Hold Up

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Y/N didn't know what that was, but she didn't want to find out, the Town was so close, she could see flocks of sheep, and homes, a big castle in the distance. That rules out Ohio. As she continues running she realizes that the town isn't far, it's just small, like, really small. Whatever, there has to be people here, maybe it's like an art museum, or, based off the fact Whispy exists, maybe I've been kidnapped by the Fey. It would explain a few things.

As she's making her way over, people come out of the houses, well, more like blobs. They have a shape that seems to be constructed by a toddler, just a blob, with no arms or legs, what is this? She skidded to a stop. They were all gathering out side the town to look at her, she could hear them gasping and talking, before someone yells, "A monster!" and everyone fleas, up to the castle, they're slow, I could easily catch up, but I don't go chase, they're scared, I'm scared, bad situation. So now I have a choice, I can explore their town, and look for resources, but that would be stealing, but going back into the woods didn't seem good, that green eyed thing must still be out there. Maybe that's what they thought I was! I doubt they would pay much attention to detail on it, maybe it was just crouching when I saw it! Geez, that was a close call. Y/N turns around and looks to the forest, only to see a small, blue ball bolting towards her, the eyes are yellow, it must be running from it to!

"Hey! Everyone ran! They're going to the castle! You should go there too! It'll be safer!" You yell out. But the ball doesn't  respond, it just keeps running. Not sure you can really call it running though, it has no legs, just feet, it's actually kinda adorable to watch it try and get to you. You crouch down and sit on your knees so when it gets to you, you can talk. When it finally reaches you it has a small sword out, this encounter is getting more sketchy by the second, but you keep going, worst comes to worst you can just run back to Whispy. When sitting like this you only have to put your neck down like you're reading a book or on your phone, it's not very big, but definitely not tiny. "Hey, are you okay? Did you see that thing in the woods? Green eyes, sitting in the trees?" You say, trying to see if it possibly got hurt. Or maybe if it's a common thing these people see.

Instead of answering, it swings its sword at you.

"Whoa!" You yell, diving from your seated position to dodge. "What the hell guy?" You say looking back, only for it to watch as it swings for your leg. "Geez! Watch were you're swinging that thing!" You yell getting up. "Okay, so you're not friendly, got it." You say to no one in particular.
"Why are you here!" The sphere yells. "How did you get here?" It questions, attempting to swing again, only to have you jump.

"Dude stop! I might step on you!" You yell, getting ready to run back to Whispy, before you grab and apple from your jacket/sweater pocket and decide to throw it at him, only for him to cut right through it. "Alright I'll leave!" You say, like you had made some sort of compromise with it. You take off back to the woods, follow the path, and make your way back to Whispy, hoping it isn't pursuing you.

Third Person P.O.V.
"Meta Knight what was that?" Tiff yells to him, Kirby and Tuff behind her.
"I'm not sure." Is all he can reply.
"Well if you don't know how's Kirby supposed to fight it?" Tuff yells angrily.
"Poyo!" Kirby yells, not really understand the situation. "We should get the town together to figure out what to do. We should go to Kabu!" Tiff says, always the most logical of the children. Meta Knight doesn't respond, only sheaves his sword, and begins walking to the castle. It talked, some monsters can, but it didn't fight back, at all. It should have fought him as soon as he ran towards it, and it said to 'watch out', because it didn't want to step on him. What was that thing?

Y/N P.O.V.
"Y/N! Back so soon?" Whispy asks, as you collapse, you still have one more apple, so you grab it and start to eat it. As you eat more of the apple you feel more of your strength coming back. That's odd, but then again, this whole worlds odd. "Are you alright Y/N?" Whispy asks gently. "Yeah, sorry." You pant, "Just been doing a lot of running." You say, taking another bite from the apple. "What happened?" He asked, worried for why you came back so soon. "They tried to fight me, man they're small, I don't want to hurt them but they're aggressive, at least, the blue one is." You say, before finishing the apple, leaving the core behind. "Meta Knight?" Whispy asks. "That's his name?" You say, making a mental note to avoid him. "Is it okay if I stay here a few more days Whispy?" You ask, not many places you can go, and so far he's the only one who hasn't run or tried to kill you. "Of course Y/N! After fighting Meta Knight you must be tired, and I enjoy the company." He says, smiling fondly at you. It wasn't really a fight as much as it was you getting attacked, but you get what he means. "Thanks." You smile weakly at him, before curling up and falling asleep. It's been a rough first day, but you know a little more about where you are, and how it's definitely not Earth.

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