making fun of Escargoon like a first grader. He is the best.

Escargoon makes a panicked noise. "For a guy without a shna'aze, you sure are plenty nosey!" He snatches the letter from him and starts opening it. A blush is evident on his face. Tiff starts to whisper.

"Escargoon gets love letters?"

"I thought all that crook got was hate mail." I choke back a snort at Tuff's remarks.

"How would you guys like to do me a teensy weensy favor?" He's practically shaking, whatever this is it can't be good. A chorus of confused noises comes from us.

"You said you'd never ask us for our help!" Tuff yells at him.

"Oh please! I'm beggin' ya guys!" He turns to us, teary-eyed, this isn't good. "Jus' look how I'm groveling." He puts his head down and moves towards us. We all back up. "It's for a very special person!" He really is desperate.

"Who's so special to you?" Tiff tries to make sense of the sudden change in attitude.

"It's my... it's my... IT'S MY MOMMY!" He yells.

"You call your mom, mommy as an adult?" Or is this like a... like a Mommy~ situation?

"The day I left home I made a vow that's haunted me ever since. I swear mom, someday I'm gonna become a celebrated snail, and make you proud of me!" My heart suddenly breaks. I've got two options in my head, his mom is abusive and this is going to be an awful favor, or his mom is dying and this is a final request.

"But life kicked me in the shins, and I ended up a mere flunky to king DeDeDe! I just couldn't disappoint mom, so I stretched the truth a little." I think flunky to a king is a good position, he's really pushing himself, where is this going?

"Dear mom, I'm pleased to report that today the people of Dream Land unanimously made me their king!" We all gasp. Okay, this has to be some awful thing with his mom, why else would he push himself so hard?

"She was so excited, just listen to what she wrote me! 'I always knew my boy would grow up to big someday, but I certainly never dreamed I'd become-"


"-the mother of a king!" We're now in the castle, and Ebrum has read over the letter. "And I can't wait to come and see your castle! See you soon, love mother!'" Escargoon puts his head down, letting out a cry of anguish as he does so.

"I'm through!" He holds his head, maybe he's expecting to be hit?

"I suppose she'll be a tad disappointed to learn the truth."

"Wait 'till she finds out her little snail is a snake!" Damb Lady Like! Ya' didn't have to kill him!

"She's gonna be mad if she's anything like you!" Tiff is making it harder for me to go to 'dying mother's last request'.

"DeDeDe's gonna flip out when he finds ya took his job!" At least Tuff seems to be having a good time. Escargoon keeps crying.

"Please help me! Can't ya guys pretend I'm really the king without my mom or DeDeDe findin' out?"

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